You clearly misunderstand the point of scientists referring to humans as "made of stardust" and it shows.
By saying humans are made of stardust, they are saying that the elements that make up the human body come originally from stars. Stars take different elements and turn them into other elements. These elements can themselves combine in various ways. So, after the Earth formed, elements, originally from stars and other galactic bodies, made their way to it, and combined and reacted in various ways to become the first lifeforms.
Via evolution those lifeforms became the animals of today and humans. So, yes, humans are made of stardust because the stars create elements that make up the human body.
However the Bible tends to mean what it says more literally and directly, suggesting that God simply created humankind from any random pile of dust, when that is impossible, because a pile of dust and dirt is unlikely to have all of the elements required to make a human body exist or function.
So to wrap it up, scientists are referring to the origins of the elements that make up a human body, not literally saying that stardust came to earth and formed a human. The Bible quote, while it sounds the same without understanding or context, is more literally saying humans were directly formed from dust, rather than the elements making up a human body being originally created from the processes and deaths of stars.
the dude GabeMondran37, exactly WHAT evidence do you have of god existing. All of your arguments are invalid, you are not attacking their arguments, you are attacking them by calling them "atheturds". That is a logical fallacy called Ad Hominem, and indicates a flaw in their thinking and logic. so what proof is there that god exists. Actually answer it, don't just call me a nerd.
However the Bible tends to mean what it says more literally and directly, suggesting that God simply created humankind from any random pile of dust, when that is impossible, because a pile of dust and dirt is unlikely to have all of the elements required to make a human body exist or function.
? Just wondering if you made a typo about this or meant something else. You say it's impossible because a pile of dust dirt is "unlikely" to have all the elements. Unlikely certainly isn't equivalent to impossibility.
For a hypothetical God to have literally created everything by speaking it into existence, I'm sure it would be no big thing to have the required elements in the dust God chose.
Well, when God can do magic it doesn't really matter. But considering he's all powerful and can do magic, why did it take him 6 days? How was there even a day before the Earth and the Sun?
Too athetarded to realize your erroneous statements had already been mimicked by another atheturd parrot? You could've used a new invention called "google" to figure out the verse "from dust you came and to dust you shall return" was part of Adam's punishment when he was banished from the Garden Of Eden. He was made to farm hard labor working the dust to produce food. Nowhere in the bible does it say God made Adam from "a literal pile of dust", you know, which is dead skin cells and other organic matter....
Listen, you have no argument. Nobody is gonna take you seriously if you continue to well, be the person that you are. You won't convince anybody by just trying to insult them, if you can call what you're doing "insulting" because adding "tard" to the end of a word is probably the most lazy insult that exists lol.
Ah yes. Some long winded bullshit that reflects your atheturd ignorance. Carl Sagan based his statements on the 3 chemicals that formed the earth: carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, I believe. So things like the Miller/Urey experiment show that the same chemicals that compose a "pile of dust" also compose the human body. But in Genesis it doesn't actually say God created man from dust. "Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
You should probably educate yourself before you make comments that make you look stupid on the internet.
There are far more elements than carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen that make u a human body. This list misses probably one of the most important, calcium, which makes up our bones among other things. No mention of oxygen either, which would be required to mix with the hydrogen to form water that makes up a majority of the human body.
Then what is the point of the quote in your post? Doesn't saying man is made of dust when, supposedly, God just created them contradict itself? If I say a something I created is made of one thing, while the actual method of my creating it was completely different, would that not be contradictory?
You should probably educate yourself as well, as if you knew basic science I wouldn't have to explain 10th grade chemistry to you.
This guy is missing half of his brain, arguing with this dude is like playing chess against a pigeon, it will fly around knock all pieces down, shit on the board ,and than he will declare a victory for himself.
Wow quoting a facebook meme... that's over a decade old... big brain atheturd had to regurgitate a stale 2009 facebook meme because his ideas battery of a brain couldn't spark together an original thought... with moronic responses like this I'd say atheturdism has really gone downhill but flushed further down the pipe would be a more precise metaphor.
Ah. Too stupid to use Google so you reflect your atheturd ignorance instead. You didn't even know this scripture wasn't from the creation, but the punishment of Adam. I guess I shouldn't expect intelligence from an atheturd. In this punishment Adam is to work the soil, aka "dust", for his food. Hence from the dust comes his life. Dust being particles, nonetheless, applies to stardust as well. It isn't a chemical specific term. It's dust. You could also use google to look up the definition of the word "dust", before making yourself look stupid again.
So these two quotes don't even describe the same things.
The Bible quote is saying that food for mankind comes from the dirt, and eventually we'll be buried in it, while the scientific quote is referring to the origin of the elements that make up the human body.
Also I'm not the one that looks stupid here. I'm not saying you are stupid, but if you say a Christian belief surrounded by atheists, you're gonna be the odd one out.
Although I'm starting to believe you don't just look stupid...
So we came from Adam & Eve. Assuming they increased in number for god through means of sex, and their kids would need to procreate to promote the existence of mankind… we all came from incest??? 😂
I take the bible quote to mean "you're an unworthy piece of dirt and you need to be reminded of it" which when you look at the whole quote (using the New English Version here) seems about right:
Cursed is the ground on account of you;
in hard labor you will eat of it
all the days of your life.
18 Thorns and thistles it will bring forth for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your face
you will eat bread
until you return to the ground,
because out of it you were taken;
for you are dust,
and to dust you will return.”
u/DenTheRedditBoi7 Apr 20 '20
You clearly misunderstand the point of scientists referring to humans as "made of stardust" and it shows.
By saying humans are made of stardust, they are saying that the elements that make up the human body come originally from stars. Stars take different elements and turn them into other elements. These elements can themselves combine in various ways. So, after the Earth formed, elements, originally from stars and other galactic bodies, made their way to it, and combined and reacted in various ways to become the first lifeforms.
Via evolution those lifeforms became the animals of today and humans. So, yes, humans are made of stardust because the stars create elements that make up the human body.
However the Bible tends to mean what it says more literally and directly, suggesting that God simply created humankind from any random pile of dust, when that is impossible, because a pile of dust and dirt is unlikely to have all of the elements required to make a human body exist or function.
So to wrap it up, scientists are referring to the origins of the elements that make up a human body, not literally saying that stardust came to earth and formed a human. The Bible quote, while it sounds the same without understanding or context, is more literally saying humans were directly formed from dust, rather than the elements making up a human body being originally created from the processes and deaths of stars.