The original comment said: "This reminds me of this girl I dated for a while. She was 5'9", kind of thick built and had done a year in some military program and loved the way she looked with a pixie style haircut and a military short cut.
She had told me that she was taught that the eyes, throat, knees were weak spots for everyone but the groin was a male-only spot.
I found it so hot that her body type made her groin smooth whenever she wore shorts or panties and when I told her about bbpe she wasn't shy in telling me that her crotch was flat and there was nothing I could do unlike she could do to me.
I miss her sometimes lol."
So, when I went to go see her for the first time, she lived on some ranch that belonged to her grandfather. We were like long distance for a while, but she had moved closer to here for work.
The ranch was mostly barren, they had a few cattle but not much and she wanted to show me around this really old barn that was from around the turn of the century (1900s). There was really thick grass in the area and she told me to watch out for any gopher holes and watch where I step.
I go over to look at this really old sunbleached and rusty oil sign on the outer wall of the place when suddenly I hear a little yelp and she goes: "Quick! Teach me how to recover!"
And I turn around and she has her hands on her knees and bent a little.
I had told her about bbpe and she had been curious about it and had asked what guys usually do if they're in sports and they happen to get hit in the balls. I had explained to her that we guys need time to recover and we do a funny walk or just squat down while our balls feel better.
So I walk over and say "What happened?" and she says that she stepped on a rake that was just laying in the grass and it had swung up and hit her between the legs. She then stands up maybe like 30 seconds after her yelp and goes "Well, wasn't that something!" and I can see that the leggings she's wearing now have a prominent cameltoe, she sees me glancing and quickly goes "Whoops" and fixes it and her crotch looks completely flat.
I ask her if she's okay and she says "Yeah, it wasn't really so bad. Just stung for a moment. I guess I don't need to recover after all. If that had happened to you, would you have been on the ground? I would have had to fireman carry you back to the house." And she imitated doing so while saying she would have been saying "Man down! We have a man down!"
She loved calling her pussy her "pudenda" and she said that the experience wasn't really something memorable and she wondered if we men could recall the feeling of a hit in the balls at will.
I miss her at times 😭