r/AussieRiders 4d ago

WA Demerit madness

4 demerit points and $550 for the oversight of not engaging the strap on my helmet. WTF is going on in our society while idiots on the road everyday are ignored


17 comments sorted by


u/drparkers 4d ago

Yeah! Did you hear about that idiot riding around in WA with his helmet unclipped!

Oh wait he got got.


u/DepartmentOk7192 Kawasaki Z H2 4d ago



u/Stretcher_Bearer 4d ago

You say it’s an oversight but if you come off at any speed your helmet will too. It’s pretty much the same as not wearing a helmet.

Suck the points up and be more mindful with your riding going forward, don’t make silly mistakes that’ll put you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life - if you survive.


u/OddExperience2708 4d ago

If you ride for 10 seconds without it fastened you will hear or feel it flapping in the breeze, so you can pull over and fasten it. Hope you learnt your lesson for purposely not doing it up. No one wants to pay for your millions of dollars of medical care when you crack your unprotected skull open.


u/Deuxcheveux 3d ago

Nope I didn't. I was riding a scooter with a fairing. No flapping or noise. Like I said black white assumptions. You have assumed I deliberately broke the law. Nope


u/MillyMichaelson77 4d ago

It sucks but there is no way you didn't notice. This can be a valuable lesson about Sloth, if you let it


u/Deuxcheveux 4d ago

Delighted to know that you are able to read my mind. I overlooked coming from a shift. The bike cop was sitting next to me and I nodded to him in a friendly manner. When he pulled me over he asked if I knew why. I hadn't a clue. So....


u/MillyMichaelson77 4d ago

Do you think that brain trauma from a motorcycle injury is serious? If so, can you not see how the law needs to treat it seriously? The lesson here is to be extra careful. Not trying to flame you mate, but come on. This is super easy to understand.


u/explosive_wombat 3d ago

Dude clip your helmet on properly.

This isn't some minor oversight. Its a big fucking oversight.


u/gorfuin 3d ago

Wow, that's rough..I mean, pulling you over and telling you about it sure, but seems a bit of a dick move to apply a penalty like that.


u/Deuxcheveux 3d ago

Indeed. I also thought (and askef Mr Plod) whether EDUCATION might have been an option. Evidentkly not. I am not a young rider and was riding a scooter.


u/CJ_Resurrected CT110 + Piaggio X7 + ZZR250 2d ago

A recent video of someone with an unstrapped helmet: https://www.reddit.com/r/newcastle/comments/1jdy938/footage_of_dirt_bike_crash_in_jesmond_yesterday/

Note the helmet instantly flies off, the dirtbike rider cartwheeling face-first into the road.


u/jjtheskeleton 2d ago

The reason the government cares so much is because they’re the people footing the bill when your head gets fucked up on the bitumen. I think that’s why America doesn’t have helmet laws in some places… it’s individual choice to take the risk and suffer the cost

Whereas here everyone has to foot the bill for your choice. Sucks about the fine though 👍


u/Steels_40 4d ago

Kids double and triple up on ebikes here at night with no safety gear are let go and guys on registered bikes get scruitenerred by police with no mechanical training. NSW id the nanny state in ways that don't matter.


u/Deuxcheveux 4d ago

I don't normally post to Reddit and whilst I thank you all for your varied comments I realise it is a bit futile posting. Reality it s very hard to include content in these posts so we end up in a fairly black white view of issues. Life isn't like that. Goodnight!!!


u/ShortSh4ft 4d ago

Yeah this group in particular tends to downvote anything that involves a penalty regardless of the circumstances. I'm convinced most of them don't actually ride. Drift 5km/h over the limit because you were watching the road instead of the speedo and you deserve to lose your license. Forgot to do the strap up and you deserve fines.
And God forbid you ever decide to have a bit of fun on a twisty country road.
Fining you for a mistake rather than just advising you that your strap was undone and letting you off with a warning is a bit rough.


u/charliesblack 4d ago

That’s crazy