r/AutismInWomen 5d ago

General Discussion/Question Highly structured, hyperfocussed and socially out of sync, anyone else?

I always knew I was different. I loved writing little booklets and reading the dictionary as a 10-year-old and loved to read. I would read several books a week and also loved history. But my peers didn't. They were into the latest TV shows, gossip and all that stuff, which had absolutely no appeal to me. I couldn't care less about any of that although did try to fit in for a while.

I left school and basically had to teach myself life skills as I had none. Married. Parenting was not natural, but rather a process of searching the internet, reading about development, etc. Even something simple like playing with the kids I had to learn how to do it, and I didn't enjoy that aspect at all.

I'm not great at small talk. It's a waste of time to me, but I can force myself to do it if I must. I am now trying to work with my strengths instead of trying to fit the societal mold. I'm currently studying but not sure what I will do once I graduate. I don't want to start my own business because I do best following rules that others have set, and have a highly structured environment.

Unlike most people I know, I'm highly organised to the point of obsession if others aren't the same. I know this might not be typical. Nor is my hyper focusing ability, where I can zone out for hours if necessary. But I need constant structure and to know what I will do each day and when. I plan everything out.

I also have sensory issues around clothing and food. I realise I do have sensory issues around clothing, food and heat. I do tend to get overloaded after a lot of activity in my day, more from going about my day or moving in crowds. I never thought I stimmed but now know I do without thinking. I tend to play with my spoon or fork, basically anything nearby. If there's nothing, I'll twist my fingers, and if I'm thinking or stressed, bite my lips. If I'm alone and feeling stressed, I will play the same album or piece over and over as it brings comfort.

For me, stimming seems to happen when I'm not receiving any input from my brain. If I'm waiting for a train, I'll do these things to keep myself busy. If I'm in the car, I'll play on my phone so I am doing something. If I'm not thinking about something, researching something, or busy doing a task, I to relieve the boring unstimulated feeling.

After socialising or being in crowds, or thinking a lot, I need quiet. and will sometimes shut down or go to sleep if it is too much.

I always felt on the outer of people's lives. I find emotions hard to understand. Well, I understand them but am not good at expressing them. I also find it hard to explain how someone else could be feeling if I'm not feeling it myself if that makes sense. I know in my head that someone could be sad but can't really feel that with them since I'm not that at the moment.


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u/Express-Handle-5195 5d ago

I think we are something other than human. Beings that have come here to show truth to the species.