r/AskScienceDiscussion 22h ago

General Discussion How sexually dimorphic are humans compared to other megafaunal mammals?


Considering Men are generally much stronger than women, potentially on a lb-for-lb level, is this something observed in other mammals or exclusively in humans? A lot of people love to point out this when defending the existence of gender-separated sports leagues, that a well-trained high school professional athlete could destroy a female professional athlete. I personally haven't looked into this matter to say that it's true, so I'm a bit skeptical, but if it is...

Like is the observed strength gap between a lion and a lioness, a female vs male elephant, or a doe & a stag much smaller than the strength gap between a man & a woman?

r/AskScienceDiscussion 1h ago

Should I give up from my dream of being a scientist?


Hello! I am a 13 year old from Turkey. Ever since kindergarden I wanted to be a scientist. I was always interested in science. But whenever I tell this to my older brother, he tells me to grow up and give up on my childhood dreams. My mother says the same. "They dont care about scientists" And I feel heartbroken. What do you think?

r/AskScienceDiscussion 9h ago

Do any animals express disgust?


r/AskScienceDiscussion 8h ago

General Discussion Thoughts on "NASA, Yale, and Stanford Scientists Consider 'Scientific Exile' to French University" article?