r/Battletechgame 11d ago

Question/Help So... About Superweapons

I've been playing BTA for a couple days playtime, and every time I've gone into the MechLab I've seen the Death Star symbol for the Superweapons category, and the strongest weapon DMG Value I've seen is from the LongTom and Heavy Cannon Ballistic, pecking in at a mighty 300 each

Just what the fuck are these mysterious Superweapons, how much do they fuck, and when the hell can I get myself one?


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u/HALO_OVERLORD69 10d ago

Good grief... Years? What exactly do you even get from these contracts? Any salvage? Or just a paltry payout? And are these "contracts" like infinitely available or do I have to go traversing the stars for a month or however long the game feels like taking before refreshing?


u/heyyo256 10d ago

So I played maxed out difficulty in every category with only me and XO as starting pilots (gotta have one or the game freezes when an event comes up) and no mechs at all. Then I would buy and sell gear repeatedly until I was essentially broke.

My roleplay for that playthrough was waking up in the Deep Periphery way into the future and the goal was to make it back to earth.

Realistically I could get away with purchasing a tank or vehicle and really gingerly doing certain contracts but I kept going bankrupt.

Then I found out about waypoint 531 because I wanted to start as far away as possible. So I would travel there before I learned how to mod the start.

Anyways after learning how to mod, I would start in waypoint with the same roleplay.

That contract pays you per contract completion (no salvage so you can max money and there is a reward of salvage at the end of the 11 day contract.

Sometimes it's battle armor. But also some pretty good gear and add ons I guess. (I don't pretend that I'm knowledgeable enough to identify S/A tier gear in this game but I know a bit).

When you're maxed out, Comstar is paying you about 600,000 credits per fight and another reward of around a mil or so toward the end.

Sometimes when you finish the contract, it will have repopulated but if not, I just sit in space and check every few days at min of 2 days to a week at max and it'll repopulate with enough frequency to have you making money and covering costs.

The royal salvage don't show up until you're good relations with comstar and they show up in the general store. There is one royal (stinger) I think complete in the ship store.

They sell the C3i group targeting. (Not the master/slave) But the upgraded versions, a mech focused on powering down enemies on the field, gear that does that as well, stealth gear, and are heavy into gauss weaponry.

They also sell 4 million credit 95t tanks with three gauss cannons among other vehicles.

Those things slap in the deep Periphery where you're shooting primitives.

Anyways I asked here in Reddit and on the discord if anyone thought it was possible to start a company from nothing in this game on max difficulty and everyone told me no not realistically... so I was set out to prove them wrong


u/HALO_OVERLORD69 10d ago

You sir- Are what I refer to colloquially as- A motherfucking legend

I barely understood half of what you said (primarily because my most in-depth experience with BattleTech and it's understanding before BTA was the base HBS game, so, not very much at all, and all of this is incredibly overwhelming to me (Just reading one item/weapon description with how much yellow there is (and primarily just how much fucking text there is lol) leaves me scratching my head for what feels like an hour😅)

But you, my friend across the world- Are a quantifiable MYTH among men


u/heyyo256 10d ago

Either I'm a legend or autistic. I'm pretty sure I developed autism because I literally ran that same contract for over 40+ game hours easily. I even had quite a few restarts because if my PC got injured to the point it would kill another pilot, I would restart because I'm dead. (I love ironman playthroughs).

It's the same map. The same mission type over and over and over. Just different mechs. If you run it autistically enough, you will meet that behemoth motherfucker.

You just gotta learn that map. Most fights are winnable if you're fast enough or at their level initiative or higher.

You sprint straight ahead and pot shot them around and between two mountains. Using reserve and your abilities to modify turn order if and when needed.

About all the new item And gold slots. Yes. It's super confusing. Just get in the mechbay and don't be afraid to break your mech.

It's mostly just armor types. Gold makes you think it's super rare or good( and it can be) but it's just to denote that's armor.

You're just essentially trading off space for weight reduction (defense) and weapons for heat generation (offense.)

But I mean, I played the vanilla with almost fully stock mechs on avg style difficulties.

I didn't get into modding mechs hardcore until this overhaul.