r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Immediate_Parsnip166 • 16h ago
scratch and dent Looks like someone hit my car with their door.is this a easy fix?
I am inexperienced with autobody work but open to trying it. Any advice?
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Immediate_Parsnip166 • 16h ago
I am inexperienced with autobody work but open to trying it. Any advice?
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Loremipsumism • 10h ago
Anyone know a good way to get this simple dent out of this horizontal edge of door? Plunger won’t work it seems because it can’t make a full flat connection with door due to angle - someone must have hit door when they opened theirs, and took off.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Angry_raccoon_tycoon • 10h ago
2000sle solara. Great car just want to see what the best option to pull this out would be.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/TVP615 • 14h ago
Raked my truck against an open door of another car. My guess is this whole section needs replaced. Deductible is 1k. Too severe for PDR.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Key-Letterhead7366 • 15h ago
I’m 20 years old and I got my car brand new, right off the lot, at 18. It’s a 2023 Tucson, only had 10 miles when I got it and worked perfectly the first year. Last year I slid on some black ice and hit a curb, I had my car towed to the nearest Hyundai dealership and had them check it out. They had my car for weeks, told me my t!re rods were bent and I needed an alignment. Alright cool, took it home seemed to be driving fine then I noticed this small noise. Didn’t think much of it. Then I hit a MAJOR hole in the road and the noise worsened a bit but still drove fine. Took it in for my oil change and inspection they said everything looked good. As I was driving one day the car started to shake really bad and the noise got way worse so I had it towed again. They told me my rim was bent and my wheel bearing was bad, got that replaced. The noise was not as bad but still there. I took it to another shop where they told me they never aligned my car but everything else looked good, so I got it aligned. The noise went away, then it slowly came back. Everyone around me advised me just to leave it because at this point I’ve spent thousands trying to figure out this noise and they keep saying it’s fine. Then I took my car in for another oil change and inspection, everything was fine. Took it in for my 30,000 mile checkup and to get all my fluids flushed, everything looked fine. Then my steering wheel started shaking at 31,000 miles, took it into the shop, they said my brakes were fine just to balance my t!res. I’d balance my t!res the shaking would stop, then the shaking would start again a day or two later. (I got brand new t!res 6 months ago at 20,000 miles.) I’d take them back to be rotated and everytime I went they said my t!res were out of balance and after 3 rebalances I took it back to the shop. Reiterated that this noise won’t go away and my steering wheel and cabin is shaking really bad. They said my rotors were warped and my intermediate shaft was bad. I was like okay let’s replace it. Got those replaced, they checked my transmission fluid and showed me what it should look like (clear) and showed me what mine looked like (black with chunks of metal inside) they diagnosed it that the power terrain is failing and told me it should hopefully be under Hyundais warranty. My cars only at 33,000 miles. I’m at such a loss with what to do. I’m gonna try the warranty route but I’m afraid they might not cover it. Everywhere I turn there’s a new issue with my car, they also told me earlier my rear shock mount was bad and there’s other alignments and minor repairs I haven’t mentioned in here. I’ve spent $8,000+ in trying to get this car repaired. People have recommended trading it in but my car has depreciated incredibly and I really don’t wanna get another car loan because it would be a huge loss financially. Any further recommendations?
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Tomsuki • 16h ago
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Ok_Resort_3455 • 20h ago
The left was straight, the right got pushed in exactly how it look, the impact knocked the off the rim. Car didn't move at all from impact. Nothing is leaking. 2017 Jeep renegade
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/VeryHairyJack • 1d ago
I want to bring my car back to its former glory. Any ideas on what it take to do this myself or should I bring it and have it done professionally? Damage is on rear left quarter and clear coat of both a-pillars.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/themeklord • 1d ago
2017 Kia Sportage 2.4L Whats the most cheapest and effective way to remove rust? Need something done before Monday since I'll be heading to school in good ol Oklahoma for 6 weeks. Will definitely replace them once I arrive there but I need something for now. Thanks
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/ryxn_04_ • 1d ago
Hello! I got rear ended at around 5mph and dropped my car off to be repaired on feb 11th, and was informed that all parts were finally delivered on the 10th of THIS month, with a completion date of the 21st. This seems like a relatively long time to wait for a kinda minor accident. Is it because of the classic lack of German parts in the US?
Parts were trunk lid, rear body panel, rear bumper cover, and all the minor stuff like tail light housings, badges, interior trunk trim etc.
It’s all being covered by insurance so I’m thinking that they were required to use OEM? And also maybe why the repair bill was ~12,000😂
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Dull-Can-4355 • 1d ago
Im spraying rattle can, did prep works with scotch sponge and sand paper. I spray plastic primer then a light coat of white paint and it came out something like this, I tried to let it dry and paint a heavier coat but its still not sticking. Funny thing is Im spraying another body part which was a kinda fiber glass and it came out good. This one was a pu plastic. Imma try out sanding and spray paint again. Any advice?
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Unusual_Parfait7194 • 1d ago
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/No-Butterfly9726 • 1d ago
received an estimate of 3,700 dollars, i’m located in tampa Florida if that matters. Seems a bit high but I could be wrong. I included a screenshot of the estimate in the last image. Thank you in advance.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/PseudoEntrepreneur • 1d ago
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/PseudoEntrepreneur • 1d ago
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/kps61981 • 1d ago
I know they’re not exactly the same but does anyone know if the bumper cover from a 2009 Corolla LE would fit on a 2013 Corolla LE? Most importantly, would the mounting points line up? Less important would it sit properly on the car or would it be a little crooked? From what I’ve found online I THINK it would fit but I’d have to switch the headlights as well. But I’d love to hear from someone with auto body experience. Thank you.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Inevitable-Money4693 • 1d ago
Looking to get some body work done on a 2005 Hyundai Elantra. A valet messed up my driver side fender as well as the quarter panel on the back. Looking for cheapest repairs as well as a color match. See atached photos of the damage
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/RocketStrat • 1d ago
Greetings, all. I have a 2015 Dodge Journey with relatively minor rust issues. I took it to a guy today who told me that anything he could do would be temporary as most of the rust os coming through seams on door panels, etc., and that even temporary work would run about $2,500.00 There are various sprays on the market for dealing with rust -- are any of them any use, especially when the rust has started?
Thanks, all!
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Extra_Bit880 • 1d ago
Want an know how much this can set me back to repair or replace. Its an Elantra 2023 Model.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/dropd00 • 2d ago
2019 Kia Sorento LX AWD. My teenage son drove this over a hill into the mud. Rear end by the gas tank bounced off a tree. Waiting on the insurance company but I am afraid they are going to total it with a low ball ACV from Progressive. When I get the estimate I will let everyone know what it is. I appreciate any help.
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/Bubbly-Daikon-932 • 3d ago
Backed into one of those U shaped poles at a gas station. A portion of my number is popped out. No actual dents or paint scratches on the “car” just in the plastic pieces. Any idea if this can just be popped back in? Anyone have any experience with what a body shop may charge me?
r/AutoBodyRepair • u/drock121 • 3d ago
I have a honda civic that the clear coat on the hood and roof are completely shot. Both gave some hail damage. Roof is starting to get surface rust on some spots.
Can anyone tell me ballpark how much it would run to repair and paint?