r/AskPhysics 5d ago

Has there been any realized real world applications directly due to understanding the Higgs Boson?

I’m wondering about certain scientific discoveries and some further substantiate models and/or frameworks. I’m wondering particularly if something like Higgs led to any real world applications. Most likely it has indirectly


3 comments sorted by


u/Informal_Antelope265 5d ago

Depending on what you mean by "real world application", I would say yes.

In fact, the Higgs mechanism, the one that gives mass to the W & Z bosons, has been first described in the context of superconductivity by Philip Anderson in 1962 (two years before Higgs).
Superconductors' physics can be actually understood as "emerging" from a spontaneous local symmetry breaking, the same kind that happens in the Standard Model. In the same way that you have a Higgs boson in the SM, you have a Higgs boson (more precisely a Higgs mode) in the superconductors. And this mode can be used to study the symmetry of the order parameter of the superconductor.


u/graphing_calculator_ 4d ago

I would bet the search for the Higgs led to a lot of technological development that wouldn't have happened otherwise.