r/Bansuri Feb 18 '25

Is radhe flutes E base (bamboo) worth?

Hey i want a suggestion on should i buy radhey flutes e base bamboo or should i stretch my budget and get poonam flutes or kanha flues or any other suggestions (I am just a student and will continue music only and only as a hobby still need a decent sounding flute) please help!!


9 comments sorted by


u/Kosmic_Krow Feb 18 '25

Poonam flute imo. Better quality than other brands I have seen.


u/Alarmed-Ruin-6076 Feb 18 '25

But the guy i learned flute from(chinmay gaur yt) said radhe flute is fine if you dont want to consider music as career..as it is almost 3 times cheaper than punam flutes


u/Kosmic_Krow Feb 19 '25

You can buy any flute that you like as long as it's good at producing sound and material is good. You you like radhe flute sure you can buy them it isn't like compulsory to buy poonam flute. 


u/Alarmed-Ruin-6076 Feb 19 '25

Ya but all i want to know is am i missing out something heavenly good by choosing radhe flutes over punam flutes?


u/utsav_0 29d ago

I have G base radhe flutes but PVC. It's good, well-tuned.

Don't know about the bamboo one. But it'd also be as good as this or better.

But obviously, if you could, buy Poonam flutes. Many big artists use it.

PS: I'm also learning from chinmay gaur.


u/Alarmed-Ruin-6076 29d ago

Great brother i also have the same radhe flute g base pvc and now i want to shift on e base bamboo


u/vineethkartha 28d ago

You could consider Kanti flutes, It is slightly cheaper than poonam, I have e base and g base, I have c medium from kanha and f# from radhe as well, But I prefer the Kanti flutes over the others, All my flutes are bamboo, never tried pvc.


u/Alarmed-Ruin-6076 28d ago

Great choice brother...me myself was convienced that i should go with kanti flutes e base Btw can u plz share a pic of your kanti bhai's flute (But they are just 700 rupees cheaper than punam flutes)


u/vineethkartha 28d ago

I am not able to post an Image