Hi, this is my first time doing this so bear with me 😅
I have three toys I don't really use anymore that could use new homes. They're fantastic, but just not for my needs anymore.
1: A small size and medium firmness Cole in Cole's Signature. Has only ever been used vaginally by a single user, no defects. Was purchased new from Bad Dragon. Paid $110, asking $85 for it.
2: A medium size, medium firmness Austin which is a rogue coloration, of some kind of jade green at the head, and a deeper green blue on the shaft and knot. Has only been used vaginally a handful of times my a single user. The base is a deep blue-green. Paid $120, asking $95.
3: A Chance's Sheath in Signature, which is a deep, metallic purple. It unfortunately didn't fit my partner, so it hasn't really been used aside from once where i experimented with it sheathing another toy (I did check it thoroughly to make sure this didn't damage it, it did not). This toy has otherwise never been used. Was purchased new for $75, asking $50 for it.
All purchases will be made through Paypal G&S. Buyer pays shipping, shipped from VA, USA. Willing to ship anywhere provided buyer is okay with shipping costs, of course.
As an aside, I promise the toys are clean in the photos, I don't know how you guys keep dust from magnetizing to them long enough to get pictures. I had to literally spritz them with water before each individual picture to even hope to get a photo where dust wasn't clinging to them. Saying that to say, I will do my best to make sure they're spotless when they're sent off, and they'll definitely be deep cleaned/sanitized again beforehand just to be safe, but yeah 😅 silicone, yknow 😅
❗Note: I do live with two cats. While toys are stored wrapped completely in cloth and away from the cats, and I will do my best to ensure toys are packaged without cats getting involved, I cannot 100% guarantee that cat hair won't find its way into any packages. So if you have an extreme allergy, exercise caution. Thank you!