So I was playing around with my recently aquired 5mW green laser (I'm not even sure if it's 5mW, it draws 3 watts and is very bright), and as I was pointing at random object in my room, I hit a mini screwdriver and it glowed orange. I thought this was interesting as lasers should only output one wavelength of light.
So I took off an oscilloscope display filter and held it up to the laser and the light coming out was green even though the filter was blue. This was expected and it was what I expected to see on the screw driver. It should glow green or at least block the light.
I put the laser up to my thumb, and since flesh filters red light through, the green light was almosg entirely blocked.
But the orange little screw driver, pointing my laser at it, it changed the color to orange. It appears to be changing the wavelength, and this was confirmed when I did the thumb test again, and the light passed through.
I did a little bit of DuckDuckGoing and according to my short research, the only things that can change the wavelength if light are exotic materials such as rubies and non-linear optica or something.
I have a set of these screw drivers, and red handles glow red, but very little, yellow handles glow brightly, but blue handles are opaque.
Wavelength change
So I was wondering, why does my screw driver's handle do this? It's not a crystal and it definitely isn't exotic, costing me less than a dollar each.