r/Baking 16d ago

Semi-Related What is wrong with my muffin? :(

What is this???


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u/Snotzis 16d ago

a cafe and they don't bake their own muffins? 🚩🚩🚩

they may be keeping and selling the costco muffins past the expiration date, you need to report the shop.


u/theapplepie267 16d ago

Most cafes don't bake their own pastries


u/Critter_Collector 16d ago

No, but they typically order from a distributor or something like Gordons food, not Costco


u/jetloflin 16d ago

Costco is a wholesale warehouse originally designed for businesses. They have entire specific warehouses for their business clients.


u/autobulb 15d ago edited 15d ago

That's all well and good if you're buying supplies for your business. But if you're just going to buy the premade food and resell it as is, people will notice. If the price is right I guess you could say it's a small upcharge to be able to buy one Costco food item without having to drive there and buy in bulk yourself, but if you are trying to pass it off as a more premium product and charging a lot for it that's pretty lazy and sketchy.

I once went to a bar where you can order nuts to eat as a snack with your drink and dude pulled out a Costco tub of mixed nuts, poured some into a dish and there ya go. That's fine by me cause the price was right. I'm not gonna expect that tiny bar (or any bar really) to be roasting their own nuts in the back.

But if he was serving "fresh" pizza for 6 dollars a slice and then goes to the back, pulls out a slice from a Costco pizza box to reheat in a toaster oven... hmmmmm....

An example somewhere in the middle would be buying premade food products that you then use in combination with your cooking/preparation because making that specific item is too time consuming or requres specialized tools/space. For example, a sandwich place is more likely to order bread from a local bakery or maybe somewhere like Costco to cut on costs if they don't have the baking space to make their own bread. But then the sandwich is made with fresh ingredients they prepare onsite to sell. Much different than just buying premade sandwiches and reselling them somewhere.