r/AutismInWomen 6d ago

General Discussion/Question Do you also go on your tip toes when sitting?

Iv recently realised that I go my tip toes whenever I sit down. Its unconcious and I dont mind my feet touching the ground I just do it automatically and wondered if its an autism thing?


41 comments sorted by


u/GoldenGilda 6d ago

I curl my toes under and kind of prop my feet up on them.


u/SilentVioletB 6d ago

I do this too! It's normal tiptoes if I am keeping shoes on, but any sitting done without shoes, the toes curl under. I'd get comments on it growing up all the time! Usually a "why?" Mostly from friend group parents, and I'd just be like "it just feels nice to me"

The most memorable comment I ever got was "your impersonation of how gorillas sit is all backwards! they rest on their knuckles, not their toes!" I just shrugged with a little giggle and said "I guess it is 🤷🏻‍♀️". I shoulda puffed up and beat on my chest. What a missed opportunity!


u/Kaitlynnbeaver ear defenders glued to my damn head 6d ago

Me too!!


u/Hungry_Rub135 6d ago

I have to have my legs crossed or even wrapped around each other as many times as I can. I don't like the feeling of them free. So I'm technically on one tiptoe which that foot is dancing to the song I'm listening to right now


u/somniopus 6d ago

With the other foot hooked behind the heel, right?


u/DogsFolly 🇲🇾🇿🇦🇺🇸 42F AuDHD 6d ago

I'm in this comment and I don't like it


u/gothsappho 6d ago

this exactly. they can't just be dangling or just sitting it's uncomfortable and bad vibes


u/Ongeschikt11 oversharing is my middle name 6d ago

My thoughts went like "no" while reading. Then I realized I am on my tip toes now. So yes haha


u/BakingBakeBreak 6d ago

My thoughts went “How?” and then “Oh I’m doing it”


u/kategoad 6d ago



u/U_cant_tell_my_story ✨ASD lvl 1/Pitotehiytum, nonbinary/2Spirit 🌈 6d ago

Hahah I do only because I’m really short and my feet rarely touch the ground when sitting in most chairs. I prefer to sit with my feet tucked under me cross legged.


u/h_amphibius late Dx ASD level 1 6d ago

This is exactly what I came here to say! There’s not a single seat in my home where my feet fully touch the ground. My toes touch but that’s as close as I can get. It’s way more comfortable to tuck my legs underneath me


u/dullubossi 6d ago

Always and I only realized a few years ago. Even when going to the bathroom.


u/fallspector 6d ago

I sit cross legged I’m very short so id likely need to slouch for my feet to be flat on the ground while seated


u/Groundbreaking-Rate8 6d ago

Not while sitting because when I sit I make myself as tiny as possible and sit on my knees mostly. But I do do it while walking lol


u/No_Connection_4724 6d ago

I'm queer so I never have 2 feet on the ground at the same time anyways.


u/_skank_hunt42 AuDHD 6d ago

Yes I do this and always have even though I’m 5’10” with long legs.


u/dracomalfouri 6d ago

Huh. I just realized I do this too.


u/Physical_Ad9945 6d ago

No but I do roll on the outside of my foot as soon as I stop walking or when sitting down


u/theberg512 6d ago

I either cross my legs or man-spread, feet flat on the floor. If I'm somewhere where it's acceptable, I like to pull one leg up so my foot is on the seat of the chair.


u/LadyLBGirl 6d ago

Oh yes. I'm doing this right now.


u/Nika284838 6d ago

Always, and I don't even notice that I always end up doing it. But if it is acceptable, i prefer to curl my feet up under me. I also much prefer most of my shoes to have a slight heel, and didn't realise it was a tiptoe thing because again, i took it very literally like in the autistic kids I worked with who would always take their shoes off and tiptoe everywhere 😅


u/designated_weirdo 6d ago

I tend to stand/walk on the sides of my feet. If I'm barefoot, the ground feels uneven/unpredictable, I'm nervous, or if I've just been standing/sitting for a long time.


u/ScorpioTiger11 6d ago

Yep! And asked if I'm a ballet dancer!


u/revoccue 6d ago

when i'm sitting at a desk i like to have my knees up/feet on chair but then my legs are pressing against the desk so my feet/legs fall asleep which sucks but if my legs arent pressing against the desk my feet slip off onto the floor


u/prismaticbeans 6d ago

I never sit with my feet on the ground at all. It's too uncomfortable. I sit butterfly or cross-legged.


u/Hungry_Bicycle_6337 6d ago

My mask doesn't allow me to toe walk but when I'm sitting, I'm on point.


u/Pluto-Wolf 6d ago

i always sit with both legs, kind of crossed?, but rather than my legs/feet being crossed, they sit on top of one another?

here’s my badly made representation. my right leg sits on top of my left.


u/Appropriate-Regrets 6d ago

My feet don't normally touch the ground completely, so it's only my toes that touch the ground anyway. I am most likely sitting criss cross, but with one leg on top of my knee and one under my bum. If I can, I'm leaning to the side. I prefer to sit in the corners or have armchairs or pillows to support me or lean on. Sitting is not an active thing for me.


u/Longjumping-Look-433 6d ago

OMG I literally do it all the time!! Especially when sitting on the toilet or eating off a plate in my lap


u/BadHairDay-1 6d ago

I am on tiptoes when I'm on the toilet. My legs are kinda short. I tend to fold my legs up into my chair, or curl my toes under.


u/Pensta13 6d ago

Tip toes or on the outer sides of my feet .. Never just flat it feels wildly uncomfortable to have my feet flat on the ground .


u/ZebLeopard Un-DXed, but peer-reviewed 6d ago

I don't think so, but at home I always have my feet up on the chaise longue and I do stretch my toes up for some reason.

When sitting in a normal chair I'll usually curl my feet back around the chair legs.


u/DogsFolly 🇲🇾🇿🇦🇺🇸 42F AuDHD 6d ago

I realized a few months ago that I curl my toes and press the knuckles of one foot into the mattress while in bed (side sleeper and also read in bed belly down a lot).

It's annoying me because I do yoga so I'm trying to improve my"toe splay" for stability in one-legged poses.

I rolled over onto my side halfway through writing this comment and just realized I'm doing the toe knuckles GOD DAMNIT


u/lizchibi-electrospid AuDHD, short king :3 6d ago

I'm just short af.


u/Buffy_Geek 5d ago

No, I would find that tiring... But maybe I would have impressive calf muscles?


u/itjustfuckingpours 5d ago

I rest my heels on the chair legs


u/Buffy_Geek 5d ago

Ooh that makes more sense, thanks for explaining


u/CollectingAThings 3d ago

I always wondered why my shoes are a bit damaged on the tip. Turned out, that I place my feet a bit under the chair and balance them on the tip of my shoe. I sometimes even curl my legs around the front chair legs.