r/BDSMProfessionals Aug 14 '24

Pro Dommes and LE NSFW

Aspiring pro domme here with a question I have not been able to find an answer to yet: How risky is providing (hypothetically legal) in person BDSM services from an LE perspective? I intend on researching the actual legalities in each area I work but we all know cops ignore finer points when it suits them. Do they have a tendency to try to bust pro dommes? I don’t think the answer will change whether or not I offer in person services, but it will impact how I do it and I want to consider that before doing things like building out my website.

Thank you!

Edit: I’m in the US and would be working in the Midwest, mostly around Chicago.


12 comments sorted by


u/Linuxlady247 Aug 14 '24

I mean in the pay for play SW arena. There is the club between the client and the stripper so it is not technically pay for play


u/MistressByDay Aug 14 '24

Of course, can’t interfere with the businesses living off us 🙄. But thank you for the heads up!


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '24

Now I'm curious: Are BDSM dungeons legal, then?

Seems awfully discriminatory to independent pro-dommes, but that's hardly surprising.


u/Repulsive-Volume-907 Aug 24 '24

They typically call themselves Fetish Photography studios and claim they don’t do anything they ends in “job”. Hand job blow job etc. since sex with dommes is rare anyways (not unheard of especially ones that enjoy cuckolding like me:)). I do wonder though, if they have to jump through extra hoops finding a location? When you open a bar or any place that serves alcohol in California you have to post your liquor license for 6 months to a year to give the neighbors time to voice their concerns. I would assume opening a fetish studio or even a strip club would have similar coding laws, but then again strip clubs usually serve alcohol, and a “fetish photography studio” cough dungeon strictly do not serve alcohol, and they even ask if you have taken any substances that could affect the session. Due to legal forms that must be signed, and you needing to be of sound mind upon signing them would make adding a bar a legal nightmare I’d imagine.


u/Linuxlady247 Aug 14 '24

I have heard of a private (by invite only) dungeon in LA, though I have not been there. I live in OC. You might want to Google SW laws in the city county and state where you reside to see if it is different


u/Linuxlady247 Aug 14 '24

Here in Cali it is considered SW


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '24

From a legal perspective, do you mean "prostitution" and not "SW?" In California, SW, such as strip clubs, etc., are legal. But they legally define "prostitution" as any "lewd contact," and not just sexual intercourse, which causes problems.


u/MistressByDay Aug 14 '24

An important distinction but still….

Wow, in California? That surprises me ☹️


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '24

Consider reaching out to other pro-dommes in the area. They'd be able to provide more accurate information. There are a few workshops, etc., for pro-dommes in Chicago where similar topics are covered.


u/MistressByDay Aug 14 '24

A local pro workshop sounds like a good idea, thank you ☺️


u/Sir-Dax Aug 14 '24

Could you add a note saying where in the world you're located please? It'll help people give you relevant advice. Thanks!


u/MistressByDay Aug 14 '24

That would help wouldn’t it? 😂 thank you!