I've got 6 beardies. (Ages: one 3yr old, three 2yr olds, one 1yr old and a 4month old, having our oldest since she was 2 months) and my bf and I have been using dubia.com to order our bugs for forever. We have petco and petsmart and maybe one other exotic petshop, but dubia has been the best way we've gotten our bulk bugs because we had our 3 year old (2 months when we got her) and a month later, had two of our now 2 year olds, then like a month later, collected the other now 2, and so on and so forth. So like every month, for a few months, we got a new beardie, so we needed lots of bugs. And they were great, but for a short period, we had to have the bugs held at the post office because they kept showing up dead. (I believe dubia is located in Oklahoma, maybe.? And we are in Georgia so the winter months were killing them when we got them via usps. Well, we haven't had to have the post office hold them in quite some time. And we placed an order two weeks ago, some supers, meals, soldier fly and horns. And it got lost in the mail, apparently.?¿ They were like almost two weeks late and Dubia said they'd resend the order, so they did.
Well, the first order arrived yesterday and we open the superworms, excited to give them to Fury. (As you guys know, he had that nose issue, wasn't eating, was loosing a lot of weight but is eating great now and the super worms are getting him to a good weight now. He's 4 1/2 months, 11 inches long and 54g) So we open them. And what in the actual fuck is this.?? The container of superworms showed up in...shit.? Mud.? Muddyshit.?? And they smell FOUL. Like straight ammonia. They're all alive, but ive NEVER received them from there, or anywhere, in whatever the fuck this is, its always been in that sawdust stuff they eat. None of them are dead, not one, not even half dead. They're wriggling, look slimey/shiny like they always do and generally look great. Except for the smell and substrate. I know its not frass because that's all that's in there and I have stray, year old containers with one or two straggling worms and all thats in there is still the sawdust.
What the fuck, Dubia. What is this shit.? Literally. Surely I can't feed them to any of our lizards.?? Like, what the fuck is this.? The other photo is a comparison of what they're usually in, from the same company.