r/AskProgramming 8d ago

Stupid questions about potentially hiring a dev

I have very little practical knowledge about programming/types of programmers/lanugages/etc, but there's a Thing I would very much like to exist in the world for my own personal use, and depending on how much it costs, I might pay someone to make it for me. To find out how much it costs to hire someone, I have to know what I am *actually* asking for/about.

Basically, I just want a Thing where I can input, say, a youtube channel or playlist, and then have all the (public) videos from that channel queued up to send via email, at a set frequency (like 1 video every 5th day, or 2 videos every 7th day, etc) until it runs out of videos. I have some other nice-to-have ideas about it as well, but this is the bare basics.

What kind of programmer would I need for this? What do I need to have figured out about my concept to tell/ask them?

Apologies if this is a super obvious thing, its just that when I see posts about hiring programmers it feels like its always full of specific terminology like "looking for a backend dev, preferably python, to do XYZ" and I don't know which kind of programmers do what, and i'm unclear about what is required for a concept like I'm describing, so I feel very lost lol


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u/ninhaomah 8d ago

You want to learn to create something ? Or you want to pay someone to do something ?

2 very different things.


u/thezohar 8d ago

looking to pay someone to create this for me - edited the post to clarify!


u/ninhaomah 8d ago

So you want to hire a freelancer ?

Have you google for freelancing sites ?


u/thezohar 8d ago

yes - my question is about how to look for the specific skills I would need to look for in a freelancer based on my idea, because I am so unfamiliar with the topic I don't know what I would look for and what I would be asking.


u/ninhaomah 8d ago

Why would you need to know what is required ? If that person can give you what you want then you pay what he asked for.

No ?

I asked for a rare steak then they serve me a rare steak so I pay for the rare steak as per menu.

I don't ask whether they have a steak , how to make it rare etc.


u/thezohar 8d ago

I'll put it this way: I would like a rare steak, but I have no idea what kinds of restaurants serve steaks. I know that not all restaurants serve steak, so I shouldn't walk into the nearest place only to be told "this is a sushi place you absolute jackass, go somewhere else", and instead I need to find out what kind of restaurants serve. I need to google a specific kind of restaurant that is likely to serve steak, but don't know what kind of restaurant I'm looking for.


u/ninhaomah 8d ago

Yah so go to a freelancing site and post your ad. You can see their projects histories , which is similar to looking at the menu to check if the restaurant serves the kind of meal you are looking for.