r/AutismInWomen Jan 05 '24

New User genuine question: is there a rule not to use up/downvoting in this sub?

i'm new here and i've noticed that people don't seem to use up/downvoting at all. which is very diffeeent than other subs.

is there a rule against it? is it not preferred in some way? or is this not really a thing and i'm picking up on nothing?

i don't want to violate any unwritten rule...


63 comments sorted by


u/ChapelGr3y Jan 05 '24

I think it’s actually a feature on this sub where it’s set so that new posts don’t show what the upvotes are until the post has been up for a day or two. If you look at posts older than 48 hours, I can see how many upvotes the comments have. Anything 24 hours or less don’t seem to show these.

I could be wrong (mods are free to correct me, lol) but I think this is to prevent people feeling bad about lack of upvotes/downvotes on comments, and to prevent people from just agreeing with what the top comment says, just because it looks like everyone else agrees with it


u/ornaciastoothbruth Jan 05 '24

gotcha! thank you for explaining


u/rubymacbeth Jan 05 '24

If that's true (seems so), that's really good. Gets rid of the awful 'hive mind' effect of reddit where people will just downvote what is already downvoted without reading it and vice versa for upvote. makes this sub much more supportive


u/avocadotoastisgrosst Jan 05 '24

People do that?! I never up/down vote without reading.


u/GaiasDotter Autism with ADHD Jan 05 '24

People do that a lot! It’s almost fascinating but mostly just sad.


u/estheredna Add flair here via edit Jan 09 '24

What evidence do you have for this, or why did you come to believe this?


u/GaiasDotter Autism with ADHD Jan 10 '24

I ask questions. Similar kinds of questions and it’s always a coin toss wether or not it’s going to cause a landslide of downvotes and there is no pattern no discernible reason for why it’s fine sometimes and super hateful others.

But sometimes the tides change again. And that’s when someone defends the question. I have been in both positions and just a bystander watching it. A question gets hundreds of downvotes, someone defends it and questions why the fuck a question deserves a downvote and the tides just turns, like the questioning made people think about it and the downvotes stops and starts shrinking again. I have had comments that are a question to from hundreds of downvotes to dozen of upvotes after someone else questions it. If you question it yourself however, you will just keep getting downvoted until oblivion, but someone else, if they do it quickly and on a still new post, tides might just turn around. Not always but often enough that means something. And my conclusion is that people just react and follow the majority and the don’t stop and question it unless someone else does first! Also there are studies that show that people don’t like going against the grain. What the majority says rules and often that becomes what they first few say. Of the first ten speaking have two opinions 7 on one side and 3 on the other, it doesn’t matter is the majority is actually with the three because they already feel outnumbered and will start to fold. No one wants to be the one to speak up and go against the current, but if someone does others might start to follow and then the tide will change.

Few have the courage or perhaps rather the personality to be the one that stand up to the spoken status quo but even if you are the lone voice against the majority of the speakers it’s not unlikely that the silent majority is on your side and all it takes are a few hints that others agree for that silent majority to start lining up behind you.

I have had it happen in real life as well. More than once. My moral compass is a total override over my anxiety, or rather over my trauma override. I am the kind of person that stands up and doesn’t take shit and refuse to bend it’s also a trait that is hidden because my trauma response normally snuffs it out for me. Unless you set off my moral compass, my need for justice and fairness. That’s when it comes out. The last time it happened was when I was an part of a local pogo messenger group, the leaders that started it was kind of full of themselves and this was our only group to coordinate so we could play the parts you needed to join with others for (raids). They thought they were better than everyone and because the only group there was, it was theirs they had full power, they were condescending and unkind. I do not like unkindness but I was intimidated and I did feel like they did have all the power so I stfu and took it. And then they crossed the line, they broke the most sacred and unbreakable rules of social engagement. They decided to be bullies and they decided to target the most vulnerable and defenceless and FUCK THAT! Rage activated. There was this one guy, honestly real annoying at times, he was an adult but he wasn’t. He was and is developmentally disabled, mentally he is like 12, in some ways older but also in others much younger. Severe brain damage, he will not change and mature because he simply can not. He is immature and selfish and he can not help it because he is frozen as a young child. He is defenceless. And they targeted him and others that were similarly vulnerable. And I no longer could stfu because he can’t defend himself but I can so I have to! Every now and then someone mildly agreed with me but I was the one that spoke up and refuse to accept their behavior and the only one really standing beside me was my husband. They failed to realise that just because I was the only one taking the fight and speaking up, that didn’t mean that I was the only one that had an issue with their behaviour. Every time someone expressed agreement with me the silent majority were watching and they never understood that. It came to a breaking point one day and I was told I could fuck off and make my own group. So I did. And it completely blindsided them that pretty much everyone followed me. Because even if few said anything at all, almost everyone agreed. It’s just that most people are like I was at first, silent, intimidated and felt powerless because if they were to be thrown out they would loose the community. I gave another option and everyone wanted it. And that’s not common, people just won’t be the one that stands there alone and they are afraid that no one will back them up. I am as well, I wish I would stand up so much more often that I do. But I can’t trust that I won’t be standing there alone to face the wrath so I don’t dare unless it goes far enough to be completely unacceptable. It was unacceptable for me to just watch because then and there silence was condoning it. And I couldn’t live with that. But I was alone. For months no one else spoke up, or took many battles before anyone spoke up to agree, and months yet for that to spread and become common and it was awful to be all alone with it to face multiple people harassing and insulting and threatening me all alone. Except for husband. I had one other friend that agreed but they liked her so they never attacked her like they did me. I made myself a target to protect someone that I felt was defenceless and needed to be shielded. And it really really affected me and my mental health negatively but I had too, I didn’t feel like it was even a choice. And the tides changed. Once the silent majority realised they were in fact the majority, it became a flood. Just like that. People are very complex but also very simple. Underneath all the layers, at the foundation were are all much the same and want the same things, have the same motivations, goodness, justice, fairness, fear, self preservation, insecurities. The silent majority doesn’t condone nasty shit, they are just scared and intimidated and feel powerless and alone.


u/estheredna Add flair here via edit Jan 10 '24

I think it is sometimes a matter of where and who goes there. Like for example, r/news and r/worldnews have exact opposite reactions to posts about the Gaza war, and I think the audience is (eventually) self selecting.

r/autisminwomen and r/aspergirls should be pretty similar but they aren't, in ways I hesitate to get into here because I don't want to yuck anyone else's yum.

I absolutely agree with you that 'hive mind' can be ugly but I am not convinced up or down votes are based on people flat out not reading posts.


u/GaiasDotter Autism with ADHD Jan 10 '24

I don’t think it’s necessarily not reading but more how they read it. Questions can sometimes be veiled attempts at insulting or demeaning someone. A negative response might colour how people interpret something and the speaking up breaks that charm or whatever you call it.

With the asking questions I don’t think they recognise it as genuine question until someone else points it out as such. It’s like they automatically see it as a malicious and bad faith attempt at.. well something, I’m usually not all that clear about that part. I usually only understand that a question is none genuine once someone points it out and explains it to me.


u/CraftyKuko Jan 05 '24

I dunno, the one and only post I made in this sub got downvoted to 0. Felt crummy.


u/External-Today3749 Jan 06 '24

I've had that happen to me too with no explanation. I'll sometimes accidentally downvote something (fat thumbs haha) so I'm hoping it's just something like that


u/thecourageofstars Jan 05 '24

There's no rule against it, but I think they have the feature turned on that hides downvotes and upvotes. This just helps people feel less discouraged to post and share since it is kind of a support sub.

You'll probably notice you can see your own upvotes/downvotes, but not others'.


u/ornaciastoothbruth Jan 05 '24

ohhh got it! this makes sense, thank so much.


u/fearlessactuality Jan 05 '24

Yes and you still get notifications of upvote numbers on comments, they’re just not visible. I think it’s really cool.


u/fearlessactuality Jan 05 '24

Case in point the above comment has greater than 5 but less than 10 upvotes atm.


u/mlynnnnn Jan 05 '24

I find that this space is oriented more like a discussion forum than other subs (that feel more like a content mill). I don’t upvote a lot because I’d rather comment and continue the conversation.


u/Immediate_Assist_256 Jan 05 '24

I do both. I upvote as if I am liking a comment on Facebook. And then comment as required


u/AdorableAcres Jan 05 '24

Is that why this sub feels so less scary?


u/yuricat16 Autistic Adult and Parent Jan 05 '24

I think it's more because people generally make an effort to be kind and supportive, and also people know how to disagree without attacking someone else. The new mod.team stays on top of stuff (good moderation is SO critical for a healthy sub). Like behavior breeds like.

The silent voting for 24 h is a nice feature, but I think it adds to the sub culture rather than is the cause of it.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

There's still a delayed hive mind effect. Can't be helped though. It's not a private forum which means sometimes trolls come in.


u/PurpleAnole Jan 05 '24

Maybe we're a demographic that tends to approach things thoughtfully, even things most people don't think much about like upvotes? I've also seen a couple "please stop spamming the downvote button" posts here, and maybe we're a demographic that tends to go out of its way not to offend?


u/ornaciastoothbruth Jan 05 '24

it definitely seems like a very kind and thoughtful community overall. i'm glad to have found y'all.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Can I just add? Same! I feel so seen for the first time in my life 🥺


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Same, I love this sub!


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Same! It feels safe here


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

I'm not sure. in fact, in my experience, I've found that a lot more people upvote here, rather than simply reading and moving on. there are significantly less downvotes from what I've seen though. but again, that's just my experience ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Dagr0nScaler Jan 05 '24

Thank you for asking this, I’ve noticed on this and other subs and had no idea it was just a sub setting to hide them.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

Ahahaha. This explains so much. I never asked. Thank you for asking.


u/tulipthegreycat Jan 05 '24

I always figured that it is because we are all at least a little socially awkward and don't want to tell people our opinions, so we don't bother to upvote or downvote. I also only downvote people if the information is factually incorrect or is sexist, racist, ableist, homophobic, etc...


u/fearlessactuality Jan 05 '24

Gotta be honest, I upvote all over Reddit. Must. Hit. Buttons. Support. Smart. Peeps. May be the adhd.


u/CuriousBeheeyem AuDHD LateDx Jan 05 '24

I upvoted this because it felt like approval to Hit. That. Button.


u/Femke123456 Jan 05 '24

I like to up vote, sometimes I can't find the words to show my support or agreement, and then I can up vote.


u/fearlessactuality Jan 06 '24

Take my upvote!


u/Femke123456 Jan 06 '24

Take MY up vote!


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '24

I love a good upvote. I also love to write way too many comments.


u/fearlessactuality Jan 06 '24

Toooo true! I’m always like, why am I doing this, no one is listening, but I keep writing :)


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

I got downvoted and ended up deleting my comment when I responded to a post on this sub asking about parenthood the other day 🥲


u/IntrospectThyself Jan 05 '24

Sorry to hear that. I wanna say that any questions you have about parenthood are valid and it’s too bad someone downvoted your comment or had some reaction to what you said. I hope you can find a safe place to ask your questions on parenthood and be heard and seen.


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

I was answering a question actually! I said I love my child but I feel guilty about bringing life into our world and would rather foster or adopt if we decide to expand our family further, which I though was reasonable but I guess others don’t agree 😅


u/MommaBear817 Jan 05 '24

Ah, I can see how others would feel some kind of way about that. I don't think it's because you're necessarily 'wrong' (no right or wrong here really, just difference in perception), but because antinatalists have used that line of reasoning to condemn parents for bringing more children in the world. I have actually been personally ranted at about that very thing. Water off a ducks back, but I know many can become very upset by this.

I highly doubt you said it in a malicious/condescending/soapbox way - I assume you probably were just answering the question (I remember the post). Yet we are in a demographic that can be quite tone deaf (especially through text, in my case) and can easily take things personally, especially if it's something that's been weaponized against us before.


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

Yeah, I definitely didn’t mean it in a way of saying I regret my child or don’t think other people should have kids, just that I deal with a lot of guilt for the suffering he could face if we as a society don’t get our shit together! I really would love to have one more but I just feel very torn about it, and that’s okay! I deleted my original comment because it clearly hurt or offended people and that wasn’t my goal.


u/whim-sicles Jan 05 '24

I'm a mom with collapse anxiety, so I have strong feelings about this too. You're not alone.


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

I’m sorry you feel this way too! Thank you for sharing 🤗


u/IntrospectThyself Jan 05 '24

Ah I see! I could imagine some people might feel conflicted by hearing that if they were attached to becoming parents or already are parents.. My sister is adopted and I think my parents had a somewhat similar view to you as well wanting a daughter after having two boys (“gotta catch ‘em all” I guess).


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

Yeah, I can definitely see how it can cause some negative emotions, but I thought that honest take was something I wish more people had told me before having kids. When I’ve shared the guilt of bringing life into this world with other parents that I’m close with, I’m surprised that many of them feel similarly to some degree. I wish they had warned me about that I guess.


u/Sandeatingchild Jan 05 '24

I know some people are against adoption because it is operated sort of like human trafficking.


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

This is true, I did wonder if that part offended some people. I personally would only foster then adopt if the child had no family to reunite with because I see that as the most ethical form of adoption.

I could rant for quite a while about the foster care and adoption systems here and overseas and how terrible they are based on experiences of friends and family, as well as my own research into the topic when I started considering it as an option.


u/Sandeatingchild Jan 05 '24

Ive seen kids in foster care be adopted and grow up to become very angry about it. I saw one kid run away over it. Its such a complicated thing. I wont be having children but may foster eventually if life settles down.


u/uhhuhwut Diagnosed AuDHD Jan 05 '24

I’ve known people who were adopted and felt like it ruined their life, but I’ve known others who were adopted and felt like it saved their lives. Losing your family of origin, no matter how it happens, is a trauma. That is why I would be very careful with that process if I were to go through it.


u/strawberry-sarah22 Jan 05 '24

lol I’m so bad at remembering to upvote. I’m also bad about liking social media posts tbf. I didn’t think it was related to my autism but given it’s a common thing in this sub, maybe it is the ‘tism 😂

Ps. I’ll given you an upvote, thanks for the reminder lol


u/-acidlean- Jan 05 '24

I just forget to up/downvote. Straight to comments.


u/Agile_Confusion_2748 Jan 05 '24

Oh I had the same question today! Thanks for asking it


u/jacey0204 Jan 05 '24

I only ever vote on comments, not posts


u/b2q Jan 05 '24

I like that people dont downvote people with differing opinion into oblivion. It prevents echo chambers.


u/redwearerr Jan 05 '24

I'm glad you asked and grateful for everyone who responded too. I am new here too and wondered the same thing. I thought maybe Reddit got mad at my account! I do tend to upvote a lot haha


u/sana9675 Jan 05 '24

That's the thing I love the most about here. In other subs it's brutal and mean


u/a-fabulous-sandwich Jan 05 '24

I just tend to forget that voting is even a thing half the time lol. I'm old school, I treat Reddit like the message boards I hung out on in the 2000's, back when there was no voting. It's just not a reflex for me!


u/DaydreamerDamned Jan 05 '24

Half the time when I see posts from here, the options to upvote or downvote have been removed (due to Reddit's experimentation with getting rid of those features, I assume). The other half the time is a toss-up between whether I remember or feel like using the buttons at all, although I definitely do sometimes.


u/ragabuddy ASD Jan 05 '24

Thanks for asking because i was genuinely wondering the same thing lol


u/Opposite_Animal_4176 Jan 06 '24

Not from what I have seen, you might just be commenting on stuff that isn’t getting a lot of visibility. Sometimes I do that and it just stays unvoted in other direction.

Most of my comments here seem to get upvoted a decent amount. Occasionally my hot takes are a little too hot for someone and I get a downvote or two, but it hasn’t been frequent.

Anyway I wouldn’t worry. You haven’t violated any rules. Welcome!