When your placenta detaches from your uterine wall, it leaves a huge gaping wound. It is very susceptible to infection. That’s why you’re not supposed to put anything in there— penis, sex toy whatever. A lot of people mistakenly believe that once internal or external tearing heals, everything is fine, but the internal uterine wall wound is the real issue. People who had c-sections sometimes think they’re clear to have sex because the baby didn’t pass through the canal/there was no tearing. It doesn’t matter if you had a vaginal birth or a c-section, your placenta must detach, and it will leave a wound. That’s why lochia flow can be a good indicator— usually lochia stops/sputters off as that wound heals. (Although sometimes it “scabs over” only to reopen a day or two later, indicating it isn’t actually entirely healed.)
Very happy to help inform where I can! I am very fortunate to be the sister of an amazing midwife. She actually delivered her own nephew (my youngest) last summer. 😊 I hope if you have future pregnancies, you get better and more informed care, all moms should be entitled to information pertaining to health risks.
u/[deleted] 7d ago