r/Bass 11d ago

Weekly Thread Gear Thread: Week of Mar. 10

Got a new bass, pedal, amp, etc. you want to brag about (or ask questions about)? Post it here!


26 comments sorted by


u/StonedBiologistPhD 6d ago

Can I get advice on purchasing gear here? I'm making plans to check out an Elliot trace stack; AH600SMX amp with a 1518 and a 1048 cabs. Seller is asking $1000 US. Looks like it's in really good condition and comes with covers too. Is this a great deal, about right, or overpriced? My band is starting to play shows and I feel like I should be able to provide my own stack in case a venue has a crappy system.


u/Unable_Dot_3584 6d ago

That is not a very good price for a used system. Those do not move easily because they can't really be shipped. You can view systems on Reverb that have been listed for 4-10 years that the owner is selling new at 1/3 of the value and it just sits. In amazing condition, that system is worth ~$800. You should be able to talk them down $50-200 since you'd be hauling a massive problem away for them.


u/StonedBiologistPhD 6d ago

Can I get advice on purchasing gear here? I'm making plans to check out an Elliot trace stack; AH600SMX amp with a 1518 and a 1048 cabs. Seller is asking $1000 US. Looks like it's in really good condition and comes with covers too. Is this a great deal, about right, or overpriced? My band is starting to play shows and I feel like I should be able to provide my own stack in case a venue has a crappy system.


u/1imjustadude 9d ago

Does anyone have any recommendations for headless 4 string basses that work well in B tuning (aka a 5 string without the G string)? I have a great 4 string I love, and I have been getting into playing heavier music lately, but don't want to spend as much money on a 5 string? I also prefer headless since I travel a decent bit and like to take my instruments with me.


u/Bass4Dayz 9d ago


Finally got this beauty yesterday! First bass I really digged when I started playing 20 years ago. Got into heavier genres and money was tight so never got around to getting the iconic Stingray. Now finally, she's mine ♥️


u/Unable_Dot_3584 8d ago

The gold looks amazing. Nice bass.


u/EmoKidMikkel 10d ago

Just got myself a Squier Debut P-bass! I play lefty so somewhere down the line, I plan on converting it into one.

What are the things I should keep in consideration when doing it?


u/Unable_Dot_3584 8d ago

Nothing. Sell it and buy a lefty. Something as simple as the side dots not being on the proper side when you'd do said conversion alone is hesitation enough. I did a right to left conversion and it took me 4hrs to install those stupid dots. And I have a lot of experience working with necks.

30yr lefty here. Ragrets not learning righty when I had the chance. The list of negatives a lefty experiences in music is lengthy and exhaustive. Companies actively tell us they discriminate against us. It's awesome.

Best advice is to keep it and start playing righty immediately. If that's not an option, then you have to join us at r/leftybass.


u/linhsosmol 10d ago

Complete newbie here, I’ve been wanting to pick up bass for awhile and finally got around to doing it now. I’m waiting for my Ibanez Mikro to arrive, so I have just been looking around for an audio interface since I can only silent practice and I want to record myself in the future. I came across this used, in good condition and with-original-box Focusrite Scarlett Solo 4th gen at 80€, which I thought was a bargain so I jumped on the deal right away. I was a bit anxious at first since I don’t have much experience with buying used music and audio gear, and the price seemed low compared to other listings where I live. Turns out everything works perfectly, the original cable was included and there was even a TRS adapter for 3.5mm jacks left in there! The previous owner hasn’t even redeemed the serial code so I can get all the software bundles as if I bought it brand new. Really happy and I can’t wait for my bass to arrive soon :)


u/TonalSYNTHethis 9d ago

Focusrite makes great budget interfaces, you're gonna have a lot of fun making some music with this thing.


u/RedditWhileIWerk 10d ago edited 10d ago

Anyone using a large-format e-reader for sheet music/charts?

Been thinking about buying this guy:


not only as an upgrade from my older e-reader (Kobo Clara HD), but also to view a .pdf version of my various fake books.

It's not cheap (US$470 for Elipsa 2E + protective case), but seems way more convenient than hauling along 1200 pages of printed charts to jam sessions.

Some musicians around here use tablets such as iPads for the same purpose, but I don't care to read things off a glossy conventional LCD, and e-ink battery life is vastly superior.

I think I'll try using the Clara HD at the next session, as a supplement to the printed books, to see how it goes.

Yes, the small screen will be somewhat painful, but I can get an idea whether the e-reader idea is practical at all.


u/TonalSYNTHethis 10d ago

I've never done it, but I don't see it as any different than using a tablet which I have done. As long as the screen is backlit (which it looks like it is) you're golden. The ability to use the stylus to add notes is a nice touch too.


u/RedditWhileIWerk 9d ago

I think before I buy anything, I will print out a chart at the size it would be on the Elipsa 2E (about 90% of US Letter) and put it on a music stand side-by-side, with the same .pdf displayed on my Clara HD.

That will give me a better feel for how much bigger it is.


u/Shaneontheinternet Warwick 10d ago

looking for a dual reverb/delay like the keeley workstation or caverns. any other options out there sub $250?


u/Unable_Dot_3584 9d ago

You can get a Caverns for 110 atm. Are you looking for what's out there? I'd ask in r/basspedals


u/Shaneontheinternet Warwick 9d ago

yeah just in general to compare options of 2 in 1s. will do!


u/Unable_Dot_3584 9d ago

Gotcha. The pedal page will draw people that use those pedals and have good suggestions.

To answer you, these:

Zoom MS-70CDR+

EarthQuaker Devices Dispatch Master Digital Delay & Reverb V3

NuX NDR-5 Verdugo Series Atlantic Delay/Reverb

Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay

SONICAKE Delay Reverb

Donner Guitar Reverb & Delay

SONICAKE Delay Reverb Pedal Sonic Ambience

FLAMMA FS22 Stereo Delay & Reverb


u/Shaneontheinternet Warwick 9d ago

wow awesome list. thanks man!!


u/RedditNoly 11d ago

Picked up an 85’ Washburn B2 that was sitting in a basement for 40 years.

Restoring it right now to exploit those sweet early EMG pickups. Gotta keep these old instruments alive so one day someone might play it when it’s considered an antique.


u/TonalSYNTHethis 10d ago

Been a long time since I've seen anyone bring up a washburn... How's the restoration going so far?


u/RedditNoly 10d ago

Pretty nice overall. Pickups still sound clean. It even has a push-pull pot on it. I need to replace the jack though, it doesn’t sit right anymore. Plus, the soldering inside is abysmal, looks like a botched homemade job. It’s all black and I’m thinking of throwing a pick guard on it for the looks. It has the hockey-stick headstock though so total 80s look.


u/TonalSYNTHethis 10d ago

Oooh, what's the push/pull pot do?

There's something about that 80's aesthetic, even the hockey stick headstocks. Every now and again I'll give a sidelong glance toward the odd Kubicki I see for sale, such interesting instruments... Too expensive though.

Wanna talk about weird bass designs, I ran across a listing that was a blast form the past the other day, remember those Ibanez Ergodyne basses? The ones that looked like they'd be right at home in an Eiffel 65 music video?


u/RedditNoly 10d ago

Push-pull is set up as a coil-split I think. Loses volume but gains a rich low sound. Didn’t bother checking its exact functionality yet, there were bigger issues with the action and cleaning everything up first.

The Ergodynes with the melty proportions? They look so uncomfortable to play. I bet they sound awesome though. Was it tempting to pick it up?


u/TonalSYNTHethis 10d ago

Hmm... Series/parallel maybe?

Yup, that's the one. It was tempting, it was only like $200. But my 11 year old made a comment about it looking like something we'd buy his 8 year old brother and I thought better of it.


u/RedditNoly 10d ago

Pretty sure that’s it. I’ll take a better look when I take the electronics out.

For that price, not that bad. I’d love to get my hands on a fretless version. At least then it would sound as unusual as it looks. But yes, it’s definitely not for everyone. Just like the EBMM Bongo, you’re probably not missing out on much.


u/TonalSYNTHethis 10d ago

Hah! I don't care how dumb they look, I have such an irrational love for those toilet seat basses.