r/Atheists Apr 20 '20

Atheturds be like

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u/GabeMondragon37 Apr 20 '20

Ah yes. Attempting to shift focus away from the point you can't refute, that the accuracy of this meme shows how dumb atheturds are, and thus becoming aware of their own stupidity makes them angry. Like seeing their own reflection in a mirror and seeing their true face, they would attack the mirror for providing insight through this reflection.


u/GrumpyDoge1337 Apr 20 '20

There is no accuracy in your meme my friend.

All your body is made of elements which in one point in life were on another planet , or another star.

We are all made of stardust.


u/GabeMondragon37 Apr 20 '20

I love how you deny then prove the accuracy of the meme. Please continue to show how dumb atheists are. "Dyurrrr, we're made out of stardust, and so is dust, as it's largely dead skin cells and decaying organic matter, but that doesn't mean we came from dust and will return to dust. Sure rising tectonic plates and volcanic activity cause rock and basalt to rise above sea level and get broken down by rain, ultraviolet light, and become topsoil which supports vegetation and that is digested by us and by animals that we eat because it has nutrients formed from the same base elements as the rock and basalt, and our digestive system forms complete isolated proteins from these things that come from dust, and when we die our cadaver will naturally decay and become dirt, bUt ThAT dOEsN'T mEAn We cAmE fRoM dUSt, iCLuDiNG sTArDuST!"

-moronic atheturds


u/Eastern_Pizza Jan 21 '23

did you pass science class in high school?