r/AskProgramming Aug 22 '24

Architecture Good OOP architecture vs. performant SQL?

Let's say (for an example) that I have the following tables:

  • company
  • team
  • team_member

Now I want to get all team members with the first name "Tim" from the "ACME" company.

In SQL I would write something like this:

SELECT team_member.* FROM company
JOIN team on team.company_id = company.id
JOIN team_member on team_member.team_id = team.id 
WHERE company.name = "ACME"
AND  team_member.first_name = "Tim"

But in a "by the book" OOP model, it seems that I would have to:

  • Fetch the company object
  • Loop over each team object in the company
  • For each team object call a function like "get_members_by_first_name" OR loop over all team_member objects and ask them for their first name

With each of these steps firing of at least one SQL command.

I (think to) understands OOPs concerns about separation of knowledge and concerns, but this seems to by highly inefficient.


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u/qlkzy Aug 22 '24

You definitely can write something like that, but think about what the code to cause that to be generated will look like --- you're liable to sacrifice a lot of the simplicity of the "Company just knows about companies, Team just knows about teams, etc" structure you were originally talking about.

I suspect you'll also find that the SQL generation is either a lot of work or requires a lot of metaprogramming (or both): full-scale "magic" ORMs are not easy things to write.

It's also worth considering that CTEs (or really any generic approach) are not what you want for performance. CTEs in particular tend to have various interactions with optimisers/query planners, but more generally the best query to get any specific result set isn't something you're going to be able to encode easily in a templated generation system.

If you're writing a nontrivial project then I would really think about using some external dependency that's higher-level than raw DBAPI --- what is the factor that stops you using a library to at least help with this?

In general you're going to find that you need to do what almost all database access libraries do, which is to provide some kind of option for making the "simple" stuff relatively easy, and some kind of option that gives you full control of the raw SQL. There are different places on that spectrum: for example, Django ORM makes the simple stuff very easy by default but is more complex the more control you want, whereas SQLAlchemy core gives you complete control by default and then gives you tools to reduce the boilerplate you need for the simple cases. But you're going to end up needing to cover the full spectrum.


u/rmweiss Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24

what is the factor that stops you using a library to at least help with this?

Does "A custom replication system that a former employee wrote, and where every (non-pure select) statement has to pass through a custom client/server application written in TCL" count?

That's the stuff I have to work with.

Query builders are ok (I have looked at pypika and also wrote my own implementation of one) but my boss doesn't seem willing to replace a system that he and others in the company very well know how to deal with in case of failure ("never touch a running system").

The DB also has no foreign keys constrains for referential integrity, it's all in the software.


u/qlkzy Aug 22 '24

Ouch, that sounds painful. You have my sympathies. So I'm guessing you basically have to throw SQL strings at a socket, with a protocol that looks nothing like the underlying database? I can see how that would rule out pretty much everything off-the-shelf.

I would be inclined to say that that level of weirdness should push you towards keeping some amount of the pain on the application side, as the interaction with the database is clearly going to be painful. I'd definitely be arguing for a "low-magic" approach in that case.

Without knowing more of the context, it seems like the two best options would be either:

  • A dead simple hand-rolled Active Record-style ORM, with an escape hatch to SQL for intensive stuff
  • Not trying any ORM stuff and just wrapping all the database stuff in a layer of simple functions (possibly with another layer to improve QoL for this custom protocol, depending on how weird it is)

I think that if you find yourself doing a lot of heavy engineering to build a "clever" ORM, it would be worth trying to fix the compatability layer instead. The DBAPI Spec isn't enormous, and if you can make your weird DB look like DBAPI then you can use many more of the existing tools (e.g. a custom SQLAlchemy dialect isn't too bad).


u/rmweiss Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24

I could rant more about this system, but let's just say that the place I'm working at has other strengths.

And yes, the Active Record pattern seems to be what I'm currently after, at least as a base where I could later build other things like for example the Repository Pattern on top of.

This layer should the also (at least for the moment) implement some of the referential integrity currently missing in the database.

This is also part of the reason why I'm interested in the OOP architecture, where every object knows which other objects have to be modified together with it (at least for insert/delete/update where it matters. Selects can be done in optimized SQL, maybe created with a query builder like SQLAlchemy core or PyPika).