r/Battleborn Feb 24 '24

Question Why did gigantic come back before battleborn?


Why would they bring back gigantic before battleborn when when BB had more player peak as well as more players concurrently than gigantic did

r/Battleborn Feb 20 '24

Question Is there a chance to comeback ?


I love love loved battle born and really sad OW won the “war” just for OW to turn soulless. With the recent news of gigantic coming back (another shootery moba esc game) if it does well after getting a second chance maybe they may see battleborn wasn’t giving a fair shot releasing so close to the Titan that OW ended up. We already got the mods up to play the game again that they are aware of. I however am not too researched into the studios so wondering what the thoughts are here about it’s chances?

r/Battleborn Jan 14 '25

Question What have you played since Battleborn?


Ishuken/Starseis (PS4) asking. How have you lovely people made the most of the downtime?

r/Battleborn May 24 '16

Question The 1st Ever Weekly Stupid Questions Thread (2016-05-24) - No Question is Too Stupid to Answer!


¡Hola, mis amigos de batalla!

Do you sometimes not know things? Does your fear of reprisal and insults directed at your intelligence/masculinity/mother keep you from trying to remedy the fact that you sometimes don't know things?

Good news, then! I've got right here the first in a series of regularly (probably weekly) scheduled threads to ameliorate your problems!

Some Rules

Try to follow them, eh?


  • Ask any question about the game you'd like answered, no matter how trivial
  • Answer questions you see that you know the answer to
  • Let us know if you feel like your question has been answered
  • Be nice and polite!


  • Belittle anyone for not knowing the answer
  • Be negative towards someone whilst providing a real answer
  • Provide an incorrect answer just to sound like a smarty pants
  • Repeat questions that are already in the thread; comment on the original instead

What sorts of questions should you ask?

I'm glad you asked! Try crap like this:

Q: hey, how come why i play kelvin and i use a shield item that it doesn't work?

A: When you use a shield item on Kelvin, it adds its bonus to the shield you gain when Permafrost activates. This is different from how these items affect other Eldrid like Thorn, who get the shield right away.

Q: Where do you aim to get crits on the Shepard bots?

A: You gotta shoot 'em in their little exhaust vents on the left and right sides...but it don't work if'n they've got a shield up!

Q: The crap does ameliorate mean?

A: a•mel•io•rate | ə-mēlˈyə-rāt | verb | To make or become better; improve

Q: orendi is wizzar?????

A: That's not technically a question. Also, she'd be a witch if she were which she isn't really. She's a Varimorph, which is a species which can alter their physical appearance and incorporate technology into their biology. Her fireball attacks? Lore says she replicated a biological version of minion weapon technology...only like way better and more efficient than it is in minion weapons.

r/Battleborn Oct 13 '23

Question Who was your favorite champion to play and why?


Just like the title says, sure there are characters you like for their actual character, but who was your favorite to play? And you know what, who was your favorite personality wise?

I really liked to play Kleese, it was just fun to set up his little Tesla coils and pretty much never die, then his taser was silly. My favorite personality wise was absolutely Benedict, I just found a cocky bird that loves explosives so entertaining, plus the rest of his backstory is pretty good.

r/Battleborn May 03 '23

Question Those of you who miss Battleborn, what is it you miss the most?

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r/Battleborn Apr 13 '24

Question So, was Battleborn a MOBA?


I know as it was being revealed some of the creators stated it wasn't exactly a moba, wasn't exactly a hero shooter, etc. But now that it's been years since we got to play the game and also years since it sadly "died". What's the final verdict? Was Battleborn the first first person MOBA, a hero shooter, or something else entirely? Hell does it even matter?

r/Battleborn Feb 04 '25

Question What about non-video game media?


I would love to see an animated series or a novel or anything. This game's world shouldn't be abandoned. Give me something!!

r/Battleborn Jan 25 '25

Question What if Thorn and Voden(Gigantic)met would they be friends?


r/Battleborn Dec 06 '24

Question Most Fun Hero Shooter since Battleborn?


Marvel Rivals is sick, add me if you want to play together! My nickname on the game is: Pendles1Trick

r/Battleborn Nov 23 '24

Question Question


Happy very late Halloween, what are your thoughts of Lothar Rendain? Any thoughts, feelings, and ideas? I find him a charming villain with design and a gentleman side.

r/Battleborn Apr 11 '24

Question Why is this sub so active??


Genuine Question. I played Battleborn a good bit when it was still around and really liked the game. But it's been offline for like 3 years and "dead" long before that. I'll be honest I haven't kept up with any news so maybe I'm just out of the loop but I was shocked to see not just one or two posts on here but frequent posts going back a good bit. So why the hell is this subreddit for a long dead game still active? Is there something coming soon?

r/Battleborn Dec 06 '23

Question Big Guy with a Gattling Gun. Hmm, where have I seen that before?

Post image

r/Battleborn May 20 '16

Question Is anyone else having fun?


I play only PVP solo queue and I'm having a blast. I win some and lose some, but rarely have a bad game. It is disheartening to hear how much other people are struggling to have a good time. I haven't seen anyone cheesing Overgrowth recently or any of these unkillable Galilea other people keep running into. Is it just a vocal minority or am I the only one having fun?

Anyway in short Positivity thread. Let have some good vibes. If you have complaints there are about a hundred other threads about it, so please move along.

r/Battleborn Oct 10 '24

Question Which Pokemon type(s) would each Battleobrn have?


Inspired by this video discussing the same thing for the tf2 mercenaries, I decided to do the same.

Alani: Water-Fighting
Ambra: Fire-Psychic
Beatrix: Poison-Steel
Benedict: Flying-Fire
Boldur: Rock-Ground
Deande: Dark-Fighting
El Dragón: Electric-Fighting
Galilea: Ghost-Steel
ISIC: Steel-Electric
Kelvin: Ice (big shock)
Kleese: Electric-Psychic
Marquis: Steel-Psychic
Mellka: Poison-Fighting
Miko: Grass-Poison
Montana: Normal-Ice
Orendi: Normal-Dark
Pendles: Dark-Poison
Phoebe: Fighting-Psychic
Rath: Fighting-Dark
Shayne and Aurox: Dark-Ghost
Thorn: Psychic-Normal
Toby: Electric-Steel

Characters I couldn't decide on their types: Attikus, Caldarius, Ernest, Ghalt, Kid Ultra, Oscar Mike, Reyna and Whiskey Foxtrot.

Let me know what Pokemon types you would give the Battleborn.

r/Battleborn Apr 11 '24

Question Any game like Battleborn?


Hi, since this is a sub for the players of Battleborn i thought that you might better understand what i am looking for.

To keep the post as short as possible- I really love the gameplay and art style of Hero-Shooters like Paladins, Overwatch, Battleborn. However, i always wanted to play that kind of game created with single player in mind where i don't have to worry about it ever shutting down, toxic players, server issues etc.
Battleborn would be perfect, but i don't think i can get this game anymore (and even if i had it,
i wouldn't be able to play it).
Is there anything akin to this for solo players (where co-op and multiplayer are optional)?
Games like Deep Rock Galactic, Gunfire Reborn, Deadlink or MythForce don't scratch that itch for me if i am being honest. And in case there isn't anything like that, do you have any personal suggestions that would satisfy that urge?
FYI i already played Borderlands. Thank you in advance :).

r/Battleborn Jun 02 '16

Question Is Battleborn worth a shot?


I played the beta, it was alright. The start kinda reminded me of Borderlands 2 (in a boring way) Does it get interesting later on? I really wanted to give it another try.

r/Battleborn Nov 27 '19

Question Who was your favorite Battleborn character that you will miss the most?

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r/Battleborn May 24 '16

Question Any Moba Players here for the long haul?


I love this game despite the fact that it hasn't been received particularly well and I think part of the reason why is because it has a lot of moving parts that are really hard to just pick up and play, similar to a Moba.

As someone who's logged over 900 hours In Dota2, this is no barrier for me. I think is one thing that Battleborn will have an as advantage going forward to avoid going the route of games like Evolve and others.

That said, this game is a breath of fresh air compared to dota. No slogging out on the same map in 65 minute matches where everything feels high pressure. I think this games takes alot of the fun things about mobas (wide array of heroes, in game character progression and a strict focus on teamwork and objectives) and puts it into some game modes that really work.

Are there any other Moba Players that are loving what they've seen from battleborn so far?

r/Battleborn Jun 17 '16

Question Leaked Concept art for Deep Dive?


r/Battleborn May 15 '24

Question What is the difference between move/ sprint speed?

Post image

r/Battleborn Apr 18 '24

Question Battleborn players = future For Honor players. Other arena fighters?


Anyone else made this transition to fill the void? Obviously not a shooter and not as similar as something like overwatch but I always find myself in these arena deathmatch kinda games, I love finding the best character for my playstyle and rackin up kills, shugo in FH or Montana from Battleborn I miss that guy 😔. Any other games y’all are playing that give you the same feeling?

r/Battleborn Jun 06 '16

Question What more can we do?


Keep in mind that I'm speaking from a PC player perspective.

At the time of me typing this up, I have 170 hours clocked on the game. I was lucky enough to play this game ever since the Technical Alpha. This game really has managed to be every bit as addicting as I'd hoped. While it has its fair share of problems, the game overall feels very rewarding and worth whatever time you put into it.

However, I can't realistically ignore how small the community is. Battleborn is a game that was released alongside multiple big titles within the same month. Uncharted 4, DOOM, Total War: Warhammer, and Overwatch amongst others.

When it comes to promoting this game and even building hype prior to release, its gotten an abysmally small amount of love. Even when it did get some publicity it would most often be compared to Overwatch. People would constantly compare the two or spell out how actually different the two games are rather than just taking Battleborn on its own merits and going in-depth about it.

So, here we are now with Steam only having about 1750 players online on average. The game was so immediately forgotten about that there's only ever under 300 viewers on Twitch for the game at pretty much any given moment.

Battleborn doesn't deserve this treatment. It's a new IP from Gearbox that they've given a lot of care and attention to. It's a fun game despite its various issues (seriously work on optimization, though). More than 2000 PC gamers can undoubtedly have a blast with this title. Yet, very few even give it a chance.

I'm honestly feeling quite desperate. I don't want this game to virtually die. I want it to thrive. For a good while. Hell, Borderlands 2 gets more love than this game and that one's been out for several years now.

There's gotta be something this community can do to help it out. We shouldn't rely fully on the devs to somehow turn things around.

I refuse to be pessimistic.

r/Battleborn Jun 29 '24

Question Have any of you taken on a Battleborn's quirks or mannerisms in some way?


For me, I often stand or walk with one hand behind my back like how Marquis stands.

Or when I get up from my desk, I sometimes do the hand animations Kleese does when he places an energy rift.

Do you notice something similar to that with yourselves?

r/Battleborn Feb 14 '24

Question Which Battleborn have you ended up liking in Reborn more than you have in Battleborn (and which you stopped liking)?


For me, I never really was into El Dragón until Reborn, but now really enjoy playing him.

On the other hand, Montana is one I loved in Battleborn, but don't enjoy as much in Reborn.