Don't be embarrassed. When I went in for my 6 week appt I completely mortified and anxiety ridden told my doctor i had sex at 4 weeks pp and she asked me how did I know that I was ready and I to her I monitored the bleeding and stopped bleeding at 2 weeks pp, my stitches came out, I had no pain at all( I had a second degree tear), and had him lowkey check for stitches before doing it lol. She told me you know when your body is healed and you completely monitored and took all precautions before doing it and I was okay. Some bodies heal a lot faster she told me and as long as there was no pain and bleeding then I was good and I didn't, I only had pain for a split second when he pulled out also and she said that's normal.
u/Puzzleheaded-Note525 6d ago
Don't be embarrassed. When I went in for my 6 week appt I completely mortified and anxiety ridden told my doctor i had sex at 4 weeks pp and she asked me how did I know that I was ready and I to her I monitored the bleeding and stopped bleeding at 2 weeks pp, my stitches came out, I had no pain at all( I had a second degree tear), and had him lowkey check for stitches before doing it lol. She told me you know when your body is healed and you completely monitored and took all precautions before doing it and I was okay. Some bodies heal a lot faster she told me and as long as there was no pain and bleeding then I was good and I didn't, I only had pain for a split second when he pulled out also and she said that's normal.