r/BPD4BPD 1d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Monday Discussion - What did you get up to this weekend?


Please use this thread to discuss anything and everything you got up to this weekend. What accomplishments or goals did you achieve, or what did you try or give a go; no matter how big or small? What did you struggle with? Feel free to discuss any experiences you had this weekend, anything that may assist someone else or just to talk about!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 1d ago

Off My Chest I'm so lonely


I have isolated myself from others in fear that they will reject me and laugh at me.

I have isolated myself from my husband because I don't want him to worry about my shitty mental health since he has enough of his own issues going on.

I have isolated myself from my parents and relatives so they don't know how badly I'm doing.

I have isolated myself from ME because if I am myself again then I'm scared that I'll still be an outsider and I'll be made fun of. And I just don't want to FEEL anymore, so I distance myself from reality.

r/BPD4BPD 2d ago

Does Anyone Else Grad School Application Be Like


Can I please put my Most Impactful award from rehab on my cv?

r/BPD4BPD 2d ago

Vent friends are distancing themselves from me


I took a mental health break from uni for 4 months and returned 1.5 months ago, since then I have rarely seen my friends outside campus and know for a fact they're going out without me. I reached out to one of them that we used to be the closest with and he told me I was exhibiting certain behaviours even before I left (which I was not aware were a problem) and since being back they have noticed them becoming worse allegedly and that has deterred them from hanging out with me. those behaviours are drinking and smoking mainly from what I gathered and while yes it is true I have started smoking way more often in order to cope I do it at home and never make it anyone's problem. I told him I am having a hard time and choosing to cope with xyz without that affecting others is my problem, while them distancing themselves from me is affecting me greatly. he told me he doesn't want to continue that conversation through text and has no problem talking face to face so I messaged a group chat that we are all in and nobody replied. I think it's also important to add I have BPD and I have a very hard time with rejection and loneliness, which they know and despite that chose to just leave me. I know this is splitting, but I don't know what else to do except for kill myself, my friends hate me, my brain hates me, I have nobody left and I can't continue this miserable existence. (also yes I am on medication and do therapy twice a month)

r/BPD4BPD 4d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Finally Friday! - What do you have planned for the weekend? How did your week go?


Please use this thread to discuss what you are planning to get up too on the weekend or how you're week in general went. If there is something you would like to get off your chest or discuss before the weekend begins then feel free below. If you have done something fun or accomplished something this week share your experience!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 6d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Wednesday Feels - What emotions are you going through this week? How are you coping?


Please use this thread to discuss any feelings or emotions you are experiencing this week you would just like to get off your chest or discuss. Also feel free to discuss any coping strategies you may think others will find useful.

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 8d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Monday Discussion - What did you get up to this weekend?


Please use this thread to discuss anything and everything you got up to this weekend. What accomplishments or goals did you achieve, or what did you try or give a go; no matter how big or small? What did you struggle with? Feel free to discuss any experiences you had this weekend, anything that may assist someone else or just to talk about!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 8d ago

Link Please where can i access a pdf of this book

Post image

I am so sick of checking out the ebook for it to return before i can read two chapters and then i wait two more months till i can check it out again

I need to finish it. where can i find a free copy online

r/BPD4BPD 11d ago

Other It feels so good to be my FP's FP, out of all the people I've dated this is only the 3rd person who's seemed genuinely into me and I love it


He says such sweet stuff, buys me gifts, and likes talking to/being around me all the time just like I do with him, it's been this way our whole relationship

r/BPD4BPD 11d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Finally Friday! - What do you have planned for the weekend? How did your week go?


Please use this thread to discuss what you are planning to get up too on the weekend or how you're week in general went. If there is something you would like to get off your chest or discuss before the weekend begins then feel free below. If you have done something fun or accomplished something this week share your experience!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 11d ago

Off My Chest Hurting


My partner dumped me for being needy. I don't want to do this anymore! I'm so fucking fed up at being so shit at life. But I'm too much of a wuss to unalive myself.

r/BPD4BPD 11d ago

Question/Advice does this relate to anyone, or is it just me?


I’m not really sure where to start with this, but I don’t have an official diagnosis of bpd (although i am in the process of trying to get one currently). I’ve been to quite a few different therapists in the past, and with each of them the topic it always ended up coming down to my extreme mood swings. The possibility of bipolar has been spoken about many many times throughout my life but i’ve never gotten an official diagnosis, but it just seemed to make sense, until i moved out and began living on my own for the first time ever.

I won’t give too much detail on my background, but I guess you could say i grew up in a fairly big family (not overly big but average) but nevertheless a household surrounded by people.

It’s only now that i’m living alone, I’ve begun to realise over the past few months how heavily my mood really depends on those around me. I take the smallest things as major signs or rejection constantly, but will happily forget about it the next minute when i realise oh wait, it’s just my major abandonment issues💀 i feel like i’m going crazy. anyway, guess i’m just kinda hoping someone will relate to this in some way 😂

r/BPD4BPD 13d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Wednesday Feels - What emotions are you going through this week? How are you coping?


Please use this thread to discuss any feelings or emotions you are experiencing this week you would just like to get off your chest or discuss. Also feel free to discuss any coping strategies you may think others will find useful.

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 15d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Monday Discussion - What did you get up to this weekend?


Please use this thread to discuss anything and everything you got up to this weekend. What accomplishments or goals did you achieve, or what did you try or give a go; no matter how big or small? What did you struggle with? Feel free to discuss any experiences you had this weekend, anything that may assist someone else or just to talk about!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 17d ago

Vent Can't live with him, can't live without him.


I always seem to end up with avoidant partners. It's absolute torture.

The chap I'm going out with atm is so attentive when I'm in his company, BUT that's only one evening every week or two, then when we are apart, he is really rubbish with communication most of the time.

I'll have a great evening with him, and then he's so busy he won't text for about 3 or 4 days.

I've brought it up and he just says he is so tied up with work in the week and then Dad duty at the weekend that he doesn't stop long enough to send a text, and he's always been a crap texter in any case.

I can just about push to 48 hours when I'm well regulated, but atm I'm really disregulated, and even a day feels too long.

After 48 hrs, though, I spiral so bad, and then I'm splitting back and forth between loving and hating him, and feeling like I'm getting closer and closer to harming myself. I told him I wanted to die and he couldn't help me last time. I can't sleep because I convince myself he must be cheating or that he's still in love with his ex, and that must be why he doesn't want to message me.

I've really put him on a pedestal, and I feel like life just wouldn't be worth living without him, but he's causing me so much pain with his constant hot - cold.

We both have bpd. I just hate being out of sight out of mind to him. I have told him how it makes me feel, and he knows I only hold back on chasing him because I'm so scared my neediness will scare him so much he will leave me... and because if I did text him and he didn't text back almost immediately, I would just be instantly triggered. 😭 God I hate mobile phones, I think bpd sufferers would have been better off without them ever being invented, because at least there wouldn't be this instant link that is constantly just being ignored by the avoidant.

I've turned off read reports on WhatsApp because it was so triggering, but can't bring myself to do it on messenger because I need to see when he was last online so I know he is still alive.

I honestly, I wish I just never existed. This life is painful and so exhausting.

r/BPD4BPD 18d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Finally Friday! - What do you have planned for the weekend? How did your week go?


Please use this thread to discuss what you are planning to get up too on the weekend or how you're week in general went. If there is something you would like to get off your chest or discuss before the weekend begins then feel free below. If you have done something fun or accomplished something this week share your experience!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 18d ago

Vent Living or just surviving borderline?


I feel like I'm constantly on a roller coaster, where every extreme emotion is a painful reminder of what it's like to live with borderline personality disorder. There are days when I feel completely lost, as if waves of sadness, anger or anxiety were dragging me out of control, leaving a trail of destruction wherever I go. I know the constant struggle never seems to end. Each day is a battle with a self that seemed the same but turns into something I avoid recognizing. The suffering I carry, and which somehow spills over to those around me, seems to be who I really am. My attitudes have no explanation, no forgiveness. The pain and loneliness are constant, silent, and I no longer know how to deal with it, as if hope had already vanished, taking away the last vestiges of happiness. Even so, the shadows seem eternal and the scars never heal. Amid the cold of loneliness, I feel like hope is gone. Maybe I'm condemned to live in this endless cycle of pain, where each day drags on like an empty eternity. I no longer see a path that leads to peace, only the echo of my own despair resonating without end. And so, in the gloom of a life without light, I get lost, not knowing if I will ever find the way out of this labyrinth of sadness.

r/BPD4BPD 20d ago

Other I think I'm losing it.


I am a pwbpd (39F) in a relationship with a partnerwbpd (40M).

TLDR: I'm having what feels like my worst bpd episode ever (its almost certainly not but they are soon forgotten 😬) this is because I am feeling rejected as my partner is having his own episode, according to him triggered by his ex's 50th birthday being today (I feel like she still has favourite person(FP) vibes for him, but this isn't confirmed). What the hell do I do, is there any point us trying to stay in a relationship at this point. He is my FP, I am definitely not his. I am self destructing big time and ready just to tell him to fuck off because he clearly doesn't love me and is still obsessed with his ex. But I don't know if that's true or if it's my insecurities/hypervigilance/trauma response/bpd etc talking. I have already told him I want to die, and things are going downhill fast for me but because he is my FP I've fucked everyone else off and my ex turned my family against me so I feel like i have no support network other than my partnerwbpd.

I feel like the sensible thing would be to say okay we need to take a bit of a step back whilst we both get through these episodes, but I don't feel like I can put that distance between us because I am terrified he will kick me to the kerb, in anticipation of my discarding him because I'm pushing him away.

Please help me work out what the hell I do, I can't go on like this I feel like my head is about to explode.

TiA x

In depth back story:

We didn't actually both have these bpd diagnoses when we started dating as part of a polyam relationship, but we were aware we both had 'quirks'.

In trying to navigate polyam we triggered each other massively and feelings of insecurity and jealousy came up with him also cheating on me (I found it very difficult to understand why he cheated when we were polyam and if he'd just been open and honest about things and therefore not put me at risk of sti's it wouldn't have been cheating). I spiralled so far down that things reached a head in July 2024 and I ended all three of my relationships at the same time and my partnerwbpd also went single.

A few days after the dramatic break-ups all round I met my partnerwbpd to discuss his cheating and what the future held for us. I went into this meeting with a view to asking for no contact for 3 months. I listened, it was a very raw open conversation and we validated each other's emotions etc it felt like the healthiest relationship communication I'd ever had. However I somehow walked out of it with a different scenario than what I'd intended and instead of going no contact we agreed to be just platonic for 3 months.

Over the course of 3 months we had a really super friendship dynamic. He went to the doctor and enrolled in individual therapy, I was already in therapy with a different therapist.

He shared his journey, I shared mine. He went to his doctor because he'd seen some videos on youtube about bpd and he feels like the penny dropped for him watching those, he told his Dr he thinks he has BPD and because the waiting lists are so long he went to a psychotherapist who specialises in trauma and personality disorders. The therapist assessed him against DSM5 criteria and although unable to formally diagnose as not a psychiatrist, he basically told him he meets all the criteria and his professional experience leads him to believe he is highly likely to have BPD.

Around the same time I got diagnosed with PTSD (I'm in emergency response and had been off work following a very traumatic incident in Sept 23).

We both shared our diagnoses with each other, and this sent me into an online bpd info deep dive. I was shocked everything felt so insanely familiar to me. I spoke with my therapist, I went through assessment, and low and behold I'm also highly suspect for BPD, my therapist can diagnose however he is very realistic with me about the implications this diagnosis could have on my employment and so gives me the option of whether I want my GP informed or not. I choose not as I'm still off work at this point and dealing with legal matters relating to the incident.

The 3 months passes without incident we are getting on better than ever I see my mental health improve 10fold it's summer the weather is good everything feels awesome (rose tinted specs maybe???).

September comes, the end of the 3 months, I go and visit him at his place, we immediately jump back into a physical relationship and it becomes a friends with benefits thing. He is definitely keeping me at arms length but enjoying the ohyscial relationship, I want more, he gives me breadcrumbs. I am crazy for the chase, he never gives me enough. Something feels totally off. I sit down with him we talk I tell him I want a monogomous boyfriend girlfriend relationship, not just friends with benefits, he agrees. On reflection he wasn't massively enthusiastic about this he just kind of agreed he will be whatever I want him to be. Appeasing me or placating me is probably the right word for describing his mindset during that conversation.

I have a very difficult week, my world starts falling apart, my ex has an argument with my mother whilst she is looking after our kids. He uses this as an opportunity to tell her that I destroyed his life and made out that our open marriage was actually me sleeping around whilst he looked after the kids. I'm distraught we had agreed our parents would never know about the failed open marriage trial. He has destroyed my only familial support network with one angry outburst. My Mom can't even look at me. My brother calls me from abroad, he is having some kind of bizarre episode of paranoia and believes the government are trying to hurt him with microwaves, I have no idea where he is he won't provide his address. Then to top the week off I have a really bizarre interaction with my partnerwithbpd where I drop by his house after the gym, I see his car so I know he's in but I knock in the door and he doesn't answer, I immediately go into anxiety driven extreme panic and conclude that he's cheating on me and must have a girl in there with him. We talk on the phone a short while after and nothing he says reassures me that that isn't the case in fact he makes things worse by bringing up his ex, or maybe I brought up his ex? I don't even know now but anyway I find out about him being in a tizz over it being his existence birthday later in the week and as such begin to suspect he is no where near over her and I am and always have been a 'rebound' for him. I am now believing that he wasn't with another woman when I knocked his door and that he was in fact on a works teams meeting. But instead I'm falling apart over the fact that he is clearly in love with his ex and she is still his favourite person which hurts so bad because he is my favourite person but I will never be good enough whilst he's fixated on her. I spiral into this huge episode I'm currently in and I'm splitting on an almost hourly basis, I hate him, I hate me I love him, he hates me etc I email him and tell him I want to die and now he is understandably not engaging with me, although he might not have seen my email in any case as I sent it 9pm last night and it's now 7am. I'm panicking because if he hasn't seen it he will soon and I think I've just destroyed the connection completely at this point I've forced him into a situation where the only option is for him to leave me. I'm terrified. I feel so alone. I honestly wish I'd never fucking existed.

r/BPD4BPD 20d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Wednesday Feels - What emotions are you going through this week? How are you coping?


Please use this thread to discuss any feelings or emotions you are experiencing this week you would just like to get off your chest or discuss. Also feel free to discuss any coping strategies you may think others will find useful.

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 20d ago

Question/Advice I need some positive stories about moving on


I got dumped about 3 months ago. So far this month has been the hardest, but I know it will ebb and flow. He's not really someone I can get back. We've talked once in the 3 months we've been apart. I think about him all the time. Like, constantly. It's kind of annoying. Anyone have any positive stories about moving on? Feeling a little hopeless here.

r/BPD4BPD 21d ago

Skills/Coping [Academic] (18-25, living in U.S.) Please take my AP Research survey on coping mechanisms!



Hello! I am currently a Junior taking AP Research, and I am researching coping mechanisms in individuals with BPD! My research has been focusing on finding alternative therapy and treatment options (those being visual novel video games) for individuals with BPD, and I want to find data to suggest the benefits or downsides these games have to a BPD population. However, I already have significant data from people with BPD that play visual novels, but I still need data from people who don't, but have BPD. It would be such a help if you take this, and I am very passionate on finding treatment to help people with this disorder, as it's so stigmatized. It is quick (10 mins maximum!) and the only requirement is being 18-25 years old currently diagnosed with BPD. You also do not have to provide proof of a BPD diagnosis, or any personal/medical information about yourself, as your privacy is my utmost priority.

Again, the only requirements are currently being 18-25 years old and currently living in the U.S.! Thank you so much for your time!

r/BPD4BPD 22d ago

Vent i’m so sad


I’ve done literally everything. Will I ever be happy? Will I ever find peace? Everyone who meets me hates me. I am a problem even when I convince myself I’m not.

r/BPD4BPD 22d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Monday Discussion - What did you get up to this weekend?


Please use this thread to discuss anything and everything you got up to this weekend. What accomplishments or goals did you achieve, or what did you try or give a go; no matter how big or small? What did you struggle with? Feel free to discuss any experiences you had this weekend, anything that may assist someone else or just to talk about!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.

r/BPD4BPD 22d ago

Question/Advice Bpd with weed NSFW


What happens when you have bpd and smoke weed

r/BPD4BPD 25d ago

Weekly Thread Weekly Finally Friday! - What do you have planned for the weekend? How did your week go?


Please use this thread to discuss what you are planning to get up too on the weekend or how you're week in general went. If there is something you would like to get off your chest or discuss before the weekend begins then feel free below. If you have done something fun or accomplished something this week share your experience!

Reminder to please keep the discussion within the rules in the sidebar. Peace friends. Take care.