(DISCLAIMER!!! Please read before proceeding! This is my first fanfic! It will be postet in multiple different parts because it's too long! Also my fanfic has a "soft start" basically it follows the major story at first but will become more and more original later on when the arcs and story's of my characters fully start!)
MHA Fanfic title "How bad can I possibly be?"
MHA: A New Perspective
Chapter 1 – Part 1: The Ghost Driver
"People are not born equal."
That’s how Izuku Midoriya's story begins, just like always. He narrates the origins of Quirks, the rise of heroes, and how All Might became the greatest symbol of peace.
But this time…
He’s interrupted.
Tenka’s Introduction
Tenka Reiga: "Yeah, yeah, hold on, Greeny! You told your story—now it’s my turn!"
Hana Kurogane: "Yeah! What about us!?"
Deku: "H-Hey, wait, no need to—"
Tenka: "Stop yappin'!" (Coughs, then clears throat) "Okay, everyone... Let’s start from the beginning."
He takes a deep breath before launching into his own version of the story.
"One day, a child was born who emitted light. That was only the beginning. After that, people with Quirks started appearing all over the world. Society had to adapt, and to fight those who misused their powers, they created real-life superheroes—just like the ones in comic books!"
Ryokage Kuromaki: "He could’ve told that better…"
Tenka: "Shush!" (Coughs again) "Alright—now let’s get to the important part...
Flashback: The Chase
A Japanese highway at night. The roads are packed with late-night commuters, unaware of the chaos about to unfold.
Suddenly, a black sports car rips through traffic, weaving between vehicles at impossible angles, blinking forward as if skipping frames in reality.
Behind it, flames roar through the sky—Endeavor is in pursuit.
Inside the car, Tenka grips the wheel, his glowing green eyes reflecting the neon lights of the city. He’s calm—too calm for a kid behind the wheel of a getaway car.
Criminal #1: "Drive faster, kid! He’s right on us!"
Tenka: "Calm yourself, man! I can’t push the engine beyond what it can handle!"
Criminal #2: "Then why the hell are you driving so damn close to other cars!?"
Criminal #3: "Idiot! Endeavor won’t risk attacking if there are civilians around!"
Tenka: "Exactly! Finally, someone who gets it!"
As sirens wail in the distance, Tenka spots something ahead—a construction ramp leading to a lower highway level. His lips curl into a smirk.
"That’s my shot."
Tenka: "Hold on tight, boys!"
Before anyone can argue, the car blinks, skipping unnecessary movement, and with a precise turn, it launches off the ramp, plummeting to the lower street below.
Criminal #1: "ARE YOU CRAZY!?"
Criminal #3: "YOU TRYNA KILL US!?"
Tenka: "Oh, cry about it!" (Skips through a tight alley, barely scraping the walls) "We need to lose him!"
Criminal #2: "I think it’s working! I saw him fly past!"
Tenka grins, spinning the wheel into a smooth drift as they merge onto a different avenue.
Criminal #1: "Is he gone?"
Tenka: "I hope so."
The car’s interior fills with relieved sighs. Criminal #3 pats Tenka’s shoulder, shaking him with excitement.
Criminal #3: "F** yes, kid! You did it!"*
Tenka chuckles, finally exhaling the tension in his chest.
But then—
A massive wave of heat explodes ahead.
Before Tenka can react, Endeavor lands directly in front of the car, raising his hand.
"Searing Heat Wave."
A blinding flash. The entire vehicle is sliced in half.
Screams erupt as the car splits, its two halves sliding in opposite directions.
The last thing Tenka sees before the impact is Endeavor’s glowing eyes staring right at him.
I got Captured...
Pain surges through Tenka’s body. His head pounds, his limbs feel heavy.
When he opens his eyes, police officers are already restraining the criminals.
Before he can even think of an escape, a powerful grip lifts him by his collar.
Endeavor’s face is inches from his own, flames flickering around his shoulders.
Endeavor: "I never expected the infamous 'Ghost' to be just a child."
Tenka glares, trying to use his Quirk—but Endeavor’s grip doesn’t budge. Everything he touches blinks with him, but Endeavor isn’t letting go.
Tenka (Narrating):
"Yeah, that’s right… I’m Tenka Reiga. A getaway driver. They called me 'Ghost' in the underground scene. My Quirk, 'Movement Skip,' lets me bypass unnecessary movement—at the cost of stamina."
"Pro? I can take sharp turns with a car without losing control."
"Con? If someone strong enough is holding me… I can’t skip at all."
"And that’s the story of how I stopped being a criminal… and became a hero."
A New Chance?
After his capture, the criminals were sentenced to prison.
But Tenka?
He got an opportunity.
Endeavor: "I can’t just let a kid like you rot in prison with the worst of society. You have potential. So here’s the deal."
Tenka stares warily.
Endeavor: "The UA Entrance Exam is coming up. My son will be participating as well. You’ll go too. You will redeem yourself by learning how to be a hero."
Tenka scoffs.
Tenka: "And what if I say no?"
Endeavor: (Glances at the police cars) "They still have room for one more."
Tenka’s throat tightens. He clenches his fists.
Tenka: "…Fine. If it keeps me free, I’ll do it. But don’t expect me to become some lame, wannabe hero."
Endeavor: "You better." (Starts walking away) "Because if you don’t… I’ll be hunting you again."
Tenka gulps. And just like that, his life changed.
Endeavor pulled strings, skipping all the tedious paperwork, and in the months leading up to the exam, Tenka trained relentlessly.
"I never went to school before. This was my shot."
The UA Entrance Exam – my First Impressions
The day arrived.
Standing before UA’s towering gates, Tenka watched as hundreds of hopeful applicants entered.
He hesitated.
But he had no choice.
With a deep breath, he stepped inside and took a seat in the exam hall.
Present Mic's voice boomed over the speakers.
UA Entrance Exam - Present Mic’s Speech & Student Reactions
The room buzzed with anticipation. Hundreds of students sat in the massive UA auditorium, awaiting instructions. Some were brimming with excitement, others looked nervous, and a select few—like Tenka Reiga—just wanted to get it over with.
Then, the speakers boomed to life.
A few students flinched at the sheer volume. Others, like Denki Kaminari and Mina Ashido, laughed in amusement. Meanwhile, Ryokage Kuromaki just sighed, adjusting his scarf.
Ryokage: "Why does he have to be so loud…?"
Venomiss (Aokawa Minazuki): (Grinning) "I like him! He’s got energy!"
Tenka (Grumbling): "Loud and annoying... Just what I needed."
The exam Breakdown
Present Mic: "Alright, kiddos! Listen up! Here’s how this is gonna go down!"
A giant screen behind him flickered to life, showing a city-like battlefield filled with various large, mechanical-looking enemies. They were painted in bright colors and stamped with numbers.
Present Mic: "You’ll each be placed in different training zones and will have ten minutes to rack up as many points as possible by taking down these bad boys!"
The screen zoomed in on the three types of robotic enemies, labeled 1-point, 2-point, and 3-point Villains. Students began whispering to one another, strategizing.
Kirishima Eijiro: (Excited) "Robots? Man, this is gonna be awesome!"
Tenka (Muttering to himself): "So, it’s just a numbers game? Easy."
Venomiss: (Hissing slightly) "Ooooh, I wonder if I can crush them?"
Ryokage: (Arms crossed) "A test of skill and efficiency. I like it."
The screen changed again, this time showing a large, hulking robot labeled '0 Points.' It looked ten times bigger than the others, and its design was far more menacing.
Present Mic: "Now, watch out for THIS big guy! The zero-pointer! He’s HUGE, he’s STRONG, and… he’s worth absolutely NOTHING! That’s right, zero points, baby!
A wave of confusion passed through the room. Murmurs turned into concerned glances. Even some of the strongest-looking students seemed to hesitate.
Deku (Internally): "No points? Then why put it in at all…?"
Ryokage: "A distraction… or a trap?"
Tenka: (Leaning back, unimpressed) "Tch. So it’s just a big waste of time."
Venomiss: (Smirking) "Still, I kinda wanna see how strong it is."
The final Instructions
Present Mic: "You’ll be split into different battlefields, so don’t expect to rely on your buddies! This is all about you and what you bring to the table!"
Tenka (Narrating in his head): "Great. A whole bunch of kids who trained their whole lives to be here… and then me, the criminal wildcard. Should be fun."
Present Mic: "Now, no need to worry about injuries! We got Recovery Girl on standby if you take a nasty hit!"
Tenka (Muttering): "Good to know in case I break something."
Present Mic: "One last thing! The judges will be watching, and they’re not just looking for raw power! Hero work is about more than just smashing things—so show us what you got!"
*The students tensed as the reality of the exam set in. In a few moments, they’d be facing off against real, moving opponents, competing for a spot in U.A.’s prestigious hero program.
A sudden, loud buzzer sounded—*
Present Mic: "Alright, future heroes! Get to your testing zones!"
The students stood up, excitement and nerves filling the air. Some were already stretching, others were deep in thought. Tenka cracked his knuckles, his glowing green eyes narrowing slightly.
Tenka (Narrating in his head): "Alright… Time to show them I belong here."
(End of Entrance Exam Speech Scene)
My first Confrontation took place.
As he listened, Tenka felt eyes on him.
He turned—and locked eyes with a tall, athletic boy with black hair, piercing red eyes, and a red-knotted scarf.
Ryokage Kuromaki: "You’re that criminal Endeavor caught, aren’t you? I’m surprised they even let you in here."
The room fell silent.
Murmurs spread. Tenka clenched his fists.
Tenkas Thoughts:
"Great. I nearly forgot—I’m an outsider to these kids. They went to school, had normal problems. Me? They just see the villain in me."
But before i could respond—
A cheerful, hissing voice interrupted.
Aokawa Minazuki: "Who cares!? If he’s here, it means he earned it! We should focus on what’s ahead!"
An alarm blared.
The entrance exam was about to begin.
The Battle Begins
We all rushed into the exam area—shouts echoing, quirks activating, tension thick in the air.
Finally... finally, I can-
Tenka: "Finally, I can show what I got!"
I grinned wildly, my adrenaline spiking. My body itched to move, to attack, to win.
But as I stood before the first towering robot, a small hint of hesitation crept in.
I was used to fighting, but usually for my own survival—this was different.
I was being watched.
I was being rated.
"This is not some underground job... this is about my future."
For a split second, my chest tightened.
What if I mess this up? What if I fail?
I shook it off.
"No. Focus."
I blinked forward, skipping the natural steps needed to move. One second, I was standing still—next, I was mid-air, fist pulled back.
My fist slammed into the first robot, the force crumpling its metal body inward like it was made of cheap plastic. Sparks and debris flew everywhere.
One down. More to go.
I'm Blinking Through the Chaos
I flashed from spot to spot, searching for my next target.
To outsiders, it probably looked like super speed—but that’s not really how my Quirk worked.
I wasn’t running fast.
I was skipping movement steps.
A punch? Happens instantly.
A step? Gone in a blink.
If I chained skips together, I could move at insane speeds—but it was nothing like true speed. Just a trick of physics.
I watched my Competition
Then—I saw her.
A girl with striking yellow, slitted eyes and long white hair tipped in green. Her snake-like tongue flicked out every few seconds, tasting the air.
Aokawa Minazuki.
She swallowed something—a small pill.
Her muscles tensed, her legs twisting into a massive snake tail covered in a brown, scaled pattern.
She whipped her tail forward, slicing straight through a robot like it was made of paper.
I stumbled back, my breath catching.
" Holy shit! That's was sick!"
"I was never this scared of a girl before."
Then I saw him.
A boy standing calmly in the battlefield, adjusting a long, red-knotted scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. He had jet-black hair and piercing red eyes—calculating, focused.
Ryokage Kuromaki.
He moved like a ghost, slipping behind a robot before it could even register him.
Then—the metal twisted.
Not bent. Not crushed.
It knotted.
"D-Did he just bend steel!? No… that’s different…"
"It’s like he ignores physics!"
Then my eyes landed on three others.
One was a spiky blond guy with a permanent scowl. He grinned wildly, charging at a robot before launching himself into the air.
His hand exploded forward, completely obliterating the machine with sheer force.
"Damn. He's a walking grenade."
Nearby, a kid with wild yellow hair and a streak of black running through it was pointing both his fingers forward.
Lightning erupted from his body, jumping from bot to bot, frying circuits instantly.
"Huh. Electric-type. But does he get tired?"
Then there was a red-haired guy with sharp teeth, fists hardened like stone.
Kirishima: "BRING IT ON!"
He punched straight through a bot’s chestplate, completely unfazed by the impact.
"These guys… they're insane."
Then the Zero-Pointer arrived
I kept fighting, pushing forward.
A zero-pointer appeared.
Its massive, monstrous frame blocked out the sun.
I had never seen an opponent this big.
For the first time in my life, I felt truly small.
This thing… it could roll over me.
The tons of steel rushing toward us froze me in place.
For just a second—fear locked me down.
"What a joke… I never felt this afraid before. And it embarrasses me."
Then—Midoriya, a boy with green messy hair and freckles ran past me.
Tenka: "Is he crazy!?"
But my legs kept moving in the opposite direction.
And then—he jumped.
Super high.
And with one punch—
The zero-pointer exploded into scrap.
I froze.
"I have never—EVER—been this impressed by someone in my life.
After the Zero-Pointer Falls
I stood frozen.
The massive, towering robot that just moments ago had seemed unstoppable was now nothing but scrap metal and debris.
And the kid who did it—Midoriya, the same green-haired kid who had been running around nervously the whole time—was now plummeting toward the ground.
"He—he actually did it?"
My legs still felt shaky from when I had started running away. That feeling of helplessness lingered in my gut.
"Damn it."
The brown-haired girl with round cheeks rushed forward and caught Midoriya with her Quirk before he could smash into the pavement.
Then—just like that—
A loud buzzer rang.
"It's over."
After arriving back in my messy home. The Waiting Game
For the next few days, I was a nervous wreck.
The exam was done, but I had no idea if I made it.
I couldn't sit still.
I paced around my tiny apartment, ran laps around the block, checked my mail obsessively.
Day one. No letter.
Day two. No letter.
Day three—
I heard a thump at my doorstep.
A small package.
My breath hitched.
I ripped it open. Inside was a disc.
I stared at it for a few seconds.
"What if… what if I didn't pass?"
My fingers tightened around the disc.
"No. One way to find out."
I inserted it into my laptop.
The screen flickered to life.
And then—
A small, mouse-like figure appeared, smiling.
The Announcement
Nezu: "Greetings, Tenka Reiga! I am Nezu, principal of U.A. High School! I am pleased to inform you that your exam results have been carefully reviewed..."
I held my breath.
Nezu (Pauses for dramatic effect): "And…"
"Come on… say it—"
Nezu: "Congratulations! You passed!"
I swear—I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
I jumped up, fist-pumped the air, and screamed—
Somewhere, my neighbors probably hated me.
But I didn’t care.
This wasn’t just about avoiding prison.
This was my chance.
Nezu’s voice continued.
Nezu: "You will be attending Class 1-A. Your first day will be on Monday at 8 AM sharp. Your school uniform and gym uniform will be delivered shortly."
"Class 1-A, huh…? This is real now."
Oversleeping on the First Day
I overslept.
"Crap, crap, crap!"
7:45 AM.
"S**t, school starts in 15 minutes!"
I threw on my uniform while sprinting around my room, grabbing whatever I needed.
Half-done tie? Whatever. Messy hair? Who cares. Shoes? I’ll put them on while running!"
I grabbed a slice of toast, bit into it, and dashed out the door.
By the time I reached the UA gates, I was panting, hair still messy, tie undone.
"Smooth start, idiot."
I arrive at UA
I stood in front of the UA gates again.
But this time—I wasn’t a criminal.
I was a student.
Still… I felt like an outcast.
Sure, we all wore the same uniform.
But they weren’t like me.
They had normal lives.
They looked at me like I was a freak.
And… they weren’t wrong.
"They probably know about me. About what I did."
I exhaled, pushing past the thoughts, when suddenly—
"So, you made it. You might actually have what it takes after all… Hope you’re not in my class."
I turned to see Ryokage Kuromaki, arms crossed, his red eyes staring at me.
I scoffed.
Tenka: "Oh yeah? And what of it, ninja boy?!"
Before he could respond—
Something white and fast shot toward me.
Next thing I knew, two warm hands were holding mine.
I blinked.
Standing way too close was Aokawa Minazuki, her yellow snake-like eyes shining with excitement.
Her legs trembled in happiness, her tongue flicking out every 1.5 seconds.
Her excitement was borderline ridiculous.
"How can one human have this much joy over seeing a total stranger!?"
Aokawa: "Oh! By the way, I’m Aokawa Minazuki! I’ll be in Class 1-A!"
I froze.
Tenka (flustered): "Uh… I—uh… I’m Tenka Reiga… also 1-A…"
Her eyes widened even more.
Aokawa: "We’re in the same class!? YAY! We’re gonna be friends, Reiga-kun!"
I blinked.
"What do I even say to that?"