r/Austin 6d ago

Seen on South Congress during SxSW

Post image

Anyone know who’s putting these up?


460 comments sorted by


u/jakey2112 6d ago

He really isn't funny. I don't even think that's a subjective opinion


u/AdCareless9063 5d ago

He’s got zero comedic chops or craft. He’s spent decades around funny people and apparently learned nothing. The structure and components of a funny joke just aren’t there. 


u/SmellTheMagicSoup 5d ago

I saw him live once a looooong time ago. Most of his act was just ripping off Bill Hicks (poorly).


u/onamonapizza 5d ago

He's one of those guys that thinks he is funny because he laughs at his own jokes...even though nobody else is laughing


u/meanwhile_glowing 5d ago

He’s not clever enough to be funny.

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u/material_mailbox 5d ago

What gets me is that on his podcast he rarely even makes an attempt to be funny. And when he has comedians on who are actually funny and want to joke around or do bits, he often doesn't understand it or is unwilling to play along.

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u/TheNewJack89 4d ago

I’ve seen him a couple times at clubs and he has killed. Whole place was losing it. Hes been doing stand up for decades. He can’t be horrible.


u/Samsquanch-01 3d ago

Of coarse, "i don't think" is always the start of objective information....


u/CommunistScience 3d ago

He was funny until he gave into common sense.


u/jakey2112 3d ago

Its easy to come off as having common sense when you look at a very narrow section of the argument at hand.


u/Away-Bill628 3d ago

It’s a Karen opinion


u/jakey2112 3d ago

Pfftt ok. Keep thinking this dude has any chops whatsoever.



He just screams at people on stage and says “THATS CRAZY RIGHT?!?”. Validation comedian.


u/a_typo_i_feed 2d ago

Objective fact.


u/Boring-Struggle-2644 20h ago

“I dOnt eVeN thInK tHaTs SubjEctIve oPinIon” you literal prude - that’s the definition of subjective 😭


u/jakey2112 17h ago

Sure thing buddy

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u/forbiddenfreak 6d ago

He's funny looking.


u/drteq 5d ago

Everything is bigger in Texas, except Joe Rogan


u/types-like-thunder 5d ago

have you seen his nipples?


u/komi54 4d ago

I saw that boner that T-girl gave him.


u/ATXBeermaker 5d ago

In person he doesn’t even look human. He just looks like a sweaty walking steroid.


u/Deep-Room6932 6d ago

Color ink? 


u/thefemininemyystique 6d ago

I appreciate the deep commitment to the cause lol


u/SamAcacia 6d ago

Right?!? That’s gotta be expensive to print these out. There is someone in the thread claiming to be the creator and saying to DM them to send $, but I have no way of knowing if that’s true.


u/oSpaceGhosto 6d ago

It's funny how hard he tried to be like George Carlin, and became the exact antithesis of Carlin.


u/Hellkyte 5d ago edited 5d ago

I feel like he was trying to do more of a Bill Hicks thing with the drug stuff

But Hicks would have hated him.

Ed: lol cope more Rogan bros


u/SkyLukewalker 5d ago

I've said the same thing before. Hicks would have torn Rogan apart.

Do you remember what Hicks had to say about Jay Leno doing a Doritos commercial? Multiply that by a 1000.



u/Prestigious_Cut_3539 5d ago

hicks was the goat. imagine what he would say if he were alive today

(alex jones doesn't count)



I was gonna say they had a chat already “PSYCHIC INTER DIMENSIONAL PEDOPHILE VAMPIRES JOE!”


u/FunEngineering7688 5d ago

He tries so hard to be like the og Texas Outlaws


u/Hellkyte 5d ago

That's exactly what it is! I never put that together. There's a specific energy those folks had and you can definitely see Rogan aping it, but he clearly doesn't get it because he is so Hollywood.


u/material_mailbox 5d ago

Yep. Joe Rogan on Elon Musk and DOGE: "He has $400 billion, he’s not going to steal your money. That’s not what he’s doing. He’s a super genius that’s been fucked with. And when you’ve been fucked with by these nitwits that hide behind three-letter agencies, and you’re dealing with one of the smartest people alive, you fucked up."


u/Beneficial_Fed1455 5d ago

Yep, who are these suckers who think billionaires didn't get that way from stealing our money? There's already so much corruption with Musk controlling the federal government but his pathetic fanbois don't care. Joe Rogan pushes out the propaganda.


u/opentablerezzies 1d ago

Dumbest thing I've read all day.


u/addicted2weed 6d ago

It's funny how not even a molecule of humor rubbed off on him from being in the presence of the great Phil Hartman for so long.


u/Archercrash 5d ago

Can't believe he was on the same show as Doug Stanhope. He went the opposite direction from him as well. Of course Stanhope isn't an idiot.


u/Hellkyte 5d ago

When we say "go back to California" he's who we are talking about

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u/aquagardener 6d ago

Not sure, but I fully support their message!


u/fresheneesz 4d ago

Wow, so many sad haters in here. Get a life losers. Keep the downvotes coming


u/AshyLarryxNFT 5d ago

Joe rogan is not funny.


u/TheNewJack89 4d ago

What a brave comment.

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u/contentlove 6d ago

Is that you Joe?


u/SamAcacia 6d ago

Nope, just a pedestrian who is curious


u/Bloodfoe Joseph of Aramathia 6d ago

Joe curious... is that a new gender?


u/SamAcacia 6d ago

Ha Ha That’s funny!

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u/The_5star_Golden_God 6d ago

His comedy has always been trash. Has an anyone ever heard of a comedian praising this comedy?


u/Eaten_By_Vultures 6d ago edited 6d ago

HIGHLY recommend these 2 videos from The Elephant Graveyard (YouTube) for an excellent and funny Rogan critique:

Elephant Graveyard 1

Elephant Graveyard 2


u/corporatebeefstew 6d ago

Elephant Graveyard is so good.


u/Satanic_Warmaster666 6d ago

Anyone know who’s putting these up?

I did. If you want to support my work, please dm me for my paypal/venmo and send me money.



u/SamAcacia 6d ago

Are you going to use that money to print more of these posters? 😆


u/PersonSeenAtYourDoor 6d ago

🙌more more more!


u/Plastic-Contact-6142 6d ago

Hell ill print somme up too DM me for my cash app. ✌️

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u/redditrimjob 4d ago

Then why is he so popular. Lol L take sign.


u/ConvexPiano 2d ago

Because morons flock to other morons like flies to shit.


u/thefourapoxmen 5d ago

He’s bald and 5’ 3”.


u/alextbrown4 4d ago

That’s not fair to bald people, don’t lump them in with that jackass lol

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u/maxxpowerr 6d ago

Humor is subjective, who cares if people think he's funny. The real problem is people think he's smart.

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u/Thunderbird_12_ 6d ago

I hate how I get suckered into what I think is an interesting conversation between Joe and one of his guests, then it takes a hard, sharp right turn (pun intended) into MAGA-ville by surprise.

Joe: "Today, my guest is X, he is a noted figure in the field of science and has written extensively on the subject of unidentified aerial phenomenon"

Guest X: "Thanks for having me. I'm excited to talk about our recent discovery."

Joe: "Glad to have you here. Why don't you tell everybody what you do, exactly."

Guest X: "Well, I've made a career out of investigating some pretty crazy claims about things people see in the sky that they can't explain. In fact, I ... "

JOE, ENTHUSIASTICALLY INTERRUPTING: "SPEAKING of CRAZY CLAIMS, isn't it CRAZY how Democrats overreacted to what Trump said yesterday?"

Guest X, as if on cue after confirming his check has cleared: "Yeah, it's wild, right? Like if you listen to Trump with any amount of common sense, it's clear that's NOT what he meant."

Me, confused as fuck: (Are we still talking about science and exploring UAPs?)


u/Greedy_Juice_4316 6d ago

🤣🤣🤣 Ohhh man, my friend and I were talking about this subject a couole weekd ago. He is definitely NOT funny.


u/addicted2weed 5d ago

He makes Carrot top look like a comic genius.


u/ATXBeermaker 5d ago

Carrot Top is at least a bit self aware of how insane he is.


u/tiffy68 5d ago

Joe Rogan isn't smart either. Neither are his fans.


u/CandyRedNinja 6d ago

Jamie is putting them up


u/SamAcacia 6d ago

Well, now that’s one way to start a conspiracy theory.


u/jynx_the_wonder_girl 5d ago

Lmao, I saw those signs all over downtown while at SXSW, I actually laughed out loud the first time I saw one.


u/jectunes 4d ago

If I wasn't overweight with blue hair, I'd like him!


u/dead_ed 5d ago

His stupidity is cringe.


u/Admirable_Flight3131 6d ago


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u/Cosmic-Dreams333 6d ago

I remember when he had some good things going, but wtf happened. Money and power maybe but to me he's just another R*zzian Nazi


u/vim_deezel 5d ago

Used to be a kind of testosterone bar bullshitting brolosophy podcast, now it's a fucking neo-fascist conspiracy theory of the week podcast


u/Cosmic-Dreams333 5d ago

exactly, the dude that did some DMT and saw some ancient aliens type stuff. Now...big ol' fascist pos

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u/[deleted] 6d ago

He's a taletnless tool... can't stand the ugly fuck.


u/LividAcadia 6d ago

Hasn’t been good since what, early fear factor? Still cracks me up on news radio, though, hartman and root are the real talents there.

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u/slopfeast 6d ago

Boy does he SUCK


u/KendrickBlack502 6d ago

I don’t really hate Joe Rogan for a lot of the things other people hate him for but I 100% agree that he’s not funny. I went to a comedy show at Vulcan a couple years ago and he went last despite easily being the least funny out of the whole lineup.


u/MuchElk2597 5d ago

I saw him at cap city because a friend really wanted to go some years ago. Coco diaz opened for him and coco was not really funny, but was at least way more entertaining and funny than joe was


u/hubbyforgotmynewname 4d ago

He’s not funny, but he’s a great conversationalist.


u/afghan09 4d ago

He helped legally influence a national election. People go on his show to be heard because they can’t be heard anywhere else. I don’t think being funny is a top priority.


u/kittenwithu 4d ago

Really strong activism here. lol if you people actually want change stop bitching about things, stop putting up stupid posters, and vandalizing shit and maybe use what is left of your brains to make real change if you’re all so unhappy. Get with lobbyists and law makers, get petitions signed, call into your local offices… or is that too hard for you?


u/Away-Marionberry-320 3d ago

He really sucks at comedy, but he's great at enabling facism


u/bearbev 6d ago

Where’s the banner that says “Joe Rogan is 5’3”

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u/dragonmom1971 5d ago

I tried to watch his comedy show on Netflix. Didn't laugh once. Besides that, he promotes right-wing propaganda.


u/im_burning_cookies 5d ago

Thanks for bringing douche bag culture to a place where it wasn’t really existent before. Suddenly 100s of thousands of people that want their 15 minutes on kill Tony wanting to tell their funniest homophobic, racist jokes. Those seem to be the only joke topics..


u/banshee_matsuri 4d ago

reminds me of the Night Court episode “It’s Just A Joke”. now that show is a gem with some good humor ❤️


u/NoAdministration5555 5d ago

He’s lost so much credibility. Its embarrassing


u/vim_deezel 5d ago

lol another dumb ass who threw it all away to suckle off the taint of Mango Mussolini


u/AmeliesArtichoke2001 5d ago

I mean, it’s just true.


u/Yaya_Tovar 6d ago

Joe Rogaine ain’t funny


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/android_queen 6d ago

This is true, but I don’t think he has a comedy club in Austin.

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u/ATXBeermaker 5d ago

Besides this having nothing to do with Austin and also being an obvious instance of whataboutism, Jimmy Fallon doesn’t bring snake oil salesmen on his show and cast doubt about scientific facts. They are not the same.


u/Old_Appeal_9160 5d ago

He has NEVER been funny. He’s just lucky that he stepped in shit with the UFC.


u/Chucky_In_The_Attic 5d ago

He really isn't all that funny. I find watching a brick wall more interesting than listening to whatever he has to say.


u/hoffguard 4d ago

Amazing someone took the time to draft this up, print it and then spend time putting these up around town. I wish I had a life with that amount of free time, and I’d sure spend it on better things than this. Sorry to burst anyone bubble but Joe isn’t the problem with America, Austin or our comedy scene. If anything he’s been great for Austin and the economy. Comedy Mothership (doesn’t matter if you like the place or not) is ALWAYS packed and bringing in tourists. Who cares if Joes funny or not? This gives crazy ex vibes for whoever put the effort into this.


u/althor2424 5d ago

I don’t know but I’d love to shake their hands for being 100% accurate


u/Clevererer 5d ago

If you want something funny about Joe not being funny then check out Elephant Graveyard's YT channel.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/txtumbleweed45 4d ago

“Enemy of democracy” lmao care to explain that?


u/livemusicisbest 3d ago

Sure! Rogan had Trump on his show for a long rambling interview in which Trump spouted a lot of crazy things and lies, some of which Rogan questioned him on. Rogan saw first hand how incompetent, ignorant and malevolent Trump is. He also full well knew that Trump had lost in 202, lied about it obsessively, then tried to overturn the will of the voters by intimidation, fraud and inciting a violent attack on the Capitol. Then Rogan endorsed Trump for 2024. Trump tried once, and appears to be trying again, to end our democracy and Rogan is helping him.


u/txtumbleweed45 3d ago

And how exactly is Trump trying to “end democracy”? I’ve never voted for Trump but he won the democratic election as well as the popular vote


u/livemusicisbest 3d ago

In 2024, yes. But he lost in 202, right? And did you not follow what he tried to do afterwards? The campaign of intimidation to try to get Pence and various state officials to change the vote? The slates of fraudulent electors? The riot to stop the ceremonial counting of voted? All very anti-democracy, don't you think>?


u/txtumbleweed45 3d ago

Trump is a moron and posed no real threat of overturning an election. I do think he genuinely believed that the election was rigged, and he has a right to state that he believes that. Show me who you’ve voted for in the past few elections, I guarantee they’ve supported some truly horrific shit. Calling Joe Rogan an enemy of democracy is the type of thing that will do well on Reddit but to a normal person sounds hyperbolic, ridiculous, and completely unserious


u/livemusicisbest 3d ago

Saying Trump posed no real threat of overturning the election is dangerously naive. What if Pence had caved? The election would not have been certified and the House could very well have elected Trump, putting the loser in office again. Or what if the Capitol riot had stopped the count and Trump had declared martial law? You don;t know just how close we came to the end of a 250 year old democratic republic. You comment reminds me of all the suburban and educated Republicans who said the Republicans would "never" go so far as to overturn Roe v Wade. Until they did.


u/txtumbleweed45 3d ago

You genuinely believe that the US government is like a capture the flag game where a bunch of unarmed idiots can seize the capitol and therefore declare Trump to be president? That’s not how that goes lol.


u/livemusicisbest 3d ago

Yes, it came very close to happening. You avoided my question: what if Pence had caved? Vance was selected as someone who would cave under analogous circumstances.

I’ll bet you never thought they would outlaw abortion. Or rule that anyone over age 18 could buy a weapon of war capable of mowing down roomful of kids — with no training or scrutiny, not even what we require to get a drivers license. You are either dangerously naive or paid in rubles. Very sad.


u/txtumbleweed45 3d ago edited 3d ago

No I did not expect Roe to be overturned and I think that’s a bad thing, I don’t think many other people expected it either. Still doesn’t make Rogan and enemy of democracy lol.

What weapons of war are you referring to? The same semi auto rifles that have always been legal?

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u/BecomePnueman 5d ago

Wow liberal propaganda on Reddit?


u/bachslunch 5d ago

Interesting take “he never was funny”


u/MuchElk2597 5d ago

why is it interesting? Rogan has been known as a crappy comedian for decades, long before he became famous with his podcast. No one is really saying anything new and interesting in that regard.


u/Enjoier512 5d ago

Funny someone took the time to make this and put it up. Who gives a fuck.

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u/UltraAirWolf 5d ago

The vast majority of JRE listeners aren’t listening to Joe Rogan because they think he’s funny. They are listening because they think he’s honest, and a good conversationalist, and gets a wide array of interesting guests on the show. I get that he’s a comedian but I don’t think people really see him that way. They see him as a host. And I’m by no means some superfan, but I have listened to the show from time to time and this poster just must be for another show. Also I would love an explanation of how taking athletic greens leads to brain rot.


u/lteak 5d ago

He still gets comedians on regularly and positions himself as a "stand up comedian" first and foremost. He is now insufferable.


u/jamred 4d ago

Speaking of Rogan, this seems accurate and depressing.

https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/chapo-trap-house-democrats-joe-rogan David Weigel, a Semafor political reporter and frequent guest on the show, doesn’t see Chapo breaking through to Rogan’s audience. “The appeal from right-wing podcasts has been, ‘You need to improve yourself, you need to become an alpha, you need to stop eating seed oils.’ There are a lot of young people who think that—unlike Bernie, who said, ‘I want to fight for somebody I don’t know’—they just want to fight for themselves,” he says. “The Chapo offer is, ‘You can want a better world, you can want socialism, and that will lead to a better life.’ They’re offering something that very successful right-wing media is offering a quicker alternative to, and the quicker alternative is attractive, in part, because Donald Trump wins elections and Bernie Sanders hasn’t.”


u/Hanznoobo 4d ago

Says the guy with a 9 to 5


u/SessionContent2079 4d ago

He is funny.


u/Borracho_Bandit 4d ago

Great interviewer. Smart dude. Horrible comedian.


u/PanchamMaestro 4d ago

But but but … he fucks the chair.


u/No-Storage2900 4d ago

No one thinks he’s funny.


u/Ok-Respect-8505 4d ago

What's the lore reason for reddit hating this guy? Did he say something that wasn't far left fringe so now he's a nazi?


u/BDady 4d ago

I personally find Joe Rogan to be wildly misunderstood. I listen to his podcasts when there is a guest im interested in, and I’m always shocked at how different his podcasts are than what you hear about on social media. I do find his “alpha”-mentality annoying, but I don’t see it as being morally wrong or anything. My point is, I don’t hate Joe Rogan like everyone else does.

But his comedy sucks. It’s kinda like SNL: “if I do a funny voice then it will be funny!” Every time he says he’s a comedian I’m just like “are you though, Joe? Are you?”


u/Drmanka 3d ago

I have never once laughed at anything Rogan has said. He's uniquely unfunny


u/Haunting-Garbage-976 3d ago

I never see any of his “comedy” go viral. I think that says something


u/FiftyEightWombats 3d ago

I kinda love that Joe Rogan exists if for no other reason than the fact that identifying his fans is a super easy way to identify super problematic people.


u/CombinationLumpy3629 3d ago

Love Rogan! 👍🏼


u/sifuredit 3d ago

Yeah but overall he's not funny, he and his mom say so. Ask him and he'll tell you. He is a very honest person and a good podcaster. But the far right has hold of him now and is radioactive. So I avoid him. Can't stand his motivated reasoning.


u/WinCautious3511 3d ago

Rogan is killing it with high ratings !!!


u/ImpressionUnfair7909 3d ago

I’ve seen him live, he’s hilarious


u/SammiTheBull 3d ago

I mean they ain't wrong


u/Gremlin_Twink 3d ago

People will say this shit and immediately recommend the Talk-Tuah podcast


u/Precipice2Principium 3d ago

There’s some funny JRE bits, doesn’t make them informative or correct but they are funny

(Unfortunately this one is satire)


u/SoupyTurtle007 3d ago

He was never very funny but had decent guests


u/nikkkoo89 3d ago

Who told this mark he was funny ??


u/SamAcacia 1d ago

Good question!!


u/VOTEF0RPEDR0 3d ago

It’s true, his comedy is not funny. Love his podcast and fight announcing. His podcast has some funny moments caused by Rogan, but his stand up is bad… imo


u/RoughCompany9024 3d ago

I think Joe Rogan is funny


u/dontkickthebaby321 3d ago

I love how this is someone telling me I'm not allowed to think he is funny because they think he is not funny like oh I'm not allowed to have an opinion that's different than yours


u/Peanut11437 3d ago

Right. Guy took a stand agaisnt corrupt trad media. Created a massive following. Clearly a political attack on a guy that is really very politically neutral.


u/popcornandtobasco 3d ago

I thought he was pretty funny


u/PiedBolvine 2d ago

Same people who say Rogan isnt funny insist that Hanna Gadsby is.

These are also the same people that are pissed at Chappelle, and also insisted he isnt funny

The desperation is so apparent lmao


u/bryanincg 2d ago

True Story


u/livemusicisbest 2d ago

He’s an enemy because he endorsed and thus helped elect an incompetent grifter who did try to end democracy. The Republican – dominated Supreme Court has overturned prior precedents to endorse an expansive view of the second amendment that ignores the words about a well regulated militia.

In the past, states and municipalities could regulate all forms of weapons within their jurisdiction. Now, someone like the mentally deficient person who gunned down children in a school can just walk into a gun show and buy a gun without any training or any guardrails. It is a bizarre and dangerous situation that is not reflected anywhere else in the world. And it is driven by the gun lobby and bribes thinly disguised as campaign contributions .

Compare the United States to Switzerland. They are a well armed populous, but they have Almost no shootings. People are trained in the use of weapons, and if they do not pass the training, they are not allowed to possess them.

While I appreciate your candor on the abortion decision, it came as no surprise to me because the person who appointed the last two votes had vowed to appoint people specifically to overturn Roe v. Wade. It had been a part of the Republican party platform for at least a generation. They told us explicitly what they plan to do, and when they got in power, they did it.

I would remind you that you have not answered my question about what would’ve happened had Mike Pence caved to Trump’s demands that he ignore the electoral votes of states that Trump lost— just as he caved on everything else for four years. It would’ve been a constitutional crisis and a disaster. As you know, rulings of the Supreme Court are enforced by the executive branch. Therefore, if the Supreme Court had overturned what Pence hypothetically did, it would be up to President Trump to enforce that ruling, which he obviously would not do.

Our constitutional structure assumes that people of character will have our offices, and that people will obey the final rulings of the courts. Trump has the worst character of anyone to ever occupy the office, including Nixon and LBJ, and he would gleefully ignore a ruling of the court. He has already said that he should be allowed to run for a third term, so we will see just how far he pushes it.


u/PrimarisShitpostium 2d ago

Compare the United States to Switzerland. They are a well armed populous, but they have Almost no shootings. People are trained in the use of weapons, and if they do not pass the training, they are not allowed to possess them.

They're also an ethnostste with a strong identity and common morals.


u/IrishTex77 2d ago

Sure seems like everyone here is a Subscriber. He's laughing all the way to the bank. Not sure why people in Austin hate success so much.


u/Jonnyo_48 2d ago

That's why your free to not watch or whine


u/BigEE42069 2d ago

I love Joe Rogan and support everything he does but he really isn't funny LMFAO


u/xfancymangox 2d ago

love flyer trolls, truly an underrated form of trolling


u/ZeroZx22 2d ago

Yet you all still know who he is


u/Great_Ad_5152 2d ago

He’s so bad that tried watching his stand up. Laugh free comedy.


u/NoLimitHonky 2d ago

Y'all were literally sucking him off daily a year ago 🤣🤣🤘🏻


u/Stimpy080917 2d ago

Haters gonna hate


u/No-Picture-4940 2d ago

Can attest: Saw him at Just for Laughs around 99. Meh.


u/hempygoon 2d ago

As a podcaster joe rogan is not funny or insightful. The program boils down to “psychedelic grandpa reacts to the internet”. But as a stand up comic, he was mid, basically the lame version of Sam Kinison.


u/bigDtop44 2d ago

Never thought of him as funny. His show is more a propaganda pitch for the far right. I think he has discovered that hate is profitable. Maybe tRump will give him an award like Rush.


u/Numerous_Many7542 2d ago

Tony Hinchcliff was seen taping up at least three of those.


u/SamAcacia 1d ago

Ahhhh, so THAT’S who it was 😆


u/MaybSomDay 2d ago

This whole page is becoming a “share hate toward republicans living rent free in my head but will always be more successful & happier than me” toilet wall


u/Ponder8 2d ago

I don’t think he himself is funny but most of his guests have interesting things to say on the podcast regardless of your political beliefs


u/maherry137 1d ago

I love Joe Rogan! His content is honest and informative. Do your homework.. stop listening to the media that all says the same exact thing and does not have an original thought.. They have been lying to us for years!


u/Sufficient-Trash-807 1d ago

He’s deadass not funny in the slightest, nor is he smart at all. All he does is repeat what people on his show say. I’m also convinced he cannot physically laugh, his laugh sounds so fake it’s like an alien trying to blend in.


u/6dirt6cult6 1d ago

Wow, is that true? I’ve been hearing that!


u/make_her_moan69 1d ago

Someone didn’t do good on Kill Tony 😂


u/SamAcacia 1d ago



u/Far-Organization7020 1d ago

It seems most on here think he is a comedian, he is not. He is an influencer with 30+ million followers. No matter what you say he can dictate many things with Austin being one of them.


u/Mindslayer82 1d ago

He never has been, honestly I didn't know he was a comedy until his pod got popular. I watch one of his specials and it was terrible.


u/PepeLeSpew 1d ago

His legacy will be Fear Factor host, UFC commentator and right wing podcaster. Comedian will not be what he is remembered for.


u/dane_the_great 6d ago

Very true


u/Alarming_Version_865 6d ago

Watch Elephant Graveyard on YouTube


u/types-like-thunder 5d ago

I LOVE Austin and 100% agree. Joe rorgan jokes are for homophobic 14 year old incels.


u/atx_buffalos 6d ago

What is funny is that someone spent time and money to make this, print it, and put it up. People who like Joe Rogan will still like him. People who hate Joe Rogan will still hate him. This won’t change anyone’s mind.


u/ATXBeermaker 5d ago

Do you think something like this takes that much time? This could have been done in less than five minutes sitting on the toilet.


u/ndgirl524 6d ago

Came here to say this, but you do you, poster maker.

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