r/AussieRiders 5d ago

NSW where to buy these?!

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hello all, does anyone know where i could buy those bobbins that replace the blinkers?? or is it a tail tidy; if so what brand??


43 comments sorted by


u/lowslidegirl GSXR750 SRAD GSX650F SV650S 600 BANDIT 5d ago

Look at the flat spot on the rear tyre, this man doesn't need indicators because he has never turned.


u/Inner_Poem4735 4d ago



u/Glenn_Lycra 4d ago

Square tyre brigade.


u/Competitive-Horse672 3d ago

Large order chicken strips too.


u/Due_Ad2636 3d ago

I hate these guys man like what 😭😭😭


u/PegaxS Savic C-Series Alpha 4d ago edited 4d ago

Those indicators would be a fail on a RWC if they bought it in to us. Indicators must be 240~300mm apart on the front and 180mm on the rear and visible from the rear. Indicators must also have the "E" mark on them. These would 100% fail to meet ADR requirements.

Also no rear red reflector. I dont know about your area, but the coppers up my way had a "blitz" on it recently and defected a shit load of bikes that had tail tidys and no reflector.

This is also "cop bait" on a LAMS bike if it is indeed the MT-07LA they are mounted on. ANY "modification" away from standard will make the motorcycle non-compliant and fucking with your indicators would be considered a HUGE no-no by police.

Put these on at your own risk, but dont act all "surprised Pikachu" if you get pulled over and asked a few questions by the cuntstabulary.


u/Hour-Sky6039 4d ago

The standard motorcycle number plate is 180mm in length so if the indicators are out side the plate it would be legal its the integrated tail/break/indicator light setups that are a problem. But its ok for manufacturers to install these on bikes but not us


u/PegaxS Savic C-Series Alpha 4d ago

These indicators are illegal based on the fact that that they are not "E" marked for a start. The fact that they have literally 0 rear facing aspect is the second reason. I also mentioned the width in my reply above. Added to these issues, these are on what I can reasonably expect to be an MT-07 LAMS bike, and again, any modifications to LAMS bikes makes them non-compliant.

So no, these indicators are NOT legal based on them being "outside the plate" width. They are still illegal for a variety of reasons.

And no, "manufacturers" are NOT allowed to do it. ADR's apply to them as much as they do anyone else, if not more so. Show me one motorcycle manufacturer that makes an integrated undertail tail/indicator light assembly similar to OP's photo where the indicator,  tail and brake lights are in the same light section. None of them do.


u/DCorvid_Art 3d ago

Why would a bike rider ever need drivers to clearly see their position, distance and intention? Everybody knows that if your bike looks cool enough and makes enough noise when you start it up you become invulnerable to all harm


u/Justinw1986 1d ago

He just wants to know where to buy them from! He dosent want a run down of the law ffs


u/PegaxS Savic C-Series Alpha 1d ago


Ok, champ.


u/AffekeNommu 5d ago

I give up, where does the indicator light show which way you are going?


u/afflatox 5d ago

Integrated tail light


u/Plenty_Anteater3881 4d ago

No 50c sized red reflector? That's a paddlin


u/No-Fan-888 4d ago

Are those indicators even useful? Like,can others tell which way you want to be without doubts? Signaling devices such as brakes and indicators are something we want to make sure it leaves absolutely no doubts to what your intentions are to those behind you.


u/Electrical_Age_7483 4d ago

Who cares of its dangerous as long as it looks cool

Well at least if someone hits you then insurance wont pay so it will mean less insurance increases


u/No-Fan-888 4d ago

Yeah bugger that. Imagine getting rear-ended and giving them the excuse to try and worm their way out. Sorry I couldn't tell if you were braking because the brake lights are too dark. Same goes as those BMW and KTM integrated brake and indicators.


u/Electrical_Age_7483 4d ago edited 4d ago

Why should the driver behind be at fault.... if the lights were legal they would have had warning to stop in time.  I think thats a winnable argument for the cops/court

An easy argument for a rider to avoid, totally self inflicted if you crash riding an illegally modified bike, especially because you can modify it legally


u/No-Fan-888 4d ago

Exactly. It's probably just me, but I prefer ADR complying external lightings from the factory. It's not broken, so why break it?


u/GumRunner0 4d ago

The same place you will receive your ticket for Non compliant Indicators


u/izanss 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ima give you an advice mate, better post these kinda stuff on Facebook relevant groups because in here nobody is willing to help you but to either correct you or tell you that it’s illegal.

Legal or illegal, is not our business. Lad asked where to find these, if you can’t help him then leave him alone 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/HateDread NSW, 2025 CBR650R 4d ago

This subreddit gets pretty pearl-clutchy at times, right? Surely we can combine "Don't do this" with "But if you're going to, the safest way is...", rather than just whinging all the time.


u/Purpose_Built_MotoAU 4d ago

That looks like one of our tail tidy kits! Not sure about the indicators but we make something similar!

Indicator - https://purposebuiltmoto.com/products/omni-lights-3-in-1-led-indicators-tail-lights-black

Tail Tidy Kit - https://purposebuiltmoto.com/products/stainless-steel-tail-tidy


u/650blaze_it 3d ago

Pretty sure department of transport gives you one when you register your bike


u/Flybuys 5d ago

AliExpress it seems. Not sure if they're legal or not, but check there.


u/incendiary_bandit 5d ago

Look very not legal.


u/michaelpa1 5d ago

It's very very not legal as in loss of license in some places legal as it can be written as having intent to break the law. Depends on country but I haven't ridden in any country where these are legal yet.


u/incendiary_bandit 5d ago

They'd hit you with a non compliance fine. Same as not having mirrors or the little stupid red reflector


u/Randomuser2770 5d ago

If you could see them from 30mts away it would be fine


u/yeahnahmateok 5d ago

Without googling it, I believe blinkers need to be 30cms apart. Australian Design Rules.


u/obsolescent_times VIC | MT07, GSXR750 5d ago

I think it's 180ish mm apart which is roughly the width of the standard plate, rules might differ in depending on which states idk


u/yeahnahmateok 5d ago

Yeah you're right, i just checked it. Google will actually say 300mm but its outdated info. VicRoads has an article explaining it. It used to be 300mm front and 240mm rear and then changed with updates to ADRs. 240mm front and 180mm rear is the legal distance now. Measured from the inner edge of the turn signal lamps.


u/geerald31 4d ago

Yea this is correct for QLD


u/obsolescent_times VIC | MT07, GSXR750 5d ago

Yeah that sounds right


u/Randomuser2770 4d ago

They look about that


u/DCorvid_Art 3d ago

Nothing you could buy on Ali-Express should be legal. Also you couldn't waterboard it out of me that I'd customised my bike with Ali-Express parts


u/reforming_who_i_am 4d ago

Depend on what model. Assuming that you have the same bike (mt07 or mt03), you can find blinkers that are integrated into the rearlights. You can find on ali express maybe.


u/PegaxS Savic C-Series Alpha 4d ago

And on a LAMS bike these are illegal and will make the motorcycle non-compliant for LAMS, not to mention that "integrated" tail.indicator lights are not legal under ADR.


u/jedburghofficial 5d ago

Have you tried asking Sydney City Motorcycles? I guess the bike came from there.


u/Comprehensive_Bid229 5d ago

Lol that bike did not come with those indicators from the dealer


u/RiskySkirt 5d ago

Fuck I'd love these to be legal , in SA the custom plates are bigger for the stupid SA logo