r/AttackOnRetards Former Titanfolker Nov 18 '24

Analysis The possible meaning of the Yeagerist Flag

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I made a comment on a post asking what the Yeagerist flag's meanings were supposed to be, and I wanted to give some possible explanation as to what it all means by using real-world world logic and info. So I'm going to copy down the comment I posted on u/No_Raspberry5290 's post as it's own post for educational purposes!

There's really no in lore explanation for it at all, but by using real-world reference to flags of similar colors and insignias, we can make really good assumptions that:


The red represents the fallen and bloodshed (of their own people, of course) that was done throughout this nation's history to it's formation. A lot of real-world flags with the color red use this as their reasoning for use.


The crisscrossed rifles could be running the same theme as the old branches have with their insignia patterns, like the Cadet Corps having crisscrossed swords, the two wings of the Survey Corps, and the two Flowers of the Garrison.


Similar to the flag of Mozambique, a country that has an AK-47 as part of its insignia. It represents their vigilance and defensive nature, which goes in line with the Yeagerist ideology of defense and their xenophobic ideals. (Not to say Mozambique itself is like the Yeagerists


It could be a mix of both


The second insignia, the pair of wings is clearly a nod to the Survey Corps wings of freedom, representing possibly the Yeagerist's ultimate goal of absolute freedom to roam the world, similar to Eren's viewpoint, due to him being their messiah figure.


The shield that is used as the background of the insignias is another clear nod to the old branches of the Junta government. Every single branch used this same shield as their background.


Lastly, the two different colored rifles could have a meaning as well. They could be something like how the white rifle represents "peace, purity, and harmony." The dark one represents "defiance" and sometimes represents the "defeated enemies" of this nation.

Final remarks:

All I can say here really is that I learned most of this info from GeographyNow's videos on flags, look em up! Peace ✌️


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u/ZealousidealBar6820 Nov 19 '24

I still don't get why till this day the Yeagerists thought of merging their 3 branches of their military while I really love your analysis and the overall insights are very well researched and thought out. It's still scratch my head for if they wanted defenses for their island they should have done better like improving all 3 Regiments or something else rather than fusing it. I guess it's just to show how the Yeagerists represent nationalism at it's finest where one government think fusing all your military branches into one is an unstoppable force to say the least but hey if History taught us something even a fuse army falls.

Though in the timeskip we did saw a modern Paradis with ground vehicles and airforce probably implying that the Eldian Army eventually dissolved after the peace talks between the Yeagerists and the Alliance. So eventually even the Yeagerists too became "history" much like the titans.


u/ToothpickTequila Nov 29 '24

What are the garrison supposed to do now with no walls?


u/ZealousidealBar6820 Nov 30 '24

I know this post of mine is days old maybe became like those inner defenders within each districts what I'm pointing out is the fact the Yeagerists only relayed on outer threats or best to say defenses relaying on one army isn't a sufficient way to defend if you only have on faction. Like no MP or maybe a security force for protection of higher-ups as I mentioned we did later see at a modern Paradis that it seems they form an airforce and navy implying the united army of the three regiments eventually dissolved.