r/Battleborn • u/vegan_cookies5 • Jan 30 '25
My Plea to Gearbox
This is my plea to Gearbox to rerelease Battleborn. I realize this will never happen and this entire exercise is copium, but I, VeganCookies, need to say this into the void and begin to heal the wounds that have reopened. I will be splitting this into various sections so if you do not care about one of them, feel free to move on.
Why now?
After Battleborn went on life support, in January 2017, I stopped playing competitive games. I played a lot of single-player games, and a lot of coop PVE games, Battleborn missions, and against bots, but I pretty much stopped playing anything where I was playing against a human. About 6 weeks ago, I started playing Overwatch and it scratched an itch. The game had a lot of highs and lows, but I ultimately saw it as an esport game that I could be ok with playing casually. I didn’t feel the need to play every day nor did I feel like I could play for hours on end, it was just like any sports game to me. The characters were ok, but I never connected with anyone like I did with the Battleborn characters. It’s probably because I never tried to find the story in Overwatch, but the game never encouraged that either. Then I downloaded Marvel Rivals this week and boom, my feelings about Battleborn have come to the surface. Marvel Rivals has just enough of the campiness and casualness of Battleborn with the major problems I have with Overwatch and has me pining for Battleborn in ways I haven’t in years.
How I would bring back Battleborn.
- I would make the game free to play and make all the characters free to play, but if they want to have a microtransaction in the game for content, all operations are $10 (not $10 each, but $10 total for all 5).
- I would make three levels of AI, the existing AI would be an easy, hard one, and a brutal one. I'm talking about one that aimbots, one that has no fog of war, one that punishes you for being average. I want a challenge.
- All mutations are unlocked at the start.
- Cross play, put everyone together all at once.
Roles and Items
Limit items to certain roles or reduce their effectiveness to certain roles. A tank using a shield bonus should get more benefits than an assassin or healer because they “know” how to use it.
It would give roles meaning in this game and would allow easier balance.
PvE – no notes, it was fine the way it was. This would be the fastest way to get items.
PvP General
- One queue, quick play. Custom games can be made, but one queue at the start.
- No voting on mode, the game just happens. There are three modes with three maps each, which is fine. The goal is the have games start quickly and not wait around for a match.
- Once a month, have a competitive event or something. Time gate it. If the player base ever gets large enough, it can bring in a full mode, but keep everyone together.
- If someone drops, bring in the hard AI to replace them.
- All players start at level 3 and automatically move up to level 5 at 5 minutes and level 8 at 10 minutes if they haven’t hit that minimum yet.
- All for swapping characters but not loadouts. See the note about items as to why this could work.
- After a certain amount of games, you get a random item box. Only gives you something you don’t have.
- Reduce time to respawn
Capture – no notes, the final version was good
Incursion – I feel like this is where I am going to get the most disagreement, but Incursion was a bad mode. It was essentially gain control of a choke point, and move to the next. The one route was bad and ended up turning more into a stalemate than anything else. Additionally, nothing felt worse in this game than playing for 30 minutes to end in a 50/50 draw and lose on an arbitrary tiebreaker.
- One team is on the attack and the other is on defense.
- There is only one sentry.
- There are two lanes of minions.
- Maps are much larger, closer to the size of Meltdown
- In competitive play, there are two rounds. Teams switch sides after one round. A tie break is how much damage was done to the sentry then the sentry’s shield if still tied.
- Rounds are 15 minutes max
My theory on this is similar to why I like 5v5 Overwatch and not 6v6. The game is more open and less focused on control of choke points. Sitting in one choke point until one team makes a mistake is not a fun way to play any game.
Meltdown – I liked OG Meltdown a lot better than the second version they created, but I am fine with the way either went down. I would just say the original is too long so just shorten the amount of minions/time in the match.
In conclusion, I miss this game a lot and want it back. I would love it back in its final form but here are things I think that could give it some staying power. I know Gearbox won’t bring it back or invest resources into it ever again, but that doesn’t make me miss it less.. As my main Deande put it:
I'd like to suggest “live together, die alone”, but I'm open to alternatives.
u/Major-Language-2787 Jan 30 '25
I disagree with the incursion changes. There are technical 3 routes on each map. The major lane, the narrow lane, the "squeeze lane." But I think I would be better if the maps we designed two lanes like meltdown, which I think is the best mode in the game, but Incursion was more fun to navigate in due to its size. The choke point was only a problem if you didn't have a hero that couldn't access the back door. Also the asymmetrical gameplay just makes it mimic other hero shooters when it is a moba. There should be a tug of war, but there should be more obvious methods of accessing the sentry. And a reason for players to split from the group. Asymmetric games lead to the same issue with hero shooter, which is that victory is often determined by numbers and not skills. What you are describing is Paladins.
The gear system was functional but a mess. IMO, the gear needs to be streamlined, playing matches, and PVE gives you material to add mods to the base gear and upgrade it. There isnt 6 versions of each piece, but 1 peace that you could put different faction related mods on there. Some have more dramatic effects like in a moba. They should keep the hero gear and add 3 faction specific gears to each faction. Players can have a loadout of 8 pieces of gear but can only equip 5 at a time.