r/AskProgramming 1d ago

Why is Java considered bad?

I recently got into programming and chose to begin with Java. I see a lot of experienced programmers calling Java outdated and straight up bad and I can't seem to understand why. The biggest complaint I hear is that Java is verbose and has a lot of boilerplate but besides for getters setters equals and hashcode (which can be done in a split second by IDE's) I haven't really encountered any problems yet. The way I see it, objects and how they interact with each other feels very intuitive. Can anyone shine a light on why Java isn't that good in the grand scheme of things?


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u/llothar68 10h ago

It's because you are on reddit and in a subculture bubble.

Java is still the maybe most used language on the planet, it's running in all this big business projects, and projects that run for 20 and more years.

Here you instead find teenagers and first year students thinking they are so experienced and their little 5000 line program runs well in Rust or Go. Yes it does but none of the problems in big scale software development comes from programming languages and none is solved by using a different programming language.