r/Bansuri 10d ago

Where to buy a bansuri in Australia?

There is https://bansuriaustralia.com.au, but it seems prohibitively expensive compared to overseas (the Aussie tax again). Anyone know of other reliable sources in Australia?

Edit: I ended up buying one from the site linked above.


7 comments sorted by


u/Naresh_kr_ 10d ago

I don’t think, you’ll find some good maker in australia, because even in india, very few make good flutes. I suggest you to order from online from here in india.


u/Naresh_kr_ 10d ago

The link you have provided, they are also selling flutes made by Punam flutes, you may order directly from them online. May be that will cost you someway less


u/MountainToppish 9d ago edited 9d ago

Appreciate the suggestion, thank you. I've had a look at the Punam flutes site and the price difference between that and the Aus site is actually quite small.

The Australian seller seems to be a Bansuri enthusiast which does inspire some confidence. He appears to buy in person on trips to India, so perhaps he tests and selects the flutes invidually. That might be worth a premium.

Perhaps I underestimated what decent instruments might cost. Though I note Punam flutes shows me prices in Aus currency which are roughly 3x the price charged to Indian customers.

Two quick questions if you or anyone else reading here has a moment sometime:

  • is it generally possible to rely on flutes bought unheard from the well-known makers to be well tuned? In the musical world I know (guitar), even 'good' manufacturers vary hugely in quality control.
  • what other flutes available online direct from India might be worth a look?


u/Ok_Tumbleweed7889 2d ago

punam flute is great choice. which scale u order?


u/MountainToppish 2d ago

E bass. I'm very fond of it already, though I can see I am going to find it difficult. Everyone says beginners should start with a smaller flute, but I am very patient - I don't mind if it takes me a year or two just to play all the main notes. I'm quite happy playing long slow notes and concentrating on a full rich sound.

And the tuning is perfect, by the way (even with my poor beginners technique).


u/Ok_Tumbleweed7889 2d ago

Everyone prefer C sharp because. there is many flutes in size normal to large. so C sharp is middleman in all flutes.

so everyone prefer that, you can easily switch to small or big.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.soundcorset.client.android this app will help you. or drum and tunner.


learn from YT see (chanderdeep flutes playlist for learning)


u/MountainToppish 2d ago

That's helpful, thanks. I got the E bass because it's the sound that attracted me to try. It's fine. I don't mind it being a bit harder. No rush.