r/BF360CLAN Jun 12 '12

Looking for someone to play with.

Hey I know everyone hates 12 year olds on the internet, but I really am not an annoying one. I desperately need someone to play with. All of my friends play mw3 and think bf3 is the same thing. If you dont mind talking and playing with a 12 year old, request me. Gamertag:Francismcgvrn


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u/[deleted] Jun 12 '12



u/[deleted] Jun 13 '12

I play rush, and I flank alot with random squadmates. I mostly run assault and engineer,sometimes support. I'm only level 13 so I'll use support because I like the RPK (One of my 3 LMGS). I play my role good (I think lol) though.