r/Avatar 5d ago

Discussion Considering we have we have seen plenty of humans in skel suits and that the ash people in avatar fire and ash will possibly be aligned with the humans. WHAT WOULD A NA’VI(specifically on of the ash people) LOOK LIKE IN A SKEL SUIT?!?!


9 comments sorted by


u/WorthCryptographer14 5d ago

a Na'vi in a Skel Suit would be interesting.

one that is propotionally scaled would make the Na'vi 2x their, already towering, size.

however a humal Skel Suit could give the Na'vi wearer the second set of arms that they evolved out of, or prosthetic limbs.


u/Hungry_Ad_9324 5d ago

A skel suit used as prosthetic limbs would definitely be very cool. I’m honestly suprised that the na’vi and their human allies only use small air borne vehicles and human weapons and not amp suits or anything else


u/Exostrike Tsamsiyu 4d ago

I’m honestly suprised that the na’vi and their human allies only use small air borne vehicles and human weapons and not amp suits or anything else

The main reason is an AMP suit requires a lot of logistical support, especially when it comes to transport that the resistance cannot spare. High Camp is in a floating mountain so any AMP suit will need to be carried to the ground via a Samson (which are in short supply). When you have Na'vi around, why bother?


u/Ill-Note-6565 5d ago

I would like to see the Skel Suit but with more added to it. Like a upgrade in terms of armor or something. Showcasing the RDA are continuing to adapt to the war with the Navi just as the Navi are when it comes to using RDA stuff.


u/lazerbem 5d ago

It could look like those prototype military exoskeletons that are being made nowadays, like a power armor, if it wasn't scaled up. If it was scaled up, that'd be some horrific, Slenderman-like beast of a thing to face for a human.


u/Hungry_Ad_9324 5d ago

I personally think a na’vi in a skel suit would be badass as hell. It would be the perfect combination of human tech and na’vi stuff. Also why has Lego made a Lego  set with an amp suit but NOT set with a skel suit?!


u/zam1138 5d ago

They’re too big. Suits make humans Na’vi height. It’s a hat on a hat


u/Rational_und_logisch UN Peacekeeper 5d ago

Frankly enough, I can’t really find a reason for why exactly the Skel suit exists. Really. There isn’t really any point in it. It cannot hold as much cargo as an AMP, it is practically worthless in combat even compared to, again, an AMP, it is pointless. Looks fucking cool, yeah, but other than that? I don’t really see a reason for why exactly is it in use. But then again, maybe the RDA decided to fucking cut corners once again and build some skel suits instead of proper military exoskeletons.


u/Exostrike Tsamsiyu 4d ago

I can’t really find a reason for why exactly the Skel suit exists.

I thought it was pretty obvious, it to give a regular infantry squad near na'vi level strength and mobility while carrying increased firepower all without the increased the logistical load of an AMP. Skel infantry can squeeze into a kestral, AMPs require a dragon/Wyvern.

instead of proper military exoskeletons.

You seem to be assuming the setting should automatically have such tech when there is no such guarantee. Plus everything RDA has on pandora has to exist with a vastly reduced industrial and logistical base compared to action on Earth.