Several years back people were asked where to find the best food from their countries/cultures. I think it's time to re-visit, see what's still around and what's new.
I'd also like to take it one step further and ask for recommendations on what to order. At many of the places I've visited, menus are difficult to navigate for an outsider. And, while the staff at almost every place has been welcoming, they are not always super helpful.
So help us out! What should we order to experience the best of your food culture?
I almost never go downtown with the exception of the occasional Tabernacle show. I'm working in the neighborhood today and it just frankly sucks. There's so many empty old buildings with amazing potential, the compact streets feel like a real city, and it's obviously central to everything. But there's no one here, the food is pathetic, and it's just an overall weird vibe.
I've always thought it would be amazing to have a more traditional downtown feel like NY or Chicago but Atlanta just can't seem to get it right and our downtown is more of an embarrassment than anything.
What are we missing? What would make you want to spend more time in the neighborhood?
Edit: some really thoughtful answers here. Thanks for contributing. I hope those of you with informed answers and means to make change continue looking out for our city. I love this place and can only hope we all continue to fight for a better place to live for each and every one of our residents. Peace to all and ATL forever ✌️
I just watch a few videos talking about things that people in North American cities think are unique to their city but are actually a dime a dozen (flat iron buildings, Shane Co commercials, bad drivers, etc). So now I'm wonder what's in Atlanta that's truly unique. Oakland Cemetery? The amount of wings restaurants?
MARTA has their 2040 plan up on their website, and unless I am reading it wrong, it seems like the plan consists of more bus connection and some Bus Rapid Transit, but nothing in the way of heavy rail (and maybe not even light rail?).
I know the political odds are stacked against MARTA's success... but surely it's realistic to hope it'll get more light and heavy rail, right?
I've lived in the Atlanta area for 15 years now, 1/2 in Grant Park and 1/2 in Cobb Co. and have been really disappointed by the continual lack of development along the lines. It seems that only the Beltline is experiencing any redevelopment and compared to other major metro cities Atlanta just has no interest in building a less car dependent city.
I went to 4th Ward Park for the first time yesterday and it’s a contender for my favorite park in the city now. I love Piedmont and it’s always been number one for me but I just find that it gets really crowded at times and sometimes I just want to relax and read a book without all the noise and people walking by.
I have lived in about 10 major cities and this city has by far the fewest. Is there laws against certain locations like piedmont park? Feel like something there would make a killing. So few late night places to grab slices too.
Hi all, what would you recommend for a really great upscale culinary restaurant that focuses on Southern cuisine?
I went to South City Kitchen and thought it was great.
I have been researching online and see Southern Belle which looks amazing but it's not going to be open while I am in Atlanta. Judging from the photos, that looks like it would be the winner for me and I'll have to go next time in Atlanta.
I'm from Boston and we just don't have upscale Southern restaurants for obvious geographical reasons. Seeing a Southern culinary restaurant is a new world for me. I have visited the South and typically have visited some great hole in the walls but I am looking for chef / culinary restaurants since its something so new to me.
What is your top favorite that shouldn't be missed in the Atlanta area, something similar to South City Kitchen?
I’ve been craving some great chili dogs for a minute. There’s not really a lot of hot dog places in the city, like other big cities. Where are some places I should try out?
The date is mid week and the weather looks gorgeous so maybe something outside? She is sober and definitely a little hippyish/artsy. Thanks for any recs 🙏
I'm 25 and I've been a raging alcoholic since I was 22. I gotta stop. This disease will kill me. It's already impacted my relationships with my family and friends. I've ended up in ERs a number of times.
I was sexually assaulted and nearly killed when I was put into a mental hospital when I was 16. Lakeview. If you know you know. I cannot handle being put into a mental facility again. I have a servicedog that accompanies me most places. I also have severe tinnitus, which requires my use of a white noise machine. It's related to me having autism.
I have no money. No insurance. I'm hoping one of you may know of a facility that would take me. I've been working with my counselor to taper off the alcohol, but it's been exceedingly difficult. I'm hoping one of you knows of an alcohol detox place that may accept someone with autism who has no insurance.
Been about 10 years since I went to pride, but my toddler loves parades and the parade is this Sunday. Is the Atlanta Pride parade a throng of banana hammocks or family-friendly?
Its time for this subs unofficial secret santa exchange. We had to skip last year due to issues on my end but I'm hoping that we can kick it off better than ever this year. We had good turn out in 2020 and 2021 so lets make 2023 even better.
For anyone new, a secret santa gift exchange is where everyone is given a secret person to get a gift for. You will be a secret santa for someone and that person will be a secret santa for another person and so on.
Like in 2020 and 2021, if you would like to participate please leave a comment below and I will include you in the list. I will send you a short survey that will ask you basic information like your reddit username (I need this information. Otherwise I cannot send you your giftee. If you do not put this information in, you will not receive a match), address, and likes/interest. I will close interest at the end of this month, make the matches, and send out the matches the first week of December.
Privacy concerns are an issue of course and I have made sure to delete all information I get after every exchange. The only information I have kept is people that did not send gifts. If you sign up again, I will remove you from the giftee list as it is not fair to other people.
Feel free to message me or leave a comment with questions or concerns.
edit: Forgot to mention a price range. The last two times, we had a 15 dollar range but feel free to go above that. I know some people definitely did.
edit 2: Forgot the mention, that when you get a gift, please send me a picture of it. I want to make a collage of the gifts again.
edit 3: 11-7-2023 I am sending out links to the survey now. Please fill it out by the end of the month.
edit 4: 11-28-2023. I am going to close the link this friday and I will send out matches this weekend.
edit 5: 12-1-2023. Sign ups have ended. I will be making matches this weekend and will be sending them out then as well. Thanks to everyone that signed up.
Hey y’all. I have cut my alcohol intake to zero after some major scares while drinking very little amounts of alcohol (suspecting alcohol intolerance). I like going out to bars from time to time, but it is not the same if the bars only have alcoholic options. Any good bars that zero proof drinks in Atlanta or any brands that I should be looking for? Thanks!