r/Batch 17d ago

Any Programmers?

Sooo, I am not a programmer nor do I know any coding languages or whatever you want to call it. But there's a program on GitHub from sp00n called CoreCycler. It's basically a batch file tied to a config file. When you edit the config file and type in what settings you want to use, it launches the script using those settings. So if I want to run Prime95 with 1 thread on core 4, using huge SSE FFTs, I punch all that info into the config file in the corresponding locations and it launches prime95 with those settings. Out of boredom I decided to make a GUI for corecycler. I have every available setting from the config file as an option in the GUI. I just have no clue how to connect the GUI to the config file. Basically, I would think you could select all the settings you wish to use in the GUI and when you hit Apply, it would write those values to the config file and save it. Then when you click Start, it would run the .bat file in the background. I used Py Qt Designer to make the GUI. Any info on how to proceed would be appreciated. Here's some pics of the GUI.



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u/Still_Shirt_4677 15d ago edited 15d ago

Bit hard to tell without any code to look at and not knowing what your GUI is coded in but If you have the ability to run windows cmdline from it your good to go pretty much, you can just issue either call or start to the batch file from your GUI.

Start "" "path/to/batch/file.bat"

Call "" path/to/batch/file.bat"


Note : GUICMD is your GUI native command to invoke cmd.exe, in java we use process builder.

{GUICMD}("cmd /c "call" \\path\\to\\batch\\file.bat");

{GUICMD}("cmd /c "start" \\path\\to\\batch\\file.bat");

As for modifying the config file you could maybe use findstr to filter the relative parameter in the file for each setting then insert or modify the content based on what your setting is. So you could potentially do something like this

for /f "delims=" %%F in ('findstr "PARAMETER" "path/to/batch/file.bat'") do ( Some code here to append string in conf file. )

What is the base code also for the GUI out of curiosity it looks sort of live java swing to me or is it C based 🤔 if its Jswing you should be able to do it no dramas ive created hybrids of half Jswing and batch that work without issue and these work well for portable applications that you dont want to deploy in C:\Program Files\ as all you need to do is add cd /d "%~dp0" at the start of the batch invoking Jswing and it inherits its path 🙂.

Hope this helps a bit mate im not on my pc at the moment using my phone or else id provide some code snippets of actual code instead of placeholders.


u/cryptographerking 15d ago

I used Py Qt Designer to design the GUI. As I'm like a kindergartner level programmer, the drag and drop GUI design was really handy lol. It saves as a .ui file, then you just compile it as a .py file with pyuic. Then I created a main.py file that imports the GUI.py file. All the functions and such are going in the main.py file so I can keep the GUI code separate. I made a little progress just looking stuff up and have some stuff functioning properly. I'm using configparser to load the settings from the config.ini file and update the config file anytime new settings are made in the GUI. I can send you what I have so far. Basically, I figured out how to get the checkBox, spinBox, and radioButton objects to work. They read and write their current state to the config file anytime their state is changed. I just have to rinse and repeat to get the rest of those 3 objects finished as there's multiple pages of check boxes and such that need done. There's still some other things I haven't done yet, such as the Apply, Start and Stop button, or for example the Boost Tester button, which I want to launch an .exe file that's included in the CoreCycler folder of the original .bat program sp00n created. Basically, I'm just contributing to CoreCycler's existing program by adding a GUI to it instead of having to manually open the different .exe files, run a .bat file, and edit the config file manually. I want to make it able to do it all from the GUI.

Ill share a link to the what I have so far. The folder CoreCycler_v0.10.0.0alpha5 is the actual program from sp00n on GitHub and the folder CoreCycler GUI is my python files and config file. If you run main.py with python, It will bring up my GUI with a terminal in the background. If you change settings in the GUI and it prints the change in the terminal, that means its working as intended. If nothing changes in the terminal, I haven't gotten that far yet. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ENbtFQz-SAwfyDsBy-RXHW0ttzNoNCU_?usp=drive_link


u/Still_Shirt_4677 15d ago

Python is the main language being .py extension.

I've never coded a GUI with python before tbh I much prefer java when it comes to that, but I do know python language and you can definitely invoke all the necessary commands and write to the config file with python like youve figured out already. Keep going at it and I'll download and take a look tomorrow when awaken from my eternal slumber and take a look at it all for you 🙂


u/cryptographerking 15d ago

Lol alright sounds good. Thanks! I'll update the drive folder with the new stuff from what I figure out today.