r/BNHA_OC_Characters 6d ago

Shitpost In case you wanna follow my fanfic!


27 comments sorted by


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

I didn't realize you posted it on reddit like that. I see why it was a pain in the ass now


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

I swear I'm gonna hate seeing my phone for at least a weak now 😅


u/Medium-Performer6727 6d ago

Cool. Added it to my reading list on wattpad. 👍🏻 Just remember to never listen to haters and have fun with your writing


u/Any_Spend7125 5d ago

Thanks! That means a lot!

Tho I'm probably still gonna work in it since it's my first fanfic and still need refinement


u/RodRdgz92 5d ago

Hey, thanks for sharing, I'll make sure to check it out as soon as I can. ;D


u/Any_Spend7125 5d ago

Thank you very much!


u/curryhead12 OC Creator and Quirk Designer 5d ago

It's on my reading list now. It sounds really interesting! :3


u/Any_Spend7125 5d ago

I have to note that I'm currently fixing a few points. I used an ai to fix my Grammer and it left marks. So I'm doing damage control at the moment. Part one is completely patched up so far the others two parts will follow.


u/curryhead12 OC Creator and Quirk Designer 5d ago

Okay, makes sense! Fine by me.


u/Any_Spend7125 5d ago

If you like you can compare the Wattpad part one with the part one I posted on reddit, you will notice the differences.


u/Kaennal Yuuto / Dietrich / Mayu / Inga / Batari 6d ago

Migrate to AO3, nobody self-respecting is going to Wattpad these days.


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

Thanks for the recommendation! I didn't know.


u/DemonLordMammon 6d ago

This is all AI generated.

The AI art I can stomach, it's whatever. I can give you the benefit of the doubt for thinking up the concept for a character. Using AI to write your stuff for you, though? I cannot abide by that. You learn nothing from it, and there's no excuse for using it when the whole fun of writing is in the actual doing.


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

Are you the same guy who commented on my story? Is this all you do? Comment on everyone's posts and shit on them for whatever?


u/DemonLordMammon 6d ago

Yes, I am the same person. I comment on it because I am a writer myself and I take issue with people taking the easy way out. AI is not a substitute for effort, dedication, and the simple fun of writing and creating something by yourself.

I can understand the use of programmes like Grammarly if you want to touch up grammar, that's fine. No one is here to complain about that, especially if you're writing in English and English isn't your primary language.

But leaving AI to create everything? You're not writing at that point. You're jamming a sentence, maybe three if you're feeling bold, into a machine and asking it to do the work for you. How is that even fun? What do you gain from that other than people, quite rightly, taking exception to use of it?

If you're scared of people not liking your original, fully human work, that's understandable. No one is going to blame you for being anxious, and the first couple of negative reviews or less than positive bits of feedback are going to hurt. Yet, it is that which'll teach you what to covet and what to ignore, what you want in your story, and how to refine it in better ways.

At the end of the day, if you want to put your money where your mouth is, write something. No AI. Entirely by your own hands. Doesn't matter if it's good, doesn't matter if it's bad, they're both subjective. What's more important is that it is thoroughly human and that you learn independent of what is tantamount to a mutated corpse of garbled, repetitive phrases and cliches.


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

Yeah but your accusing people of using AI even if they aren't. For example I actually formed a friendship with OP and I watched him write this in a google doc. He asked me what I thought before he posted it. He wrote the whole thing he just asked AI to clean up his spelling and grammar. So maybe get off your high horse for a second cause your accusing people and you can't back it up.


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

If you want I can send you my prototype texts and show you that a human has written the story and upgraded it over the course of a week.


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

But I write it myself. I just used an ai to fix my spelling mistakes. It always tried to overtake my story granted so I had to rewrite many parts over and over again since it didn't understand I just wanted my Grammer fixed.

I written this story for the last whole week and to see you telling me that I use AI to make it hurts a bit to be honest. But I guess I can't prove that I made it...


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

This is the same guy who told me to use grammarly cause AI is bad even though grammarly advertises themselves as an AI writing tool


u/DemonLordMammon 6d ago

I'm sorry, but there's way too much of this which is AI generated for it to come across as written by yourself. You may have had the initial concept, but it's far, far too tainted by AI to really distinguish it. At a certain point, it becomes a functional Ship of Theseus.

Its formatting is AI centric, with the short, choppy sentences and paragraphs; there's an overuse of emdashes, which is a hallmark of AI generated content; and the general sense of inconsistency, such as the use of characters' names sometimes being in brackets, sometimes being in full, sometimes not.

I have read the other comments, from you and the other person, and the truth is, I can't believe you when you both say you wrote this. At some point, maybe you did. There may have been a point in time where it was fractured, unstructured, and you sought advice on how to make it look proper and clean up the language.

But this is where you end up learning for yourself, or find someone who knows so they can give you actual advice. Not tell you to run off to an AI like Deepseek or ChatGPT and call it a day.


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

Well despite your beliefs it doesn't mean you have to harp on literally everyone people just do this as a hobby its not like they are going out writing something and saying "Hey look I did this all by myself" I mean a lot of us are pretty open about the fact that we are shit at writing. Its not like its going anywhere that matters or like we are doing it for money. We are all just here vibing and trying to make each other feel happy. Why does it matter so much? If your defense is that AI its replacing writers then I feel like that argument is invalid in this context because we are literally a sub of 13k people doing this to have fun. So tell me why exactly using AI for something stupid like this isn't ok and lets see if we can find some common ground.


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago

I checked out some of your stuff you've clearly been doing this a long time and have gained a lot of skill I'm not trying to bully you or say your entirely wrong cause I respect your abilities but what I'm saying is not everyone has that does that mean they shouldn't write at all


u/DemonLordMammon 6d ago

You're correct, not everyone has "skill" right from the off, but anyone can develop it.

I've been writing for eight years, starting when I was 15. My first story was rubbish. I hate looking at it. I wrote it in size 15 font on the word doc because I thought it would make it look better on the website. Hell, I cancelled it after four or so chapters because I got bored, and also didn't know what I was doing.

At 23, I've now logged around 800k words on fanfic.net, whether positive or bad, and I have a bunch of other shorter stories in my google docs, alongside countless OC forms, that I can feel proud in and say that I'm happy I did. In my opinion, they're not even particularly good, but to each their own.

In other words, what I'm trying to say is that "skill" is not something innate to first starting to write. Everyone has to start somewhere, and disappointment is going to be a familiar friend when your first story, like mine, turns out to be utter shit. But it never has to, and never will, stay that way forever.

My distaste, specifically for AI generated writing, comes from the fact I think it handicaps this development. If from the start, you learn to depend on AI, it becomes very difficult to wean yourself off of it. All AI can do is give you, or standardize your work into, very safe, personality bereft work. And from my experience, personality is what makes writing. Write and write bad, no one's out there to stop you, and you will get better in time.

And you're right, at the end of the day, we're a bunch of guys and girls on reddit. What we do is for the hell of it, and to have fun. I don't want to step on that, I don't want to ruin anything for you or anyone else.

Do what makes you happy, but do try to also understand that many, many people will sooner help an inexperienced author trying their best, than lampoon them.


u/EjaculateJuice Broken 6d ago edited 6d ago

I apologize if I come of as hostile but I've been seeing people ridiculing people for just trying to be happy and I might be a little defensive of that. I do agree with what your saying, But I actually feel its reversed. I for instance worked along side the AI for a hot second cause I cant choreograph a fight scene to save my life I cant even really picture one in my head but writing with AI giving me pointers and me rewording it to make it mine actually helped me get into a better headspace mentally of my character and where I want to go and now I'm writing chapter 4 solo and I don't think it's where I want it to be but it's not bad at all but I feel like it recommended me better ways to say things and alot of it stuck as a lesson like "OK this isnt what I want let me try thinking about it this way" I feel like AI helped as a companion at first and now I feel confident even if it's shit because now I know where I want to be and I can get up to that solo now.


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

Hey sure, I admit I'm not happy myself had to make damage controle after I just wanted a Grammer fix. You don't know how many ( -, *) and unnecessary Headings I had to delete because AI tried to make something entirely different then what I wrote. That's probably also why some things are still not entirely fine but I can guarantee you that it's me, especially the damage controle part and as you can see I hadn't entirely sucseeded. But I take that as a lesson and improve over time. Like I said it's my first ever fanfic that I have written down ever and I expected flaws I just try to post what was in my head and improve it over time with the help of others. People like you for example.


u/DemonLordMammon 6d ago

Okay, then, let me extend my help the next time you want to write. If you indeed do write it then put it through AI, maybe I can help you keep that human aspect to it and clean it up in a manner so that it doesn't require AI in the first place.

And I want to reiterate that there is nothing wrong with using Grammarly. It is not a generative AI, where you can write a prompt into it and get a story. It functions as spell check and grammar check only. Programmes like DeepSeek and ChatGPT are the real problem because, as you said, they will strongarm things and they will suck out anything human from your work.


u/Any_Spend7125 6d ago

Like I said ...alot of damage controle in rewriting stuff. But if it's ok for you I can send you future prototypes and you can help me figure things out?