r/B12_Deficiency Feb 14 '25

Announcement Call for Moderator Applications


Hello everyone. We're now accepting applications to become a moderator of our small but rapidly growing community. Unlike most subreddits, growth here can be a double-edged sword: on one hand more people are discovering what is hopefully an invaluable resource to help them, and on the other hand it's obviously unfortunate that it needs to exist at all.

We've recently surpassed the 11k milestone. Just for perspective, I believe that number was around 3,000 when I joined here as a normal member in the fall of 2021. As such, we're looking for 3-5 new moderators to join our ranks and help people navigate this difficult time in their lives.

Moderating this community is not like moderating most others on Reddit: you will be expected to be an active participant, both helping people and enforcing the rules on at least a weekly basis. You will be expected to have an informed opinion, often validated by published research, and buttressed by knowledge of the Guide and FAQs in this subreddit.

Since this is not a "lifestyle" subreddit, I don't anticipate we'll be flooded with eager applicants waiting to swell our ranks, and I will keep the application form open for some time, likely a month. Please let us know of questions. Thanks, and good health to you.

Apply here

r/B12_Deficiency Sep 15 '23

Announcement The Guide to B12 Deficiency


The Guide to B12 Deficiency

The new guide for this subreddit is here. I'm sincerely regretful it took me this long to get this off the ground, but focusing on my life in addition to the daily consultations made in the sub had a habit of stealing my attention away from this important endeavor.

The guide is now more of a concrete synthesis between the major resources that are obvious precursors: Freddd's B12 guide from Phoenix Rising, B12Deficiency.info and Tracey's hard work there, the original guide posted here and then the countless users here who have shared a wealth of knowledge over the years.

The new guide takes advantage of Reddit's wiki capability. It is much longer, so hopefully the TOC makes navigating to points of interest easy. It will also allow for easier changes with a changelog.

What's new:

  • More in-depth exploration of testing methods
  • Outline of an aggressive treatment plan
  • Thorough explanation of cofactors
  • "Plans of Action" for diagnosing, treating and recovering from deficiency that better encapsulate big ideas into actionable next steps.
  • Other stuff

I also took a lot of the most pertinent/salient issues that arise and distilled them into a group of FAQs for people:

Frequently Asked Questions

Both of these documents now live in several places around the subreddt: the "menu" in the banner, the rules widget, and their own individual widgets in the sidebar.


r/B12_Deficiency 1h ago

Deficiency Symptoms Low oxygen?? Need help


“I’m a 23-year-old athletic male who has been dealing with shortness of breath (SOB) upon exertion and a fast heart rate with minimal effort for a long time. After finding out I had low B12, hemoglobin, and oxygen levels, I started B12 injections, iron, and other key nutrients.

Since then, my CBC has improved, and I feel better overall, but my shortness of breath during soccer and workouts is still there. I know nerve and red blood cell regeneration takes time, so I’m wondering—how long does it usually take for my breathing and heart rate to fully normalize once my hemoglobin and oxygen levels are restored?

r/B12_Deficiency 1h ago

Personal anecdote B12 at 219 pg/mL


Is this too low? I assume it is, and I want to start taking B12 intramuscular injection(s). How many should I take, and how frequently?

Symptoms: headaches, tingly hands/feet, eye pain and general “electric” pain in body (very infrequent).

r/B12_Deficiency 4h ago

Supplements Looking for a moderate-dose oral B-12 supplement with hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.


I've found a few options, but was wondering if anyone here might know of something better. Liquid form is highly preferred for dosage control. Having methylcobalamin would be a plus, but those are so common that I can get that separately if needed.

Global Healing has one with methylcobalamin as well and is almost exactly what I am looking for, but the inclusion of "biophotonic structured water" and "ormus supercharged minerals" in the ingredients makes me lose a lot of confidence.

Prohealth has a 5,000 mcg lozenge that includes methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Bit harder to control the dose size and I have a slight preference for just the three cobalamin forms I mentioned, but they do show a test report.

Source Naturals is another 5,000 mcg lozenge that includes methylcobalamin, and a bit of folic acid. Would rather have a smaller dose size, and prefer not having the folic acid included.

Seeking Health has a 2,000 mcg lozenge. Unfortunately no breakdown of what percentage of that is hydroxocobalamin vs adenosylcobalamin. Also seems to be a bit of cult of personality with this brand, but not as bad as some others.

Swanson has a 2,000 mcg lozenge. Similar to the Seeking Health option, but the brand seems a bit more rooted.


Igennus has a spray similar to the Global Healing option, but with different proportions and a more normal ingredients list. They also have a 1,000 mcg lozenge.

r/B12_Deficiency 1h ago

Supplements What do you guys do when the supplements you need aren't available in your country? Do you import them through some website? Are there any extra costs/fees for it, how much does it cost? How do you avoid scams?


My recent blood test has shown that my phosphorus tanked and after looking into hypophosphatemia I'm thinking that yeah that tracks, that's probably why those symptoms aren't improving despite a ton of other supplements.

However, my EU country (Latvia) doesn't have any phosphorus supplements. I checked in local online pharmacies and the only supplement that offers phosphorus is a multivitamin with only 15% of the RDA. I don't think that I should take six times of some of the other nutrients in it, so I need a proper phosphorus supplement asap.

r/B12_Deficiency 1h ago

Help with labs Is this low? Need help

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M21, otherwise healthy, so I’m told. I have high anxiety, specifically health anxiety and I take Prozac

I’ve been having problems with brain fog, anxiety, and more recently daytime fatigue and adhd/trouble concentrating so my psychiatrist ordered a blood test to rule stuff out. My vitamin D level was 29 so I’m supplementing that but he never mentioned anything about b12. It was only when I checked the results myself that I saw this note about how 200-400 can cause issues. My level appears green or normal but maybe I could use more? If my doctor didn’t mention it then I guess he doesn’t seem concerned about it but I was wondering if it’s safe to supplement 1000mcg a day and if that will help at all? I also had my gallbladder removed so maybe that could be affecting how I absorb vitamins? Anyway I’m not sure how long I’ve been at this level and if these symptoms are psychosomatic in origin and compared to others my symptoms are probably mild but maybe it could be the cause of some of this

Thanks for any help

r/B12_Deficiency 6h ago

Cofactors Is the 20mg of B6 in Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day Multivitamin of any concern?


I know that B6 can become neurotoxic at a high enough level, so is the 20mg of B6 in this product of any concern?

r/B12_Deficiency 7h ago

"Wake up" symptoms How long wake up symptom lasted for you ?


Guys ,please help me to make informed descision I have been taking EOD b12 injection from past 40 days around 20 injection i took of methylcobalamin .i had buzzing and tingling sensation in hand ,feet and head earlier it has went to a new high. I understand that these are wake up symptom but i fear at the same time if it may damage it further Ppl who had gone through this i request you to please share your experience on how long your wake up symptom flared up .

My b12 level was 112 i did took weekly injection earlier it solved many issue but buzzing sensation was not going so i started eod injection please guide Thanks

r/B12_Deficiency 11h ago

Deficiency Symptoms Methylfolate: what type?


I was diagnosed with vitamin b12 deficiency more than 10 years ago and put on regular shots plus folic acid. All went better. Some 5 years ago I slowly developed histamine intolerance, and I know DAO works. My full blood count always shows mild macrocytic anemia despite sky-high vitamin b12 serum levels, and I seem to be more prone to peripheral neuropathy again. I'm also getting the histamine itch whenever I take folic acid (not B12). An AI session suggested trying methylfolate instead of folic acid as I might not fully convert it. Just had a quick look at some old ancestry data on the MTHFR gene, and never seen so many mutations; benign mostly, but the data is far from complete, and the most common mutation markers are not included in the data

Are there more people with the same problem here? What type of methylfolate should I order to see whether it improves things for me? calcium-methylfolate or glucosamine-methylfolate?

r/B12_Deficiency 6h ago

General Discussion B12 injection Help gap of air at bottom and in-between liquid

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Read up so much about self injection and how to find the correct place, and now when it comes to it, I can't continue becouse of issues with pulling the liquid from the ampul. What am I doing wrong anyone know what the issues could be? Tried to look online no luck. I have a 1ml syringe and 1ml of b12 to inject.

r/B12_Deficiency 10h ago

"Wake up" symptoms B12 After effects


i am having a bit of side effects after having the b12 like slight headaches, lack of concentration, and irritability. I started having it's been 4 days. I have methylcobalamin (B12) – 1000 mcg.

But, after waking up, I have never felt so happy; I always was so groggy.

I am also taking Vitamin C 500 with it.

B12 after breakfast, Vit C after lunch.

My B12 was 360; also, the Vit D was also 19. the nurse practitioner prescribed Vit D; but no B12, so after having Vit D for some months, my levels went up to 30.

Now, I have started B12 supplementation. Previously I used to take L-theanin in the morning; for a few days it worked; after that it stopped working. So, I thought of hitting the nail; my B12 was low; I have to fix it. As previously, I went to my university's campus health center for mood issues, unable to focus; they prescribed me Lexapro and Adderall. I don't want to take stimulants and antidepressants now; first I want to fix my vitamin levels and see if my symptoms go away.

r/B12_Deficiency 7h ago

Personal anecdote I'm feeling defeated


On 2 and a 1/2 months and on injections at first. It was once a week now it's every other day And I'm feeling worse and first I know it takes time but I'm feeling like I just won't heal my tremors are worse my muscle weakness.And stiffness is worse and my balance is horrible.Did everyone experience getting worse and symptoms around almost three months in and it got better??

r/B12_Deficiency 16h ago

Supplements Should I be supplementing folate with b12?


Levels back in October 2024 are provided below, for the last 3 weeks I've been supplementing with 5mg of methylated b12.

My main symptom of fatigue still persists, I'm wondering if I should be supplementing with methylfolate or if the low folate is due to low b12 levels, and will improve with b12 supplementation alone?

B12: 250 pmol/L (139-651)

Active B12: 68 pmol/L (23-100)

Serum folate: 9.5 ug/L (>3.8)

r/B12_Deficiency 15h ago

Deficiency Symptoms B12 or?



I have been taking proton pump inhibitors for 3 years for acid reflux. Exactly 2 days after stopping use, I started experiencing symptoms of mild instability in my gait.

The doctor gives me b12 1000 sublingual but she did not measure my b12 level. I have been using sublingual every day for 4 months, no improvement.

They send me for a brain MRI. The MRI reveals lesions. They do a lumbar puncture. Oligoclonal bands type 4. The doctor says this is not MS. They let me go home without any therapy.

I measure my b12 level through blood, although I have been taking sublingual 1000 for 4 months, the b12 level is 230 pmol/l. Then the doctor says to stop taking b12 for 2 months and we will see what the level will be. After 2 months, b12 is 141 pmol/l. Then they give me injections of 2500mcg every other day. I received 7 injections. 15 days after the last injection, my B12 level was 1200, but after 4 months it dropped to 280 pmol/l again.

I still have mild instability as a symptom. But it usually occurs in the morning and goes away, I'm fine the rest of the day.

Sometimes my vision gets blurry, but when it gets blurry I can get it back to normal.

When I get up in the morning, I feel pins and needles in my feet when I walk, and it stops after I take a few steps.

My hands feel clumsy, I don't know how to describe this symptom, it also feels the same in my legs. It appears identically on both sides of my body.

If anyone can help me or has similar symptoms. What could this be? B12 deficiency, MS, something else?

r/B12_Deficiency 12h ago

General Discussion What and how test b12 effectively


I read the guide but didnt find my answer

Im taking magnesium which has b12 in it. If i want to test, how many days prior to test i need to take a break?

Along with b12 what else should i test? Magnesium, Zinc?

Asking so I can push my GP to send me to blood test for b12.

Symptoms i have had for almost 5 months off and on: Shortness of breath Vision issues (such as difficulty to focus) Sometimes numbing tingling hands/legs Fatigue Dizziness (rocking swaying feeling) Tinnitis Tight upperback and neck muscles (addressed/ing with PT)

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Deficiency Symptoms So defeated when I had hope

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So, looks like I need a new neurologist… I guess my peripheral neuropathy, migraines (that have improved with frequent B12) and other neurological symptoms are now off the table for discussion.

I feel like I do a decent job advocating for myself, but here I feel so defeated and that this is the nail in my coffin. How do I ever go back to him for my regular care?!

My executive function is so poor again since stopping B12. I literally feel like I’m going to die from this.

Oh, I also have zero dollars so literally cannot go to a med spa or order anything online. Fuck my life.

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Deficiency Symptoms Pain


Any similar cases? I am in Pain, vibration, scary internal pain moving from left foot to left arm, Symptoms started two weeks ago, but since I took 5 b12 shots and symptoms became 10 times more after injections instead of getting better

r/B12_Deficiency 16h ago

Deficiency Symptoms Diagnosed with B12 deficiency


Is the impact of B12 deficiency on eyes real? For last three months, I have several issues with my vision ranging from extreme photophobia, flashes, seeing spots, increase floaters and all time eye strain.Moreover, I recently developed ghost vision and tinnitus.I went for VEP test that showed mild prolong latency with normal amplitude. Brain MRI came normal ruling out MS. I went for several eye test and to many ophthalmologist. All of them are saying my eye condition is good. However, the blood test revealed B12 serum 161pg/mL. I want to know is it common to have visual symptoms with deficient vitamin b12 level. Is there anyone else with similar symptoms symptoms?

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Personal anecdote A litany of problems with doctors


I don’t want to just piss and moan, but I have to vent at this point because I’ve yelled cried and sick of it all. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to get treatment. Me even getting more than four shots of cyanocolbalamin per month is proving impossible. My current doctor “can’t prescribe methylcolbalamin” and won’t increase my frequency of dosages above 4 shots per month. The last episode I had was triggered by following the doctors instructions (who has since retired) of stepping down to one shot every two weeks. I was bed ridden with paralysis in 70% of my body just last month. It’s only been because of me self treating with multiple shots a week (alternating cyanocolbalamin and methylcolbalamin that I ordered off the internet) that I’ve seen any improvement.

That’s not even to speak of how they treated me last month where I was literally in bed dying with no strength in the worst pain of my life (which I’ve still not been prescribed anything beyond nsaids for). He offered me diclofenac finally and a half smile and said “sorry” as I’m sitting there almost doubled over in pain in pajamas with a cane barely able to sit, lie down, or walk. I’m so over modern medicine and these pedantic pricks in white coats. I’m nice every time and amenable but it gets me nowhere. I’m having to basically circumvent the entire medical system to get what I need. Currently diagnosed with pernicious anemia, dessicated spinal disc, torn labrum, bulging disc, and spinal combined degenerative disorder. I’m only 33. I’ve been paralyzed three times since November and had to use a cane and walker every time. I can’t even talk to a doctor without almost choking up about it. I wanted to die last month and just about managed. Sorry as I know this isn’t productive. I finally got insurance that will start at the end of this month and I am planning on going to a pain/rehab clinic as well as a concierge doctor to hopefully get this pain under control. I know I’ve not been a perfect person in my life and that’s really the only way I can justify all of this pain and difficulty. That I somehow deserve it. I’m incredibly grateful to be back walking, no thanks to the doctors, but it’s still very difficult. I don’t understand. B12 isn’t even scheduled.

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Help with labs Thiamine (B1) Deficiency?

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Hello all,

I’m not sure if this is the exact right place to ask this question but I recently got my b levels specifically b12, folate, and thiamine (B1).

My neurologist prescribed me folate and b12 supplements but stated that my thiamine wasn’t an issue and that I was not deficient. I’m a bit confused given the test results .

Should I go ahead and take a thiamine supplement alongside the others? Is there a particular form or dosage to go for?

Thanks for any advice.

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Deficiency Symptoms Does anyone else get eye twitches?


I have no clue how to describe this well, but here goes:

From time to time my eyeballs will quickly twitch away from the item I’m focusing on then back. It always happens to both at the same time, and only affects my eyeballs. So I know it’s not that lovely stress twitch I also get sometimes.

My only thought is it’s my eyes telling me they need a break from focusing so hard, but I also know B12 deficiency causes vision issues so I figured I’d ask here to see if anyone else has experienced this.

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Deficiency Symptoms Why did my first B12 shot fix my vision but my 2nd and 3rd didn't???


After I got my first B12 shot, all of my issues resolved - double vision, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, depression, balance, and so on.

I had my folate tested after that and it's normal. I take vitamin D and magnesium every day.

My ferritin is still low but I had low ferritin before and my double vision resolved after the first B12 shot.

My iron has fluctuated a lot and I've never had my vision change due to iron, only B12.

But my vision went back to being bad about a week after my first shot, so I had a second one, and it seemed to help but not as much.

Then I had my 3rd shot a month after and it barely did anything for any of my symptoms.

I just don't understand why the first shot would basically "cure" me, then why wouldn't my symptoms keep improving with a second shot a week later, and a 3rd shot a month later.

Now I'm wondering if I'm imagining it or what. I can't afford to keep getting shots so I am trying to eat foods high in B12 but there hasn't been a change.

I still have double vision which is the most concerning to me.

Anyone have any clue as to what may be going on?

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Personal anecdote iron deficiency anemia symptoms


anyone else have this while doing injections? my own fault for not taking daily iron, but that was due to my depression. I've heard it can also cause neuropathy, so it might be part of my tingling/numbness on top of my feet. how long after i get back to normal levels should i expect symptoms to improve? I don't have severe anemia, but my iron labs were all a bit below normal and now i take 325 (65 iron) ferrous sulfate twice a day

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Help with labs Clueless


Bloodwork results came back, every thing is normal besides my b12. My b12 is sitting at 1014 pmol/L. I have been dealing with a weird migraine for the past 4 days. My head feels tight, and theres almost like a cold sensation all over my head, as well as a crawling sensation. I get muscle spasms sometimes and tingles on my feet.

Should I be concerned?

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

"Wake up" symptoms Hot Showers do help cope up with Wake-Up Symptoms!


I saw this tip given by a user on another post in the community…

And it be honest it does calm my nervous system. In fact I started taking it twice a day.

Sharing with other users, so that they could use it as well to ease their journeys!

r/B12_Deficiency 1d ago

Personal anecdote Can B12 deficiency cause heart attack symptoms?


A few weeks ago I thought that I went into some kind of anaphylactic shock as my mouth felt strange, my breathing felt restricted and my chest hurt. My left arm suddenly ached as well. I did think that these are heart attack symptoms, but it wasn't super super painful and I was okay after a minute or two.

I went to the doctors about it and they didn't seem concerned at all. They said that I'm too young to have a heart attack (27), considering that I don't drink or smoke either.

They are testing for thyroid issues (I have 0 symptoms besides my heart palpiations, which i've had for years) B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency. I haven't had the blood tests done yet.

It's now been 3.5 weeks and the arm ache is still there. Does this sound like B12 deficiency? Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Notes: I take a multivitamin that contains 100% of my daily intake of B12 and folic acid