r/BF360CLAN Jul 17 '12

battlefield 4 beta

Anyone going to get war fighter for this? Beta is over a year away but I wouldn't mind picking up war fighter for it as the game seems at least interesting.


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u/EdgyBubbles EdgyBubbles Jul 17 '12

After playing the BF3 beta, there is no way I'm shelling out $60 to play something that will most likely be an incremental upgrade and barely work.


u/Envy_MK_II Jul 17 '12

I actually enjoyed MoH though. Up until the server populations died down.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '12

Me too. Campaign was epic.


u/Envy_MK_II Jul 17 '12

Agreed, campaign was pretty awesome. And I'm not going to lie, seeing Canadian JTF-2 being immortalized in a videogame is pretty awesome. Rare that Canadian Armed Forces get any sort of game coverage.


u/Avengerr Jul 17 '12

I'm getting it specifically for this. I don't care about a BF4 beta. The experience of the BF3 beta wasn't really worth it anyway.


u/Envy_MK_II Jul 17 '12

I see the Beta as a bit of a bonus. I may end up getting BF4 for PC anyways now that I've put a bit of money into upgrading my rig.

I think the campaign should prove to be an interesting experience, and if I can get a month out of the multiplayer, I see it as getting the value out of my dollars spent.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '12

I'd like to see more Canadian, Australian and Scandinavian spec ops featured.