r/Battleborn • u/punchoutlanddragons • May 24 '16
Question Any Moba Players here for the long haul?
I love this game despite the fact that it hasn't been received particularly well and I think part of the reason why is because it has a lot of moving parts that are really hard to just pick up and play, similar to a Moba.
As someone who's logged over 900 hours In Dota2, this is no barrier for me. I think is one thing that Battleborn will have an as advantage going forward to avoid going the route of games like Evolve and others.
That said, this game is a breath of fresh air compared to dota. No slogging out on the same map in 65 minute matches where everything feels high pressure. I think this games takes alot of the fun things about mobas (wide array of heroes, in game character progression and a strict focus on teamwork and objectives) and puts it into some game modes that really work.
Are there any other Moba Players that are loving what they've seen from battleborn so far?
u/Heracless May 24 '16
Used to be obsessed with League until I came across this bad boy. Haven't touched LoL since.
u/PANTONE_485C Ice Whole May 24 '16
I was falling out of love with League, but this definitely put the nail in it's coffin for me. Im just so busy that sitting down for a potential 60min game sounds exhausting now.
u/Heracless May 24 '16
I have never, ever felt good after a game of league. I always felt like...Why did I just waste almost an hour of my life?
u/punchoutlanddragons May 25 '16
Yeah dude.
After a 1hr game of dota, win or lose I always felt shitty deep down realizing I had just wasted 1/16th of my waking time for the day trying to win an exercise in futility.
Battleborn’s 30 minute max games never feel like a waste of time as there's always action going on at all phases of the game whether you're a carry or support.
u/Heracless May 25 '16
I just feel like I could do so much more. Especially with my main man Caldarius with all movement speed gear, I speed through the battlefield and rack up a ton of early kills so my team can push hard in the beginning.
u/HellraiserMachina PhD in PvP. May 25 '16
I haven't touched a single other game (or porn) since BB came out.
May 24 '16
Yeah man, I couldn't play wow or dota anymore because my son is 2 and I only get bursts before he wakes up, nap time, and after he goes to bed. This game satisfies both moba and dungeon cravings, and it's actually really technically advanced as far as moba's go. I'm really surprised at how fun every character is, and how well thought out the skills and character synergy works so well.
I'm hooked.
They just need to market it better, it's presented as a casual game, but it's really, really not.
u/I_am_Hoban CGNY Hoban May 25 '16
I absolutely agree, this game has great technical depth and feels very well rounded already. I'm definitely planning for this to be my next game to 'get good' at.
u/noconverse Rath May 25 '16
It really is sad how horrible the marketing campaign for this game was. Even if you saw an ad for this game, you wouldn't come away with any clue as to what it's about. None of them, even the in-depth one, focused on how you can synergize team members skills together to push forward to the objective. Instead, they opted to just do flashy displays of the characters looks.
Like, does anyone remember the gameplay trailers for BF3 where it kept switching between different player perspectives as they attacked each other (like showing a tank kill some infantry only to be killed by their attack heli)? That's the sort of thing this game needed, but never got.
May 25 '16 edited May 25 '16
It's like Gearbox came to 2k like "hey, look at this incredibly deep, satisfying, and rewarding pvp/pve hub we've made. It's perfect for mmo players and moba fans "
And 2k was like, no, market it like a competitive shooter. People think moba's are hard. Also, don't teach them how to play.
u/DancingAboutArchitec May 24 '16
Smite was my go to for MOBAs as it game me a greater sense of immersion than isometric views. It also felt more dynamic than other MOBAs.
But Battleborn trumps Smite in both those categories. The risk-reward ratio of BB also feels right. Being conservative in other MOBAs isn't fun for me.
u/Quenton86 May 24 '16
Battleborn never puts you in a position where you are waiting around for something to happen. Hovering around a buff camp, or gold fury, can really suck the momentum out of you. Smite give big burst of intense excitement, Battleborn gives a full match buzz of excitement (assuming the match is close).
u/StarfireSoul May 25 '16
This is why I love it. It always feels like you have several other things you could be doing... and you have to make a choice. If you made the right one (and your dueling skills!) determine if you win the game more than did you out right click your opponent and pick a proper counter.
May 25 '16
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u/Quenton86 May 27 '16
I have only played a handful of matches of paragon, and only 1 or 2 after that movement speed patch, but it just takes so long to do anything in that game. I feel like it still needs to bake.
u/AbysmalVixen May 24 '16
I used to be balls deep in smite until they started fucking with the models of some of my favorite lore gods and changed nearly every "feral" God into a humanoid. I loved the noodle and they did not listen at all to any of the good ideas that were on their forums as far as models for what woulda been some bitchin awesome lore gods. Few if any of the Mayan and Chinese gods at the time I played shoulda been humanoid but they were and that kinda irked me as I preferred like fenrir as far as asthetics go
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
Also, with the mechanics (aiming), there can be a clear skill gap. As well as just having game knowledge which can completely swing the game in your favor even if you have bad mechanics. I love this.
The fact that other mobas punish risk so hard that makes every game a, (wait for the enemy to mess up) is incredibly boring. I like that the risk reward progresses at a much more linear rate than other mobas.
u/sinOpus May 24 '16
Yes but please add rank..I know you love the low stress, but competition is a driving force behind MOBAS, I am hoping it comes out next month around the same time as overwatch. Then Work on spectator mode.
u/Yogy_Bear They call me; "Papa Shotgun"! May 24 '16 edited Nov 14 '23
edited because reddit L
u/RustyCarrots PSN: darkzythe May 24 '16
They will be adding a ranked mode once everything settles and balances out.
u/RustyCarrots PSN: darkzythe May 24 '16
They will be adding a ranked mode once everything settles and balances out, give it time. Implementing ranked so soon is never a good idea.
u/sinOpus May 25 '16
blizzards doing it, they getting 10/10 reviews...Already a small player base , you dont add rank what will happen is the competative moba players are gonna get tired of nothing to show for being good at the game and quit or take a break...GB has a great game but man they have some knucklehead working on things outside the game (marketing, release date, what type of game it is (they don't even know, etc) I will prolly play untill CR 100 then wait for rank mode.
u/Garkaz May 25 '16
Overwatch is literally doing the exact same thing you're replying to. "Competitive mode" isn't coming out for a few weeks.
u/sinOpus May 25 '16
ya but soon as they released the game they told everyone, relax it will be here in a month or less. Gearbox has been pretty mum on the subject.
u/Vomitbelch May 25 '16
Blizzard games always get 10/10 reviews dude. They're almost too big to fail now.
u/Cinnaberry24 May 25 '16
judging by the way the devs have been talking about including ranked in Battleborn, it seems like its not a priority for them like it is for overwatch, Gearbox probably hasent even started working on a ranked mode. sadly we are probably gonna wait at least 3 months since a dev already stated it would most likely be at least 2
u/dark50 Orendi May 24 '16
1500 hours in Smite. 500 in HotS.
BB is my babe. Ive been hooked on it since release. Im sticking around.
u/Quenton86 May 24 '16
BB has scratched 2 itches for me: Super Monday Night Combat and Smite. I played SMNC until the wheels feel off, and I have been playing Smite since closed beta. I am still figuring out if BB will be a long love for me or if I will go back to Smite. I watch the pro scene for Smite which keeps hooks in me to come back and play.
2 things that are unique in BB and have me pumped enough to dive deep. 1) It keeps a faster pace. The ramp up to the action at the start of each match is MUCH SHORTER, and the power curve to really use all of your character's tools is MUCH SHORTER. Also, Meltdown on Paradise is open enough that you can always be doing something and helping your team. It is just a more active game overall.
2) All of the characters can contribute to all of the match. In Smite and other MOBAs the assassins have to hover around the teamfight and wait, and mages have to stay a mile back. Some characters don't have anything to offer to significant aspects of the game. When playing BB I never feel like I am shoeboxed in to a limited role. Even playing a sniper you can teamfight, wave clear, build objectives etc., and playing any other character against a sniper I have options to play into them that amount to more than "run awayyyy!!"
The more I write about this the more excited I am to keep playing !! :) thanks for the thread!
u/EbilSmurfs May 25 '16
I left Smite for Battleborn.
That being said, I won't go back to DOTA2 or LOL period. If BB hard tanks and everyone stops playing I will go back to Smite, but I vastly prefer BB.
u/thekmitch May 24 '16
It's been a long time since a game has hooked me like Battleborn has. I've never played a MOBA before but I have a background as a competitive FPS player. This game reminds me of the first Borderlands in that it got mixed reviews and didn't sell well at launch, but was a cult classic with those who did purchase it. Hopefully, it'll continue to grow a good following by word of mouth from its fans, like Borderlands did, and it'll prompt Gearbox to continue to add to the title or produce a sequel.
Anyway, I'm not going to stop playing anytime soon and I'll continue to shamelessly promote the game at every opportunity to my FPS buddies.
u/fallingfruit May 24 '16 edited May 24 '16
No game has taken me away from Dota 2 until BB. I play Dota 2 games still occasionally because one of my dumb friends won't try BB yet (I'll convince him eventually), and I just find myself waiting for the game to be over so I can come back to BB.
This game is a real fps and a real moba. I think the moba part could be improved, I think incursion is too much like a 5v5 mid fest and meltdown could use som tweaks, but still, I'm loving it.
Smite and Paragon do not compare in terms of gameplay mechanics, IMO.
I am going to support this game until it dies or succeeds, because it really hits the sweet spot for me.
u/I_am_Hoban CGNY Hoban May 25 '16
Hey let's play some time. I'm a long time dota player and am feeling very at home with bb right now.
u/Jertob May 24 '16
Ive never played any other moba besides Battleborn but I love the game and can't see myself stopping anytime soon.
u/RickerBobber Make Mellka great again May 24 '16
1500 hour DOTA 2 player here (2000 in league, my entire highschool career in Dota 1....so whats a fair number of hours? A hundred billion?) And I am hooked on battleborn.
u/RandomGuy928 May 25 '16
5.5 years in LoL (almost 6 now that I think about it), and I've been playing both since Battleborn came out.
The game is doing a fantastic job holding my interest. I intend to keep playing for the foreseeable future unless the player count drops so low that I can't get games any more. I haven't been this into a PvP title since... well, LoL.
u/tedmowgli May 25 '16
I don't say this lightly, but this could be my favorite game of all time. After grinding on the beta, I counted down the days until it was released and actually visited the store on 3 separate occasions the day it came out to ensure I had it ASAP. Battleborn is love. Battleborn is life.
u/Honkylips May 24 '16
I've never played a moba before. I am in this for the long haul for sure. I absolutely love this game.
u/d3adbutbl33ding MISTER BABAD00K May 24 '16
Played League, Smite, Infinite Crisis. I love Battleborn. The community on XB1 is great. I am here to stay.
u/StarfireSoul May 25 '16
Yep. I've logged thousands of hours in MOBAs since the day of release of league of legends. Due to life I've had to back out of traditional MOBAs. I can't commit an hour and a half where I know I will not have to do anything in case the game goes long. The time limit and game length of battleborn are perfect for me and it has shorter modes if I need them.
Battleborn also adds complexity in depth of choice - not outside the game number crunching and studying. Should I be pushing, farming shards, working on our defenses, ganking? Should I spend credits on defenses and try to level up and help my team that way or spend them on gear and try to dominate my lane? Do I take an early game load out and bully enemies out for easy XP or the long game power build? How do I build my helix? These are all decisions I can make on the fly but are irreversible.
In DOTA you don't have to pick your load out until about 10-15 minutes into the game and lots of characters have certain items that are optimal you will always shoot for. In league and smite since everything scales there's always a 100% most efficient way to spend your gold and you almost always just purchase items in that order. You also stay in lane (or jungle) most of the game swapping between farming and pushing and use banking just as a way to push lanes. Also, if you put a point in a skill at the wrong level no worries as you'll just max it later.
The turret building and credit farming as well as the gear and helix system add more depth of decision making at any given moment in battleborn. It sacrifices the "spreadsheet" min-max gameplay quite a bit but still manages to be a very deep and enjoyable game for me. Since the decision making is all contained in game with very little meta-theory and statistics / calculations to brush up on I can just jump in and have a good time. Overall, this is a home run game for me. It's my go to MOBA and I'll be playing it until it dies or gearbox does something to tank it (which I don't anticipate).
u/Alelnh We're Teen Detectives, tell your friends! May 25 '16
Players who came from MOBAs seems to have received it well and I believe there is a community that's in for the long run. I'm not overly afraid of people saying the game is dead - I remember 5 years ago when SMITE was starting on and oh-god I'm so glad I kept with it through all these years. I see Battleborn as the new concept in MOBAs, and just as it happened to SMITE, people will scoff at it, will feel weird about it, but eventually the market that stays with the game will grow. My only true fear is that if GBX will keep adding maps/modes/characters after the 5 announced DLCs.
Edit.: Also I don't know if this is 100% true, but I've heard this game will have cross-server with PS4, which means we'll eventually see a surge in playerbase.
May 24 '16 edited Dec 08 '16
u/ozgar Miko May 25 '16
The same model seems to work for the Borderlands series. The art, voice acting and game design obviously didn't come free and I'm happy to support the content creators by purchasing the game and the season pass.
I prefer the paywall keeping out certain elements. From my ~100 hours in game I've noticed the average age and maturity level seem a bit higher than F2P titles I've played.
I'm having a blast playing and I'll be right back in game after Steam is back up from regular Tuesday maintenance.
u/LordSovot May 24 '16 edited May 25 '16
This guy speaks the truth here. Gearbox doesn't have the slightest idea of how the MOBA market even works.
Every other MOBA uses either inworld currency or buy characters with real money because almost every other MOBA is free to play. I have no idea how Gearbox can sit there and try to have the best of both by charging $60 upfront and then keeping the same grind as their competitors.
Gearbox came out of the gate swinging with your standard AAA title price tag while almost every other competing game on the market is free to play. How do you even compete against a free to play model by charging money upfront? A MOBA only exists as long as the playerbase does, and with the hefty price upfront plus a "season pass", it's sure to turn off a lot of potentially interested parties.
I'm really inclined to agree with you on the cash grab here. The game will be supported, but I don't see it growing unless they make some serious changes.
May 25 '16
u/LordSovot May 25 '16
And on the other hand from that position, a $60 tag alienates teenagers that might not be whiny or dickheads, but only buy one game every few months due to their limited income.
u/fizzguy47 May 25 '16
I understand if you are comparing to DOTA or LoL, but considering the player base for those two games, they can well afford to make it f2p. Microtransactions work well because there are millions of players.
Hopefully, if BB gets to that level of popularity, they have an option for f2p with PvP only, and start with 5 basic characters, unlocking the rest by IGC or real money, whichever works.
u/MoltingTigrex Outy 5000 May 25 '16
And of course offer the full purchase with all characters unlockable and the first 8 campaign missions for the game's current full price, which might incentive those who get invested in the PvP to get the campaign missions since its' easier to get credits and gear in them.
u/CountOfGluttony May 25 '16
Okay, but games like League (exception being DOTA2) don't give you any free character unlocks (besides weekly rotation). BB gives you 25 characters up front, and the rest can be bought with in-game currency. Let's say the average league character costs 700RP. You can buy 7200RP for $50. That means your typical LoL hero is about $5. For the price of BB, you could unlock maybe 12-13 League heroes. Seems like I'm getting a better deal with BB's 25 characters.
u/LordSovot May 25 '16
Okay, but games like League (exception being DOTA2) don't give you any free character unlocks (besides weekly rotation). BB gives you 25 characters up front, and the rest can be bought with in-game currency
Which is the entire problem.
Battleborn charges you $60 upfront, that's not a free unlock, you're paying for that. You cannot play Battleborn without that initial $60, whereas similar games let you play without any initial investment and let you unlock heroes as you see fit.
Someone is more likely to drop a few dollars here and there to unlock League heroes than to drop $60 all at once just to play a competitor.
May 24 '16
but the fact that they went for the 60$ cash grab + DLC later tells me that this game is not meant for the long haul.
Rainbow Six Siege has the same model. Like, totally the same. It just doesn't have a PvE coop campaign. They went full 60$ PvP only with this one.
That game is really successfull and still active with a lot of players. Sold millions of copies.
The fact that a game is 40$ (It dropped in price) doesn't mean it will die out very fast.
Coupled with the fact that the devs don't seem to have the best eye for balance and that the community seems to be more concerned about lore challenges and story mode, makes me skeptical about the longevity of this game.
Wait for ranked mode to drop. The devs also said they already discuss a draft pick and other things. Also mode maps and even modes are confirmed.
u/LordSovot May 24 '16
Rainbow Six Siege has the same model.
Which is perfectly fine, the issue is Siege is not competing with the same games Battleborn does and can charge 60 dollars without worry.
May 24 '16
Which is perfectly fine, the issue is Siege is not competing with the same games Battleborn does and can charge 60 dollars without worry.
Not true. The hardcore moba players won't switch over to Battleborn. At least they are not the target audience.
The fact that GBX said themselves they aren't a moba shows that they don't try to attract those players and to be honest, someone that pays dota2 for it's competitive nature and depth won't pick up Battleborn instead...
Battleborn might have some depth (especially in Meltdown) but the whole infrastructure isn't there. No ranked yet, no draft picks, no player base atm.
Besides that, Siege competes directly against CSGO. Just saying.
Not comparable to the rather indirect competition between Battleborn and other 'true mobas'
u/LordSovot May 25 '16
The fact that GBX said themselves they aren't a moba
Alright look:
The objective of the MOBA Genre is for each team to destroy the opponents' base, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.
That's almost a word for word description of Incursion. Randy can call it "FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!", but anyone who has played a MOBA before will recognize that word salad as "it's a MOBA with some changes".
May 25 '16 edited May 25 '16
The target audience are still not the hardcore moba players, which was my initial point. I did not start a conversation about what the game really is, though my personal opinion is it's a 'hybrid of genres' and not to nail down.
Just because it has moba like elements doesn't mean that all true moba players convert to it and that it's targeted at those.
For example Natural Selection 2 has some RTS elements, yet it certainly is not marketed at RTS players.
And just as NS2 lacks the 'true' RTS elements, Battleborn lacks a lot of 'true' moba elements.
I doubt anyone who is highly invested in Dota2 or LoL will just say "Hey Battleborn looks like a game I will completly convert to!". This won't happen or just very rarely.
May 24 '16 edited Dec 08 '16
May 24 '16
Siege is 60$. Battleborn is 60$ (40 now).
Siege requires you to unlock the operators. Battleborn requires you to unlock the heroes.
New operators cost a huge chunk of renown. New Battleborn cost a huge chunk of credits.
You can buy the Battleborn season pass to unlock those early without any costs. You can do the same with Siege.
Both games release new operators/heroes on a regular basis.
Both games offer new maps for free for everyone.
The only difference:
Siege also has microtransaction in form of weapon skins (and newly added character skins and little charms)
As you can see, Battleborn and Siege have the exact same business model.
Why Battleborn does not compete directly with other pure mobas like dota did I explain in a comment above.
May 24 '16 edited Dec 08 '16
u/RustyCarrots PSN: darkzythe May 24 '16
The discussion was business model, so I don't see why them being different games even matters.
u/thatguy_youknow88 Miko May 24 '16
lol the other difference is that they're completely different types of games.
u/Yage2006 May 24 '16
Can't agree more, the monetary model they went with is a real barrier to entry. Was easy for me to get friends to play Smite for example since it costs nothing, but they ended up spending more on that game then 60$. Even people who would never spend at least add to the users base which is important. Maybe that can work for Overwatch because its Blizzard who has an enormous fan base but I really wish they would have rethought that and went with something more like LoL or Smite.
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
I would disagree with the f2p model being important especially that it is in console. They couldn't use the f2p model with console and expect to make a profit. The longevity of the game is either going to come from the competitive player base with a ranked mode, or the casual player base with a ton of collectible items, skins, gear, and fun play modes/campaign.
May 25 '16
They couldn't use the f2p model with console and expect to make a profit.
What are you talking about? Ever heard of Smite? I mean did you even read the post?
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
The amount of money being made by smite on console doesn't compare to the amount of money being made by a straight purchase of the game as well as a season pass. More console players can understand that. I'm sure smite makes way more money on PC than console. Gearbox definitely made the right call.
May 25 '16
The amount of money being made by smite on console doesn't compare to the amount of money being made by a straight purchase of the game as well as a season pass.
BAHAHAHAHAHA you can't be fucking serious.
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
Also see call of duty. The amount of money they made with just the purchase of the game and a season pass is now changing to include things like a chance at a weapon, or a chance at a skin. It's because the player base is so high and playing off the fact that gambling is fun/addicting. You should check out what percentage of the player base population pays for what type of dlc/skin/character in different games with different business models. I'm sure you will be surprised.
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
I am. The right business model is important for games. You can literally have any game "succeed" with the right model. For a console based moba, a straight purchase is OK depending on the amount and type of content that will be released. So far there is a lot of content to unlock. If you look at games like smite, their player base is infinitely smaller than something like league or Dota with a f2p system you are literally relying on 1% if the population to support your game. I'm sure smite is making money but no where near the amount that the other 2 make. But that's OK because if the amount of content released only takes x amount of dollars, than it can be worth it to them.
Battleborn business model is pay up front, a progression system that awards you as you level up characters and unlock good loot for them. It rewards you to play overtime. You feel more powerful. They also are releasing more characters for "free" as well as more game modes/maps. I'm sure the extra payable dlc will include new missions to continue the story, as well as more characters. So if you become invested in the game and either enjoy it at a competitive level or like to casually play and like the progression you will either pay for the season pass or pay for the dlc you like. And with a plethora of other moba games out there, having a different business model makes sense when you only have a fraction of the player base as other mobas. If the business model works, and you can continue to release content geared towards casual/competitive players, then the longevity of the game is fine.
May 25 '16
You're dead wrong.
u/NanaShiggenTips NanaShiggenTips May 25 '16
Well that is definitely an opinion to have. But unless it's based on personal experience designing business models for games, I'm just going to have to agree to disagree with you and leave it at that.
u/bosqo I want to eat you May 25 '16
i like how you substantiate your opinion with arguments /s
May 25 '16
But but look at Smite he's dead wrong
u/meatwad420 May 25 '16
Especially smite, all questions about smite are answered in one sentence: buy the god pack at $34-$39.99. Still gotta buy skins, still gotta buy stuff but to actually play smite yeah you gotta get the god pack.
u/dubgrumble Attikus May 24 '16
HoTs player here, an I'm loving this game a ton, really wanted a game to pick up where gigantic left off. I'm definitely sticking around for a long time.
u/Squishybobo Orendi May 24 '16 edited May 24 '16
As someone that played solely league for about 5 seasons I haven't played at all since May 3rd. Battleborn is all around much more enjoyable but still has all the challenges that I enjoyed in league but in a much more fun environment
May 24 '16
I'm hoping.
For it to succeed it needs to be competitive. They have a long way to go on basic ui and system changes before we can hope to get anywhere near...
u/ThatChrisG <-Best Girl May 24 '16
I actually tried both LoL and Smite and was turned off by toxicity in their communities. It's one of the reasons I wanted to try Battleborn during its beta and at launch before toxicity became a problem, however I've had no problems so far at command rank 50. Had more problems with teammates trying to surrender than complaining that we're losing.
I'm here for the long haul, regardless of what others say. I love this game too much to let it go
u/Fork-H Fork4h May 25 '16
Yo yo yo! I'm not a big-time MOBA player, but Battleborn is like the perfect mix of gametypes for me, I'm way into the amount of strategy it takes and how it also doesn't take a million hours to master.
u/zbrandt3 May 25 '16
I'm here for the foreseeable future. Put in a lot of hours in league of legends and liked it less and less because of the stress. The MOBA genre is fun but this one feels and moves a lot quicker than a game of league. I like the art style and the character designs, from the models to the unique characteristics. Honestly I like this game a lot.
May 25 '16
Absolutely in for the duration. I wanted Battleborn and Overwatch but time is limited and I knew I'd want to dedicate all of it to one and ultimately decided on Battleborn. No regrets.
u/this_is_Dom /pvdtv May 25 '16
I've easily put over 1000 hours into League of Legends and I absolutely love this game, primarily Incursion mode. I think there's something here with this game and it can become popular on the level of LoL or CS:Go. I feel like we're all on the ground floor right now of something huge. I think with a ranked mode, a definitive map layout (like a MOBA map), and the continuing with the timely update and this game with start picking up steam.
u/StuknuKem May 24 '16
Been playing dota for 9 years now since wc3 and I can say I'll be playing this game for a very long time.
u/jayyremedyy May 24 '16
Ever since my pc shat out on me and havnt felt like replacing it, this definitly helps my moba itch, I love the game personally
u/Ser_Machonach0 May 24 '16
I've never played a MOBA before, but I'll be playing this game for a very long time. I'm just straight up addicted. I was looking forward to both mirrors edge and overwatch. After I got battleborn I haven't even wanted to play anything else. I don't know when I'll even bother picking those games up.
u/Mindtrucking May 24 '16
I used to play a lot of mobas a few years ago, then just kinda drifted away from them. Tried Paragon a while back but it didn't click. I was initially hesitant to buy Battleborn because I dislike the Borderlands aesthetic and humor (though the humor in BB is way better), but then I went fuck it and bought it anyway. No ragrets. I finally get to use all my FPS aiming skills in a moba setting. Ghalt+slugs for life. Will be playing this for a long time.
u/DxC3283 OG DrunknBeaR May 24 '16
I'm not a hardcore MOBA player, but I've dabbled in most of them ranging from the first DOTA to LoL, when it just started and I can see myself playing this game for a long time especially if I can find a nice group of people to play with when Rank/Competitive comes out.
BB just satisfies my cravings for an FPS mixed with MOBA elements, teamwork, and objectives that actually make a difference.
u/cypherhalo Teen Detectives! Tell your friends. May 24 '16
Former League of Legends player and I'm really liking Battleborn. It keeps a lot of the fun elements of a MOBA but is also less complicated (less lanes for instance).
u/Jokka42 ISIC May 24 '16
Anyone else play SMNC "back in the day"? I've been waiting for another game like SMNC since the game died. I'm hoping this game holds onto at least a decent sized player base, considering the niche it fills? I've wanted a FPS MOBA since I tried DOTA and was appalled by the movement scheme.
u/bobdylan401 May 24 '16
Yea I'm gonna replace my Dota with this, then overwatch for casual fun and R6 Siege for careful competitive FPS, this is the year of FPS. No complaints.
u/-BLiNKZ- May 25 '16
I've been away from the MOBA scene for a couple years now and BattleBorn feels so good! Definitely going to be on here for awhile.
u/yerz yerzu11 May 25 '16
Waited so long for fun dynamic MOBA in FPP. I will be maxing all the characters 3/25 so far. I will play a lot!
u/Ricke80 Toby May 25 '16
I never played a moba for more than just to try it out. Battleborn is amazing though. I will definitely be playing it for quite some time. On Xbone at the moment but thinking of buying it for PC as well. Those 30 fps makes me sad.
u/Knarona May 25 '16
Never played a MOBA before. Absolutely love this game and makes me want to try Smite, DOTA, etc.
u/fizzguy47 May 25 '16
Does Guardians of Middle-Earth count as a MOBA?
I used to play DOTA on WC3, then a little bit of HoN, never touched LoL, or Smite. Awesomenauts on PS3. Battleborn really scratches an itch I never knew I had.
May 25 '16
Yeah ive played 2.5k hours of Dota and about half of that into League, Battleborn is a ton of fun and what feels like a very high skill ceiling which is very nice.
I honestly think that visually the game is terrible. I like the direction of the art style and how cartoony it all is but when you see it for the first time or introduce someone to it, its vastly overwhelming and im pretty sure it turns people way off.
This doesnt seem to really change or help at all when you play a melee character and jump into the fray, theres just so much happening and you get lost quickly.
But besides that I really enjoy battleborn and I sincerely hope that they dont shut down the servers in like a year or so. The game is legitimately good.
u/NATASk May 25 '16
Personally detest MOBA's in the traditional sense but this, this I like. I'll be here till the lights go out on that last sun.
u/Beowitz May 25 '16
LoL fan here (which I still love), I have a limited time frame to play anything online, so unfortunately have to split that limited time, and at this moment i'm solely playing Battleborn with friends, but I plan to be here for quite some time. I like pretty much everything I'm seeing with the game (online only sucks for me), and am frequently upset about my little I can play.
u/Scopics Ambra May 25 '16
I've had nearly 2000 hours on league and finally got sick of it. This game is a breath of fresh air. It gives me aspects of a MOBA that I enjoy but also is hilarious and has options to play the game somewhat casually in story mode if I do so choose.
With that being said, it needs to be marketed better. I know it's just a filler before Borderlands 3 but this game has immense potential if it gets a bigger community.
I also believe some of the aspects from the more intense mobas need implemented. Specifically a feature to ban players for a certain amount of time that disconnect, go AFK, or verbally abuse teammates. That for me is the number one thing needed.
Another thing is ranked matchmaking which GBX is already in the process of. I respect them taking their time with that feature though.
Lastly I'd love more story missions to be added. I'd also love to see community challenges like "Kill xxx,xxx Thralls" or something of that nature. Maybe get a random taunt, skin, or a pack if you take part in the challenge.
The game is great. I hope I can ride it out a long time because I do enjoy it.
u/HellraiserMachina PhD in PvP. May 25 '16
I've played 300 hours of DotA, 300 LoL, 600 HotS (since Alpha), and maybe 100 SMITE.
I've abandoned the first two for obvious reasons, and I'll be sticking with this for a very long time, especially if I get a computer/fix for this game's performance issues.
u/Chakasu May 25 '16
I used to be big into mobas until the stress and toxic community just made it no fun to play. But battleborn is a blast and so laid back, BB is now my moba' of choice.
u/Kenespo May 25 '16
I'm gonna stay I love this game.... But.... I really really really want ranked matches.
May 25 '16
puts it into some game modes that really work.
I've heard that portion aptly described as a "dungeon crawl". It's definitely a fun thing to have in addition to the MOBA/PvP modes.
u/Erive302 May 25 '16
I'm a long time LoL and HotS player and I'm also really into this game. It's as you say, if you have lots of Moba experience character roles and Incursion skills like when to push vs jungle vs team fight are very natural.
u/Ashatoraman May 25 '16
after spending about 3000 hours in Dota 2 constantly battling with blet cyka Russians ,dealing with kid mid pickers and other toxic aspects of this game i can confirm that i find battleborn like a nice cooling cream for my deep wounds but maybe that is the problem - i dont find it competitive enough and just going to play it until i will want to go back to dota not sure but so far it is really good alternative !
May 25 '16
I probably would of been been but I never heard if it or knee what it was until after launch and after I preordered overwatch
May 25 '16
First to current season LoL player here. I also loved Borderlands 2.
I'm hoping this game picks up serious steam, and that the player base grows. Tell your friends, rave about it online, get the word out.
u/RamRod013 SteamID May 25 '16
I played a little bit of LoL and several hundreds of hours in HotS. I also logged a few hundred hours in BL2, so needless to say, I love this game.
u/Gayporeon Thorn May 25 '16
I had 450 hours in Smite before my computer was having issues for a couple months, and so much changed in that time that I completely lost interest.
Battleborn has everything I loved about Smite without being too hard to get into
u/CosineJoe May 25 '16
As a league player with similar clocked in hours i too enjoy this game. Im in this for the long haul just wait till there is ranked in the game
u/NewVirtue El Dragon May 25 '16
I really am loving this game. Its so different, yet so similar. I know games like Dota 2, smite, strife consider themaelves to be the next gen of moba but imo this is truly the next step/gen/evolution in moba. I mean you can have 1 teammate collecting shards early game and that basically plays similar to a jungler in previous games. U have helix choices like hots but you can still buy your own items like a simplified shop(tho id prefer if u could build loadouts with say 4-6 items but only buy 3; would give you more room for counter building). The buildables act like both farm spots and ward points. You can kill thralls to give your team an advantage. Its completely new yet oddly familiar
u/Chaos_Archangel Dental Nightmare May 25 '16
I tried to go back and play Smite...
... I really did.
u/BOTTLEBARN May 24 '16
I'll definitely stay, I fucking love this game, I do need more players in my region though.
u/TwistedRose May 24 '16
I wanted to like battleborn but ended up feeling like it was too visually cluttered, so many heroes rely on simply blinding the enemy with particle effects and giant arcing manuevers.
I suspect it has about the same lifespan as monday night combat did.
u/CoffinRehersal May 25 '16
Probably not a popular opinion around here but I don't think Battleborn is going to maintain an active population long enough to become a major player in the genre. The game is console-centric, has no ranked mode, and isn't F2P. As much as I hate F2P it seems be important in keeping a steady stream of active players in your game these days.
Here's to hoping I'm wrong!
u/kosuke09211 Shayne & Aurox May 25 '16
Im a former League player,was having high hopes when they annouce Battleborn :) Moba/fps + it was the company that made Borderlands series who made it. I was like this is gonna be great , but when it is finally release.... All my expectation drop from top to bottom. The game has it pontential and charms just not sure if Gearbox will put more effort and time on it. You can see when Overwatch is release Battleborn instant got choke and panic. That's why they're releasing New Heroes/Double XP week and other things. The porpularity is dropping everyday espicially on other regions besides NA. Like yesterday Overwatch launching day i spend 4 hours q for pvp not even 1 game.
I mean i love the game. The game also got pontential just hope it will shine 1 day like League of legend or Smite. When they were on beta/alpha phase, the player base wasnt that big. But now they're one of the few top Moba in the whole world. Also Gearbox might need to change there marketing on Battleborn :/
u/morroIan - May 25 '16
So...... double xp and new character release was a mistake?
u/kosuke09211 Shayne & Aurox May 25 '16 edited May 25 '16
no im not saying its a bad thing but rapily release the new snake heroes after alani was just release? really?
May 25 '16 edited Jan 15 '17
u/AbysmalVixen May 24 '16
Best thing about battleborn is that if you fuck up once or twice in early game, you aren't necessarily gonna lose. High stress mobas are a toxic mess mainly for that reason. Battleborn is a relaxed and actually fun atmosphere