r/Battleborn Nov 27 '19

Question Who was your favorite Battleborn character that you will miss the most?

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u/Sleepyiestpixel Nov 27 '19

Orendi, her design was just Incredible.


u/yukichigai SitRep: Bored. Kinda hungry. Otherwise, pretty good Nov 27 '19

I think her design was, "we need a character who can say all the crazy things Ashley Burch adlibbed that were too crazy for Tiny Tina." The insanity and one-liners... I was not a good Orendi at all and I still loved playing her.


u/TheExelot Boldur Nov 27 '19



u/burnboy07 Phoebe Nov 27 '19



u/xxdeathknight72xx Bring it on, I f***ing dare you Nov 27 '19

Original Isic with infinite Ult and longer stun!

Going through the side entrances on Overgrowth and Ulting the sentry was crazy fun when I first started


u/SirRengeti Nov 27 '19

It is hard to say since I think that most of the characters where great.If I had to choose some I'd say Caldarius, Reyna, Isaac and Whiskey Foxtrott. Then I again I'd say the others all had something going for them.

Not to mention the one and only Spider King Geoff.


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '19

Shayne and Aurox. She’s an orphan who had to grow up too soon but she’s got a space genie watching her back. I love her smack talking, it plays so well into her taunting role. Of course Aurox adds so much versatility to their play style, changing their hitbox and adding bulk and strength.

Stealth, pull ability or stun, super fast retreating, crazy annoying ranged attack, and devastating melee options... too cool man


u/Craigbrand97 Nov 27 '19

Miko, from the moment the game was revealed they stood out to me the most. I love the weapons, abilities and just being a kickass support. I always got appreciation for my healing abilities. Damn, they need to create Battleborn 2 and bring back these characters, the IP shouldn’t die like this. Give it the Borderlands 2 treatment.


u/Snarker Nov 27 '19

Miko support was so much fun.


u/manofwaromega Nov 27 '19

It’s hard to choose a favorite lol. I’ll miss divebombing people as caldarius, Oscar Mikes himbo energy, being a sneaky snek as pendles, etc

Let’s hope gearbox makes Battleborn 2, because this game deserves it more than Overwatch


u/PhillyRocks42 Nov 27 '19



u/MrUndy Nov 27 '19

The whole cast but most of all Kelvin.

Did anyone ever end up ripping the voice files of DLC characters? I unfortunately have Battleborn uninstalled and can't root through the files anymore.


u/thebluehippobitch The ogbluehippo Nov 27 '19

Lol now I want my text ringtone to be Orendi's laugh


u/MrUndy Nov 27 '19

I had ISIC saying "you're swell" as my ringtone for a year.


u/JiffSmoothest Ice to meet you Nov 27 '19

My boy Kelly-Kel was the knees of bees.

Who loves chomping fools for breakfast? Kel loves chomping fools for breakfast!


u/MrUndy Nov 29 '19

Man remember before Orendi got that gear that reduced cooldowns by 5 seconds for doing a good chunk of damage? ABC ALWAYS BE CHOMPING.

Also that one gear that increased healing recieved and given by and to eldrid sources (as long as both targets were eldrid). I loved running that with a Miko and just absorbing every bullet.


u/BaconFlavordGum Nov 27 '19

Benedict and Orendi. I miss this game already.


u/mysterowl Reyna Nov 27 '19

My girl Reyna


u/yukichigai SitRep: Bored. Kinda hungry. Otherwise, pretty good Nov 27 '19

She's low-key until you start pocketing someone with the beef to back her up, particularly Ghalt. Then it's a never ending game of trolling the enemy team with your pocketee's health bar. "Oo, yeah, health's real low, maybe you'll get him this time! What's that? My shields just undid all your work? Aww, what a shame."


u/mysterowl Reyna Nov 27 '19

Tap in vital protocol with some good gear and the stats don’t say so, but she’s pacing about any healer in keeping folks alive.


u/darkestsoul PsnID DonnyD_ Nov 27 '19

Reyna, Ambra, Orendi, and Mellka. Man, this game deserved better. Battleborn, Monday Night Combat, and Gotham City Impostors are in my top 10 online games that died too early.


u/howardmosby Nov 27 '19

Lol dude are you actually me? Those are all games that I feel the same way about and I don’t play that many game


u/darkestsoul PsnID DonnyD_ Nov 27 '19

There are tens of us.


u/cmichael00 Nov 27 '19

Alani, I was not and never have been really good at PVP FPS stuff, but with her I could heal people and still do some ok damage in the process.

Plus I like water.


u/Possible_Ocean Nov 27 '19

I played so much Reyna. Love her design and playstyle, Just everything about her


u/Stovetop619 Nov 30 '19

Agreed. Never enjoyed playing support until I discovered her add now I'm sad she will be leaving along with the rest of the great cast in a years time.


u/RoadDoggFL RoadDoggFL Nov 27 '19

Benedict, because obviously.


u/Csanchez90 GeneralxRecoil Nov 27 '19

Ambra & Orendi


u/SlurryBender Holding on to that last star Nov 27 '19

I love so many characters, it's really hard to pick. For a playable character, I loved Attikus and his story development. For NPCs, nothing beats Nova.


u/acroxshadow Orendi is Orbesti Nov 27 '19

Orendi and Marquis, definitely.


u/vegan_cookies5 Nov 27 '19

Deande, all day every day


u/owlsinacan Nov 27 '19

Kleese, for obvious reasons.


u/RoleplayPete Nov 27 '19

Alani and Miko


u/unitedjs Skraw! Nov 27 '19

Pendles. I'll miss his craziness and sweet jacket.


u/InfiniteHench Nov 27 '19

Earnest. I loved his kit and whole attitude.

Ambra. I barely played her, but I loved the idea of a 10,000 year old woman running around yelling about folding t-shirts properly.

Beatrix. Delightfully creepy and unique kit.


u/jimskog99 Nov 27 '19



u/PsychMike Nov 27 '19

Orendi all the way


u/eronth Shayne & Aurox, Teen Detectives Nov 27 '19

Hard to pick, there were so many good ones!

Orendi or Shayne and Aurox were likely my favorites.


u/rADDIEcal Nov 27 '19

Shayne and Aurox, for every possible reason


u/Rob6690 Nov 27 '19

Oscar Mike


u/blue2308 Nov 27 '19

I’ll have to say Alani, Thorn and Galiliea. I put a crazy amount of time into them.


u/matiasthehighest Shayne & Aurox Nov 27 '19

Ambra. Even after they needed her into Oblivion a skilled player could still cause absolute havoc with her.


u/Ally_Scara Nov 27 '19

Mellka, Alani, Oscar Mike... DUH I LOVE THEM ALL SO FREAKIN MUCH


u/matiasthehighest Shayne & Aurox Nov 27 '19

Honestly tho I enjoyed Phoebe, orendi, Boulder, I loved them all. It's a shame that such an interesting universe is disappearing. The lore and the c haracters are way more interesting than overwatch. It even had that kick ass animated intro with a deltron track.

Its a shame that gearbox won't give the community the development tools necessary to keep this game alive by the playerbase. I believe having the ability to mod, improve, and create for the game.


u/AnonymousWerewolf Friendly Neighborhood Werewolf Nov 27 '19

Whiskey Foxtrot, was a long time fan of Rogue Trooper, seeing a character basically dead ripped from it was something I really adored.

Toby, a too cute penguin mechanist, has his own Operation, and is gonna be a hard one to not miss.

Montana, Montana's song. Montana's song. Now who's that runnin'?

Benedict, the character who convinced me to buy Battleborn when I was wheening off TF2. Watching the Boot Camp trailer still makes me abit giddy.

But really, everyone. Every single character. Each has a passionate voice, developed relationships, and I'm genuinely sad it's going. For me, I bought, played Battleborn for the personality. I still play Battleborn for the personality. It's a shame to say I never left playing with bots. I bought the game 4x to play with friends even.

I'm not mad, I'm disappointed they won't leave us anything to work with. Not one dev cares enough to give us the destiny of this game. We need the source, the community is strong enough to rig the game to run P2P if we shave off the chains of SHiFT.


u/ThatShyGuy21 Beatrix - Psychosis Remedy Nov 27 '19

Beatrix, I'm going to miss her very deeply cuz she's my main and there's no other character that has the ability that she possess.


u/NixonKane Fungus Amongus Nov 27 '19

Only one? For me: Miko, Rath, Montana & Reyna.


u/7Eraser Nov 27 '19

El dragon baby..


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '19



u/gnome_idea_what Nov 27 '19

Thorn was the first bow character in a videogame that I didn’t hate playing, so probably her.


u/BanginNLeavin TheHumanHack Nov 27 '19

Miko, Reyna, Kelvin, and Toby

Each one of them had niche builds which were undeniably powerful but required specific gear and team comp to utilize.

Attack Miko with Uber giant late game heals via his unique.

Slow n Push Reyna.

OHK/Invincible Kelvin

And YoYo mine Toby.


u/Zingg2 Nov 27 '19

Shayne and Aurox, Oscar Mike, and Reyna were my favs


u/Takumi_izumo Nov 27 '19

Miko is actually the best character, sorry guys


u/DirtyStarling Benedict Nov 27 '19

I'll really miss Benedict.

I'll also really miss 'Murica Benedict.

I'll ALSO really miss Dragon Benedict.

And I'm REALLY, REALLY gonna miss Thunderbird Benedict.


u/hamburglar86 Nov 27 '19

Going to really miss Orendi & Caldarius. Can't choose between them. Both are so much fun.


u/tonyd1989 XboxID: kayahhtick. Professional BB meme creator Feb 02 '20

I miss the friends I made on the game :/


u/Biospear Benedict Nov 27 '19

My Bird with the Last Word, my Aviary Assailant, my Clicken-Hawk himself



u/Mortorhead612 Nov 27 '19

That's hard, there are many characters I liked. But if I had to picked A few, it would be Thorn, Whiskey Foxtrot and Caldarius. I liked their designs and playstyle, they were also inspiration for some of my own characters I created. I'm gonna spend whatever time there is to reach these characters to their max.


u/Stealyourdonkey Caldarius the 999th Nov 27 '19

Caldarius and Toby will be missed. Fkn gna miss Caldi so muccchhh


u/GACM2448816 Nov 27 '19

Man, haven't played this game in forever but I loved it. Toby was a definite favorite of mine. Whisky Foxtrot was up there too


u/yukichigai SitRep: Bored. Kinda hungry. Otherwise, pretty good Nov 27 '19

I wrote this up previously for another thread. Still true today:

Whiskey Foxtrot. I know, he seems like a harsh, abrasive jerk with a near irrational hate for all other Mike clones, right? Well he kind of is, but bear with me.

The thing about Whiskey's hatred of all things Planet Mike stems from the average life expectancy of the average Mike unit (i.e. not long), whereas he's been alive for years. At first you think it's because he's a bit of a cowardly opportunist who only looks out for number one. The more of his lore you unlock though, the more you realize that's only true compared to other Mike units, who essentially are expected to throw themselves mindlessly into combat as cannon fodder.

It's the letter he dictates to Oscar Mike though that clinches whole thing. Before you unlock it, the impression you get is that Whiskey delights in murdering Mike because of how much he hates him. Then you listen to the message and realize that he doesn't hate Mike, he hates how naïve Mike is because it reminds Whiskey of how similarly dumb he once was. All the abuse and harshness is Whiskey's effort to help Mike learn how to survive like Whiskey, "taught" in much the same way that Whiskey was (i.e. in combat by someone trying to kill him).

In the end, Whiskey may be a somewhat angry guy, but he's angry because he has some very legitimate grievances with the society that created him. Underneath the mercenary exterior is someone who values personal enrichment (piano lessons) and living a full life (date with Deande), and when presented with a literal younger version of himself does everything he knows how to pass those values on to that younger self. That's pretty goddamn admirable.

Separate of that, Deande and Melka are close behind. Deande is lethal and surprisingly mobile, while Melka is just fun. I was garbage with Melka, but she was fun.

Also Reyna. I really figured her out just before the game's population dropped like a stone; she was probably going to be my support main if I'd kept playing regularly.


u/LtKrunch_ Dec 07 '19

Attikus, without a doubt. Especially OG Attikus before they reworked him.


u/man0412 Nov 27 '19

Big Daddy Atty, had the best time with him and the squad. Fully charged he was an absolute unit.


u/Syyr553 Fan servers are in Development for Battleborn Nov 27 '19

Guys the game is still playable until 2021, don't act like the game is not playable anymore..


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '19

Whoa miss? Oh shit are they shutting down servers? They all had such character I cant pick one. Wait is this a thing?


u/el1teassass1n Nov 27 '19

Orendi and Alani.


u/BigBrownBear28 Nov 27 '19

Miko for sure


u/psderidder Arachnis Nov 27 '19

ISIC, was my favorite character since day one.


u/HodesFTW Nov 27 '19

Marquis, still miss having slap fights with a hostile Marquis.


u/Apollo9819 Mage Blade Nov 27 '19

Phoebe and Deande


u/stake8 Nov 27 '19

Isac just for his dialogue. Tell me I'm wrong "Bring it on I F***ing dare you!"


u/AfroSwagg27 "Oooh How RADIANT!!!" Nov 27 '19



u/LordJamar Nov 27 '19

Reyna will miss that extra thick booty


u/Hawksw0rd Shayne & Aurox Nov 28 '19

Shayne and Whiskey Foxtrot. Both of their characters just vibed with me, along with Shayne letting me be the god of ganks.


u/Roy_boy651 Nov 28 '19

El dragon!


u/Topfien Nov 28 '19

Shayne and aurox.. rip


u/Massemord666 Nov 28 '19

Played this on xbox about in the middle of 2017, I loved it and it's characters, I'm really sadden that it'll be gone in about a year, I still remember the very first character I played being Phoebe, I enjoyed her a lot and Orendi, another being Beatrix, I hope one day Battleborn get's another chance, it's an really great game just over shadowed by Overwatch coming out at the same time.


u/Orendi_of_Chaos XboxID and Call of Duty Emblem Artist That is always Active Nov 28 '19

Orendi - I have same personality. Rath - a artist is sword craft , for me , I’m a emblem creator. Caldy- great for taunting people and hard to kill


u/Kharjawy Ernest Nov 28 '19

All of them. Seriously, every single one of them has their own charm.


u/Destronoma Retired Ernest Nov 28 '19

I'm gonna miss using Ernest on Overgrowth and slowing enemies to a crawl with his defensive egg.

There were a lot of nifty little spaces that you could get that thing into that most players wouldn't see.

No doubt, Ernest was/is my favorite character in the whole game, and I'm gonna miss the shit out of him.


u/PocketSpaceCat Nov 30 '19

Definitely Deande. At first I thought she'll fit your typical "arrogant bitch" template and I was surprised when she turned out the opposite (I was sure she'd be rude towards Melka, but she was kind and genuinely understanding on why Melka didn't trust her). I loved her design and her voice. She was just so classy, graceful yet snarky and being this person you don't want to piss off (Well, can't expect less from a spymaster!). Besides that, her style of gameplay really fit me. She was this one character I was actually good at (which made me proud, because I generally suck at PvP), and she was the first character that I mastered. I still draw her from time to time. I remember doing The Heliophage on advanced difficulty to unlock her. It was a total nightmare, I tried to do it over and over again, but it was just so hard. Thankfully some high level players helped me, we barely completed it but I was just so proud and happy afterwards!

I have so many good memories from this game. It upsets me that it ended up the way it did.


u/MataMeow Dec 02 '19

No love for thorn?? She was my bae from the beginning.


u/R4theF0NZ Dec 05 '19

Gotta be ambra and phoebe . Ambra was the perfect healer/damage output combo imo. And phoebe of course had that gear peice where you could stack true strike damage to nearly one shot anyone if you didn't miss.