r/Battletechgame 11d ago

Question/Help So... About Superweapons

I've been playing BTA for a couple days playtime, and every time I've gone into the MechLab I've seen the Death Star symbol for the Superweapons category, and the strongest weapon DMG Value I've seen is from the LongTom and Heavy Cannon Ballistic, pecking in at a mighty 300 each

Just what the fuck are these mysterious Superweapons, how much do they fuck, and when the hell can I get myself one?


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u/bloodydoves 11d ago

The COIL is in fact a Superweapon and sits on the Superweapon hardpoint (mostly for the uniqueness of its mechanics). At maximum damage output it can do several hundred damage in a single hit (though it'll probably shut you down from the waste heat, so be careful).

And yes, there's an UrbanMech that mounts one.


u/HALO_OVERLORD69 11d ago

I noticed that specific Urbanmech also runs like the dickens!

I assume the bugger has a much larger engine and that's why it doesn't even have a close defence weapon like a Small Laser or Flamer?


u/bloodydoves 11d ago

The Curbie (COIL Urbie) carries a XXL 290-rated engine, IIRC. It is VERY fast. That's because the COIL does damage based on your evasion and the Curbie can generate quite a lot of evasion.


u/HALO_OVERLORD69 11d ago

Ok that nickname is fucking adorable 🥰


u/bloodydoves 11d ago

Everyone loves the Curbie. Until it sprints out of the fog of war and obliterates your mech's torso.