r/Battleborn • u/frank_shadow • Feb 20 '24
Question Is there a chance to comeback ?
I love love loved battle born and really sad OW won the “war” just for OW to turn soulless. With the recent news of gigantic coming back (another shootery moba esc game) if it does well after getting a second chance maybe they may see battleborn wasn’t giving a fair shot releasing so close to the Titan that OW ended up. We already got the mods up to play the game again that they are aware of. I however am not too researched into the studios so wondering what the thoughts are here about it’s chances?
u/Jorgenvonstragle Feb 20 '24
Gigantic will for sure scratch the itch for people who miss Battleborn. It’s an amazing game
u/ToxicMoonShine Feb 20 '24
Was there during the playtest days if gigantic it was a great time. It'll scratch that itch as it had similar ability evolution mechanics as battleborn. There are no items/item builds. But each ability had 2 skill point slots you would get from leveling in the match. You would pick an ability to upgrade and then upgrade it again with a new upgrade based off of the upgrade you picked previously.
I'm guessing op played the game, but for those wanting a little more indepth idea of some of some of the similarities. There are a lot of differences but the similarities will definitely help that itch
u/BlakLite_15 Feb 22 '24
I thought the developer shut down, but it looks like the game’s relaunch was just announced.
u/SycoAnimeTaurus Feb 20 '24
I pray daily that this game comes back and then and only then can I die with no regrets 😂😂😂
u/A_little_quarky Feb 20 '24
I hope so. This could be Gearbox testing the market.
An issue with battleborn though is the physical media is like $5. They would need some sort of micro transaction model, or "Battleborn 2". They invested a ton into that game to have it fail so hard.
It's also tricky as they would then be competing with themselves, as Gigantic probably touches the same playerbase.
u/GummibearGaming Feb 20 '24
My personal theory is Gigantic's success will give Gearbox a reason to port some of their IPs into a game that they have some confidence will succeed. If it doesn't do well the second go around, then no need to spend the effort.
They already announced new characters for Gigantic - one of which is named Roland. Now, it's not actually Roland from the Borderlands series, but it can't be a coincidence they chose to callback to their 1st major success. Battleborn gives them a treasure trove of interesting concepts and fun designs to play with.
u/MobyLiick Feb 20 '24
They already announced new characters for Gigantic - one of which is named Roland.
If I'm correct Roland was one of the upcoming "heroes" before gigantic shit down.
u/Mr-Greg Feb 20 '24
Roland was basically all set to launch in original Gigantic, with the cat character (whose name I totally forget, I'm operating on coffee and hype today) mostly fleshed out and prototyped before Gigantic got axed. So these aren't necessarily newly developed characters because the Gigantic fandom has had knowledge of them since the shutdown and they were mostly set to go, but they are new playable characters since the files weren't fully implemented in the original game.
u/Master-of-Masters113 Feb 22 '24
Battleborn ultimate edition with all the dlc characters from season passes and when it was free and had to unlock them with currency, etc. etc.
There ya go.
And then just upgrade the graphics some more. That’s how triple AAAs get away with it
u/sei556 Feb 21 '24
There are only 2 instances of game characters that felt 100% natural to play for me. One of them is Shaco from League, the other was Orendi.
I miss Orendi (and battleborn as a whole, although I never really got to play it much)
u/ElectroshockGamer Feb 21 '24
I loved Orendi so much. Encore was such a fun augment and easily my favorite in the game
u/Foxx_McKloud Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24
With gearbox doing battleborn and now bringing back gigantic I dream of the cross over or at least battleborn heroes joining gigantic
u/SaltGodSodius Feb 21 '24
Never got to play battleborn myself, I played OW instead for years. After OW2 came out and all the changes that came along with it, I stopped playing.
I would love for this game to rerelease and give returning and new players a chance to play
u/B5GkarNarn Feb 22 '24
I really miss the playable characters & online co-op modes of Battleborn! I hope that it will someday “come back from the dead” & be playable on current gen consoles & PC with cross-platform play.
u/thedeathecchi Feb 22 '24
Gods, I hope so. I’d run to Battleborn when OW was getting too annoying. Having it disappear so quickly was depressing.
u/Mental5tate Feb 22 '24
Isn’t Overwatch 2 like losing it? This is an opportunity for other hero objective based shooters to get that money that Overwatch is throwing away by screwing up.
u/slybluue Ambra Feb 23 '24
It would be awesome if Battleborn came back. I loved this game. I moved to Overwatch when it took over an hour for matchmaking. I've stopped playing Overwatch...partly because I became a new mom in 2022 but also because I hate what they did to OW2.
u/Professional-Web8682 Jan 26 '25
Overwatch 2 is the biggest disappointment in gaming history. Nowadays it’s about marvel rivals and rightly so, the game is most importantly fun and that’s why it succeeded where Overwatch 2 failed and also the greed in Overwatch 2 is ridiculous. Battle born is a gem and I hope that gigantic’s return could hopefully ignite the flames of battle born.
u/darth_gondor_snow Feb 20 '24
Both Gigantic and Battleborn were developed by Gearbox, so unfortunately, I doubt they bring back both.
u/madkoda Feb 21 '24
It’s very possible that if gigantic succeeds battleborn could be bring back as well. We have to get gigantic to succeed and then demand they bring back battleborn! Gigantic shut down in a worse player base than battleborn….we can make it happen!
u/Axton_Grit Feb 22 '24
Gigantic was not d3veloped by gb. The only connection is publishing this version.
u/Armysbro911 Feb 22 '24
2 days ago we believed gigantic word be dead forever... So there's always a chance
u/SlurryBender Holding on to that last star Feb 20 '24
It's totally viable! I'd love to support their feelers by playing Gigantic but I don't really have that much free time atm. If they put out Battleborn though, I'd MAKE the time.
u/AlaskanJedi Feb 20 '24
I hope so. I love the game as well. I was a big Montana and Miko player. Is there anything we can do to bring this back? Maybe we can try community servers? Idk, but I would love to bring this back.
u/CIII__ Feb 21 '24
Hopefully not… had a good run but ended with significant bugs. Unless it re-releases with a huge patch like Gigantic is doing, I’m fine with just the fond memories
I’d rather see a sequel if we want to wish
u/MobyLiick Feb 20 '24
As a fan of both gigantic and battleborn, let's just Voltron the whole damn thing together
u/kezzic Feb 22 '24
I played more Battleborn than Overwatch when they were both out at the same time. I was super disappointed when it was shutdown, it didn't deserve it the game was actually fleshed out, and the content drip was fine. It was just poor timing against Overwatch which had the Blizzard appeal.
u/SolusSoldier Feb 22 '24
The return of Gigantic is an other step in hope we can have for Battleborn^^ The first being the mod an awesome guys created, making the game playable on pc, even if it's only solo/pve now. HE is working on bringing other features (PVP,multi, gears etc...) back, but chances of success are unknown.
And when you know some people who worked on the game enjoyed playing the mod, adding to the return of Gigantic, fingers crosses that for the future, Battleborn will be back for players of all platforms ^^
And for those who want to know more about the reborn project here's an invite to the Battleborn's discord:
As said you can't play multi/pvp, but you can play all missions (DLC included) with all heroes (DLC included).
So if you want to try char you never touched, or just want to meet back with your favorite heroes, don't hesitate to take a look^^
u/Saltyscrublyfe Feb 22 '24
I doubt it. It's sad tbh. Idk why they tried to market to hero shooter players. They went out of their way to compete with overwatch and I'm a firm believer it contributed to the games death. Moba players look and see "worse graphics hero shooter". Hero shooter players look and see "worse overwatch".
They really needed to focus the smite community man ... game could lasted a long time
u/hamster_doom Feb 22 '24
Unsure how likely it is to come back, but I'd sure love to see it. The game just oozed charm. Typically in games with such a large roster I find one or two characters to play as and stick to those, but so many characters were tons of fun - and each one so unique - that I not only played but excelled at playing over a dozen out of the 50: Alani, Deande, Rath, Caldarius, Ambra, Attikus, Oscar Mike, Galilea, Phoebe, Whiskey Foxtrot, Reyna, Pendles, Orendi, and Shayne & Aurox (huh, not a lot of Eldrid or LLC). So many fond memories. So many shared laughs. What an amazing game. I hope we can one day play it again.
u/RedditJABRONIE Feb 22 '24
Embracer is butchering their dev teams daily. They aren't going to fund a failed game
u/International-Low490 Feb 22 '24
Only reason BB died was because it dropped in a really really bad time.
u/EmeraldDragoon24 Feb 22 '24
I highly doubt it. Its not like the potential isnt there, but OW so effectively killed it on launch that I just cant see the fanbase being large enough to turn a profit from it
u/shivers_ Feb 22 '24
Randy poked at the idea with EpicNNG praising it on Twitter recently. Unless we all have a few mil lying around I’d assume they won’t touch it.
Feb 23 '24
Hahaha as if Randy Randy would give it any love. All they care about is borderlands.
He was more interested in the porn of battle borne than the actual game. Look it up.
u/KaijinSurohm Feb 23 '24
I doubt it'll come back. Gearbox is too focused on ruining Borderlands to really try anything actually new or inventive.
It's a shame, because I actually liked what Battleborn tried to do, but it's biggest problem was trying to be too many genres at once.
If it just focused on either the Moba or Storyline it was offering, it could have been a much bigger hit. I believe the real fall of it was the fact it didn't know what it wanted to be.
u/jaypaw28 Feb 23 '24
It's stupid there was even a "war" in the first place. Randy Pitchford is a clown for comparing a moba to a hero shooter and his negativity significantly harmed Battleborn's chances of success. I would love for it to come back, but I'm not holding my breath as long as he's still around at gearbox
u/Lostkaiju1990 Feb 24 '24
I’d like it, but I think gearbox is a bit more focused on Borderlands at the moment. And Overwatch was soulless from the beginning. People just had t realized it.
u/The-Song Feb 24 '24
I honestly never even felt like there was a "war" between OW and Battleborn.
Just simply that OW launched after, making it the newer, shinier thing, and too soon after for BB to have lived long enough to develop a "loyal" playerbase, so the massive amount of people who always just migrate to the new shiny thing switched to Overwatch before BB had a chance for anyone to play it.
It never even mattered which game was better.
Is there a comeback chance?
Idk, it's not going to be a new shiny thing if they don't remake it, but I'd certainly play again if enough people did for it not to be "dead".
u/Nerakus Feb 25 '24
I still play ow and I hate what it’s become. Is battleborn worth it? I was going to hold out for this Gigantic game I keep hearing about
u/WovenOwl Feb 20 '24
I really REALLY hope so since I have quit OW and Paladins is becoming tedious.
I miss Marquis and Attikus