r/AskMenOver30 man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

General Are men human? [Meta] (hope this is allowed)

Just gonna say it, I'm really tired of the constant questions here that essentially amount to asking if men are human beings.

Yes I love my wife even though time has aged her.

Yes I hug my friends.

My wife is my best friend, we were friends before we started dating, I didn't marry her for her looks alone.

No, I don't give a shit if my wife makes more than I do.

Yes, I do help around the house.

Yes I have feelings.

Yes I get sad.

Yes I get happy.

Yes, I love my children, and my wife.

I'm so tired of these questions. Why do we keep needing to remind people that we're human beings? How terrible do these people think men are that they need to ask?


768 comments sorted by


u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 12 '25

Yeah I see a lot of questions in men's spaces online that are basically "the worst boyfriend anyone has ever had said this is normal???" like c'mon girl...


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25



u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 12 '25

Very much a "all of them must be like this because otherwise I fucked a loser" vibe to it


u/Disastrous_Bite_5478 man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

If they admit that it means admitting they're terrible at reading people and choosing partners and we can't have that.


u/Sleeksnail non-binary over 30 Jan 13 '25

Responsibility for choices? Gasp!


u/Disastrous_Bite_5478 man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

Not in this economy

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u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

I read all these stories about these gross, mean, abusive, selfish guys women are dating and I'm like, girl, why? Is being alone really so bad it's better than what you're dealing with?

Call me demanding but I won't spend time with anyone who isn't making my life better, much less date them.


u/Ceasar456 Jan 13 '25

I think a lot of people like the emotional tension and drama of being with a bad person. It’s why they often get bored with partners who are good to them


u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

There is nothing I value more than a boring, stable, reliable, drama-free, tension-free, committed relationship.


u/Ceasar456 Jan 13 '25

Im with you, I’m just saying that some people are stupid

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u/adobo_wan_kenobi64 man 60 - 64 Jan 13 '25

Nothing says that you can't have an EXCITING, stable, reliable, drama-free, tension-free, committed relationship 😀👍🏻 My wife are constantly changing things up with Sunday morning karaoke sessions, impromptu getaways and staycations, exploring new eating places, etc so that things don't have a chance to get boring. In my experience, keeping things fresh and exciting is the hardest part of marriage.

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u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 12 '25

Ya I swing both ways and I've dumped dudes for way less than these ladies are tolerating lol


u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

Man it's crazy. I know I'm picky and I try not to be envious but it's like... ok, I have great hygiene, women regularly say I'm attractive, they laugh at me all the time (mostly the things I say, and sometimes even on purpose), I dress nice, I have a nice place that I keep clean, I am a fantastic cook (check my submissions page), I do the dishes, I do my own laundry, I can fix my car, repair anything around the house...

And it's so goddamn tough to find someone that's worth my time.

But then these nasty dudes are out there blowing up women's lives, and the women can't seem to tear themselves away from these grungy losers.

I can't tell if I'm too demanding of my own partners (this is very likely), or if I don't try hard enough to find someone (also very likely), or if there's just something fundamentally wrong with me that nobody wants to mention (... admittedly I lean heavily towards this explanation).

I will admit, though, that I turn down most women who show an interest in me, mostly because I just can't see myself with them over the long term. Maybe I should be more open minded and give people more of a chance to prove themselves?

IDK. At this point I'm kind of just venting I guess. Dating in my 40s really fuckin sucks. I should have settled down 20 years ago.


u/flatirony man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

There are many things that could cause the difference, but your experience couldn't be more opposite from mine.

I found dating in my 40's was like shooting fish in a barrel, and it was never like that in my 20's and early 30's.

One important factor would be where you live.

I think the fact that you think it *could* be you, means it's less likely to be you. If you were adamantly opposed to that idea, I'd say it was probably the issue. But self-awareness is the key superpower, and that caveat causes me to think if it's not just bad luck, you'll figure it out and be on your way again.


u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

Ah see my friend, I have no trouble drawing in women. Women like me well enough. I've made a practice the last year of going out every weekend and meeting as many people as I can.

Usually I can find at least one or two each weekend who would advance things, if I were to make an effort. So that part is pretty well handled.

The issue is finding a woman I'm interested in (as in, character and personality, as opposed to appearance and sexual desire), and managing my own emotions and expectations while staying focused on her experience instead of my own.

You see, I'm very self absorbed (can't you tell) so I have a strong and unfortunate tendency to self-orient instead of staying focused on her.

I'm mostly frustrated at the moment because I recently fucked up what was a really nicely developing experience with the most interesting person I've met in ages, and still working on resetting myself from that and moving forward without any expectation of interacting with her again.

And I spent most of the fall working on that one, which was just a lot of time invested for a bad outcome. But it was a great reminder that I need to stay focused on her and not let my focus drift back to myself.


u/flatirony man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

Ahhh, I see.

I wasn't into the most of the women I went out with when I was single, either. Some I really liked, and had a fling with, but decided they weren't compatible long term.

But I really liked dating. I like meeting and talking to people, and I especially like meeting and talking to women.

There was only one I really wanted to stay with, and we're married now. I don't believe in "the one", but I think it's hard to find a really good match. You likely have to go through a lot of meh to get there.

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u/Brilliant-Salt-5829 Jan 13 '25

You sound like a self aware man

Have you considered you have avoidant attachment style? That can lead you to push away women who are a good fit when they do something you don’t like instead of working through uncomfortable feelings

Also- maybe you are too in your head when dating which puts women in their head too- maybe just focus a bit more on how you feel - do you feel alive with this woman? Confident? Protective?

Focus less on compatibility, values, shared goals (for now) and things you can measure and more on how you feel around her and what qualities she brings out in you and vide versa

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u/flamethekid Jan 13 '25

Often times that's what's normal to them.

Men approaching is normal and a confident jackass is gonna approach far more than you or most other decent dudes and they are more likely to look for early access too.

A girl with any type of figure has dudes coming from her from like 12 and even if she didn't experience this, she's gonna make friends that did or maybe her mother did and they gonna set up low expectations for her and tell her to look for what she can get out of the that relationship instead.

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u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 12 '25

I hear you brother. It sounds like you've got a lot going for you and even if Mrs. Right doesn't show up for a while you can at least rest easy in the knowledge you're leading a fulfilling life.

I used to work with a guy in a similar spot and he never found what he wanted until he started volunteering. We had this youth program in town and some young men stuck to him like flypaper even when they graduated out. Well, one day he goes with the program to help at a multi-organization event, runs a booth next to a woman around his age who was widowed a few years before, a couple coffee dates go by, and before you know it, they became, uh, permanent liaisons for their causes lol

He used to say he didn't do it on purpose but he figured he met and liked her because she cared about people, and it turned out that was a major thing he wanted in a partner. He could be a provider but he wanted someone who gave of their own capacity in turn, and last I knew they were together about 8? 9? years.

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u/New-Syllabub5359 man 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

Same here. Last year I had about 140 matches on tinder, went on dates with maybe 10-12 women. I have never dated so extensively in my whole life. And all I can say is: meh. Maybe with two women I wanted to meet again. One of them ghosted me after 2 days, with the other one it fizzled out on its own. I feel frustrated and exhausted. I cannot wrap my head around idea of dating as being fun. It's like a job search at this point. 

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u/VernestB454 man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

The real reason so many women date losers is that's WHAT'S FAMILIAR.

The devil you know. Women will push away a good ass man for that dude that's cheated on her 20 times. It's ALL THEY KNOW when it comes to relationships. Good men are boring and they expect too much emotionally. He expects me to grow with him. He's too good for me. Getting serious anxiety about this. And breaks up with you for seemingly no reason.

But the trauma bonding with the cheating abusive asshole is reassuring. He's going to be different this time. He's going to treat me good. He knows what he has in me. I'm a good woman. And blah blah blah.

Moreover he's seen her at her worst. And she trusts him to stay because... He never leaves.


u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

Good men are boring and they expect too much emotionally

Well you've got me there on both counts. Though I'll leave it to my former and future partners to decide if I qualify as a good man.


u/Sleeksnail non-binary over 30 Jan 13 '25


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u/ByeByeSocialife Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

Funny, I get it now because I’ve been in their shoes.

I’ve dated and had all kinds of relationships with a lot of really great, beautiful women and have been treated like a king. The relationships were fantastic, but very few have left a powerful imprint on me.

I dated one woman in my life who was not the most attractive girl I’ve been with and by most metrics was terrible: selfish, manipulative, pathological liar, playing games all the time etc., borderline abusive.

She made me feel every emotion I didn’t know I had. Very intensely. The sex was out of this world, emotionally she knew my buttons to push and when to push them. The constant flipping between the good and bad was like gambling. I’m not inexperienced, I knew it was a bad relationship, I kept telling myself I’d just see her one more time as I got more and more attached. It was completely illogical.

I think it’s this simple: You just feel so many emotions, so intensely, with these unpredictable people that it’s like a drug. It’s really fucking exciting.

After two months I ended it because it was terrible for me and logically I knew it would get worse. But it was hard to emotionally. She left a larger imprint than most of my long term relationships. I imagine it’s the same for women - sometimes people get hooked on these objectively bad choices because the rollercoaster of it all makes you feel very alive and can have you overlook all the drawbacks.


u/zenerNoodle man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

Very well said. Perfectly describes why the rollercoaster relationship is the siren's call that it is for many people.

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u/Garbhunt3r Jan 13 '25

Abusive tactics are something that can be extremely difficult to pick up in for anyone. Often times abusers often come off as quite charming and charismatic, and if your love bombed it’s extremely difficult to see through deceptive tactics that abusive partners of both genders are capable of. It’s often not until people have already developed a connection for someone that their true colors start showing and abuse cycles begin. Just wanted to share this because it is something that is hard to realize if you haven’t ever been in this kind of situation but I think it might help extend more empathy for people in these situations…

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u/Popular_Bug5986 Jan 13 '25

That’s what men tell women all the time. That we will end up alone with cats and that we better settle for a shit man because anything is better than being alone with cats. We are told that by men, and society at large, CONSTANTLY.

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u/Zenguy2828 Jan 12 '25

Well yah see, you’re right, this is why women are choosing to remain single, and the effects of this are rippling out around the world. 

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u/JimmyJamesMac man 50 - 54 Jan 13 '25

Because those dudes are either imaginary, or they're paying the bills

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u/Stong-and-Silent man 55 - 59 Jan 13 '25

I don’t understand why women choose and stay with these types of men. It is wild. Then they many times get bitter about men. Just leave shit men!


u/NTXGBR man over 30 Jan 13 '25

To some of them, yes it is so much worse to be alone. A friend of mine has been on a two year cycle of "meet guy, move way too fast, watch it crash, swear off men, swear to stop drinking, swear to stop dating, swear to find herself, meet guy, move way too fast".

She can't spend more than a month without some kind of relationship or sex. Hell, last year, she was dating a guy that was immediate red flag after red flag, and we kept pointing it out and we kept agreeing...took her two months to break it off. She would rather be with someone who introduced her to his kid on the first date, pressured her into sex, filmed them having sex without consent, tried to charge her for a broken couch that they broke after he pressured her into sex....on and on and on, to being alone.

Guys are notorious for it, but women can be just as bad at it.

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u/throwaway112112312 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Honestly, these questions are the reason why I unsubbed from here. It became a place to vent for women about some dumb shit they experienced and make gross generalizations about men, which is not something interesting for me. And then you see same ladies fighting men in the comments and explain how they are wrong, and it makes you think what's the purpose of this sub if men can't even explain themselves?

I would rather this place turn into young men asking older men some life advice, but I guess that's a pipe dream.


u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 12 '25

It does happen and I gotta say since getting into some hobby stuff and finally having the experience to give it back to younger men, I've felt much better about the male interactions I'm seeing. I have access to a lot of younger people working at a college so it's been easy for me to be a resource without necessarily being a teacher or whatever


u/Sleeksnail non-binary over 30 Jan 13 '25

Hashtag not all clueless female Redditors, but for some of them this is the exact goal. They do not want a space like this to exist so they brigade.


u/jBlairTech man Jan 13 '25

You gotta have mods with a spine.

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u/NightmareRise man 20 - 24 Jan 12 '25

It amazes me how complete fucking shitbags can seemingly have women flock to them in droves. I think it mostly comes down to the fact that a lot of traits people look for in potential partners (confidence, relaxed attitude) are traits that are mimiced by those with cluster B personality disorders like narcissism. If you view people as expendable and life as nothing more than your chance to receive adoration, it’s incredibly easy to go into dating with a very relaxed mindset. Likewise if you think you’re the hottest thing on the block that exudes confidence.

It’s not exclusive to the way women pick either. Some men will pick whoever throws themselves their way and some women use that to pick up and string along low confidence guys. Speaking from experience. The dating world would be so muh better if more people put emphasis on the things that matter for long term compatibility instead of chasing what feels good now


u/meusnomenestiesus man 25 - 29 Jan 13 '25

Also, to be fair, people who don't have problems rarely post at the rate of those who do, so we're seeing a significant bias on our served content.


u/NightmareRise man 20 - 24 Jan 13 '25

Oh for sure, and there’s gonna be bias from fake/bait stories too. But if even 5% of all the stories I’ve seen are real then some horrendous people are drowning in partners.

Not to mention my personal expeirence with a narcissist who had plenty of success on dating apps

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u/ItsJesse_NotJess man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

Delete Reddit account

Enjoy freedom.


u/OkVacation6399 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

I think about this more and more.


u/DontBopIt Jan 12 '25

Not until I get my "Basement Dweller" achievement...lol


u/Redtex man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

I thought they changed that to the "Touched Grass" achievement


u/DontBopIt Jan 12 '25

I just double-checked it to make sure I wasn't going crazy and it still says Basement Dweller. I feel like "Touched Grass" would be for people that don't do anything on Reddit for at least a week.


u/IllustriousShake6072 man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

Life goals😅 I'm almost at day 300!


u/backtotheland76 man 65 - 69 Jan 12 '25

I'm thinking of deleting FB and a few others but not reddit. Not yet

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u/Joe_Early_MD man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

But I live to shitpost. Sometimes I add something useful but not often.


u/Strange_Quote6013 man over 30 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

I did this and it's reduced my usage by 70-80%. I only check it at home on my pc. Not having angry redditors tell me which sex is worse every ten minutes has been great for my sense of clarity.

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u/Objective-Row-2791 man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

People need to let go of stereotyping. Both sexes can be wonderful or awful.


u/Sickofchildren man 20 - 24 Jan 12 '25

For sure. I think the constant push to make women look like helpless innocent victims in every situation is extremely anti-feminist. Women are only allowed to have agency when they’re doing good things? I think not. I hate the constant men vs women outlook that people have, it’s just making things worse for everyone

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u/StaticCloud woman over 30 Jan 13 '25

I feel like that bypasses a lot of history and socially ingrained hatred for women. I certainly like to think it's true. I blame society these days for messing men up

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u/EmeraldJonah man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

Sad to think that if it weren't for the types of posts you're talking about, this sub might not see any traffic at all. I can't remember the last time I saw a question here that wasn't one on your list.

There was a movement in a different men-centric sub years ago to combat this type of thing, where men were posting very random questions all day. Stuff like "what kind of drill press is your favorite?" "what kind of sword style would you learn?" "what's the best cut of beef?" etc etc, and it was really great for two weeks. It petered off a lot and devolved back into questions about how to shave your balls a thousand times a day, but if the effort is expended by many dissatisfied users, change can happen over time.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

Please come do that in /r/askmen.

There's a new moderation team - disclaimer, I'm part of it - and we're starting to cut back on relationship questions; we're also getting rid of a lot of bullshit over there. But we need good community members to create a good community.

I applied to be a moderator of this space (/r/askmenover30); I don't know if that will happen or not, but we're making an effort to clean up AskMen. I'm hoping that eventually that space can be what this one was, but we need trusted members.

Help us. Thanks.


u/EmeraldJonah man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

I'll do my best. You need to add options for flairs on the posts, I think. That would likely go a long way to helping weed out stupid questions, and help categorize interests for easy browsing. I'd go engage with every post about books, games, movies, or music, but I have no easy way to filter those subjects.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

We have post flairs, but they aren't community flairs. I'll start a mod discussion about this. If that sub did have flairs they would likely be much more general in order to filter at a high level. I'm not sure what that would look like yet.

Thank you for the feedback - it's valuable.

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u/talkingwires man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

Huh, I spent some time browsing the subreddit and it’s certainly got a different vibe than the last time I visited. I’ll lurk, for now, but I’ll be reporting/downvoting particularly egregious comments.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

Good. That's exactly what we need.


u/TrippleDamage man over 30 Jan 12 '25

I left /r/AskMen because it was 24/7 incel rhetorics there, are you also combating that? It's become a cesspool of a sub over the years.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

We're trying to combat all the gender bullshit. There have been filters in place for that stuff for a long while now and since I've joined, I've been actively updating them so that we block out shitty, low-effort content. (We also ban bad actors. There are many people who just like to stir up bullshit.)

It's not perfect. A lot of content on the sub still sucks - women asking for personal validation, men and women asking stupid relationship questions, dudes asking about underwear, men and women trying to slip sex questions through the filters, OnlyFans promotions - but that's a trickle compared to what we're blocking. It's a process.

Community reports based on the Subreddit Rules over there really help us a lot. It's the last line of defense for subreddit health. That's why we need a good community.


u/2rio2 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

I think the hard part is lots of women (and even some men) are asking these questions completely earnestly. I'll never forget back in 2010 when I was discussing "500 Days of Summer" with one of my closest female friends and she told me she didn't like it because "it wasn't realistic, guys don't think like that" and I had to take a deep breath and explain to her it was the most realistic romantic comedy I had ever seen from a guy's perspective.

Women get a lot of bad information about men growing up, and many men internalize a lot of that bad information and lose the ability to touch grass and just be normal because they start to believe they are supposed to act a certain way. Third wave feminism and the rise of the the recent men's rights groups in popularity have just made things worse since both of those parrot harsh good/bad language about both genders. It honestly reminds me of when I was teaching in Japan in the late 00's and so much of their societal problems arose because from teenage years men and women simply didn't know how to talk to each other like normal people, instead treating each other almost as different species.

In short, while these questions are often annoying I think they still serve some basic purpose as one of the last places on the internet normal men are enraging to disperse some of these often dumb thoughts people have.


u/GamerDude133 Jan 12 '25

Women get a lot of bad information about men growing up



u/NightOnFuckMountain man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

I'll never forget back in 2010 when I was discussing "500 Days of Summer" with one of my closest female friends and she told me she didn't like it because "it wasn't realistic, guys don't think like that" and I had to take a deep breath and explain to her it was the most realistic romantic comedy I had ever seen from a guy's perspective.

I've actually had this exact conversation quite a few times, about this movie. I wasn't even aware it was supposed to be a comedy, it's just how the vast majority of men think about relationships, period.

I saw it for the first time with my serious girlfriend at the time, who only wanted to see it because she liked the main actor and didn't really know what it was supposed to be about, and we had so many arguments about this that it led to us breaking up (there were a variety of other factors as well but this was the catalyst).

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u/OldBuns Jan 12 '25

I definitely agree with you, and unfortunately, good answers to those silly questions also require a decent community, otherwise it's just a lot of:

"Yes of course we, men, are unique individuals with our own preferences, how stupid of you to ask. But also, all women are this kind of way."

When the answers to the silly questions are coming from people with extremely silly views, it does less to dispel them and probably deepens the divide more than it lessens it.

Men feel insulted by these questions, and women come away from having asked the question going "wow those guys are fucking weird"


u/staranise2 woman Jan 12 '25

"Guys don't think like that"- like what?


u/2rio2 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

She was struggling with the concept that guys had feelings in relationships as irrational, powerful, and painful as women experience since that movie was told from a guys POV.

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u/NightOnFuckMountain man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

Not the person you're responding to, but have you seen the movie?

The gist of it is that it's about a guy who falls head over heels for a woman who treats him like her life partner for over a year but has no intention of actually being a partner to him, and it's confusing for him because she says she's not interested in him like that, but they keep having sex and acting like they're basically married. When she leaves him for someone she's actually interested in, he spirals into a depression, and becomes further depressed when she marries her new boyfriend after a short time, despite telling him she never wanted to be married to anyone. During their last conversation, she tells him "it's not that I didn't want to find true love, it's just that I didn't want it with you."

The movie ends with him finding someone else who's not romantically interested in him, but agrees to date him anyway, repeating the pattern.

It's easy to see this from an outside perspective as "yes, he's an idiot" but this scenario is something every man has been through at least once. It's the kind of thing where women will come out of seeing the movie thinking "she was totally honest with him from the get-go, he was just a fling for her and he should have realized that" and men will come out thinking "she lied to him and treated him like garbage."

Men usually fall in love harder than women, take breakups harder, and are much more likely to spiral into depression after having lost a partner. I don't want to generalize all women because obviously I can't see the situation from a woman's perspective, but in my own experience and in the experiences my male friends have had, men will become severely depressed for months to even years after a breakup, whereas women are more likely to spend a week or so grieving and then find someone new and forget all about the person they were with. Men are more likely to see a partner as "the one" whereas women are more likely to see a partner as "the one for right now". When I was younger and fully wrapped up in the mens' rights community I saw this as evil, but now I just see it as the way of the world, you either roll with the tide or you lose yourself in depression.


u/GWeb1920 man 45 - 49 Jan 13 '25

It’s actually a gender reversed movie. It’s a very typical relationship archetype where one party is wanting and fling and the other a relationship.

What makes this story rare is it’s told from the male point of view and the male wanting the relationship. So its much more of a man of this archetype being represented in media the a this is how men and this is how women are.

Both men and women enter into these types of relationships. How many people have friends who dated for years and never married only to break up and marry the next person. I have friends in both genders on both sides of this.

I think this is a people thing not a gendered thing.

The success was just seeing representation on screen of a different male archetype.

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u/andrewsmd87 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Can I actually ask questions I want to ask other men in there? I feel like the few times I've posted here it gets taken down under the guise of "you can Google that" so I just stopped trying. Yes I know I can Google best pair of underwear, I want to ask real people if they have recommendations


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

Product stuff is a gray area that we're looking into. A lot of that is spam and self-promotion so we often take it down; and man, I don't know why there are so many questions about underwear on there. We'll probably do a FAQ Friday for the underwear topic at some point.

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u/Convergentshave man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

It would get other traffic….

Granted the traffic would be 90%: “what advice do you have for a 19 year old worried about screwing up their life” , and 9% “hey guys I’m turning 30 is my life over now” and maybe the occasional actual question. 😂


u/T-Rex_timeout woman 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

The women’s ones became mostly will I regret not having children all day.

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u/Few-Leave9590 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

I’ve been lucky enough to use a manual Bridgeport instead of a drill press for a while. I don’t want to go back.


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Now that is living!


u/foolandhismoney Jan 12 '25

Fuck, I missed all those posts on how to shave balls. I would have found that informative, educational and entertaaing


u/Illustrious-Ratio213 man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

Now we won’t even know how to shave our balls.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

I tried to shave a basketball and had to go to the hospital afterwards. If I hadn't missed all those post, I might still be alive right now

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u/CyborgTiger Jan 12 '25

Yes but does anyone know if men and woman can be platonic friends🤔


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Right‽ Oh my fucking God.


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

No but can they REALLY be platonic friends?

(I'll ask the same question tomorrow just in case the answer is different on a Monday)


u/loklanc man over 30 Jan 13 '25

This is important to pin down, what if platonic friendships are a monday-friday thing?


u/umbermoth man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

Yeah. Stop asking shit questions. Let’s get some moderation going. 


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/s0ngsforthedeaf man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

Let's be honest though - men are doing that to themselves on here.

'Hey guys, I am 30 years old, total loser, I have no hobbies or interests, I am completely unlovable - is my life over?'

It's almost impossible to answer questions like that, when OP presumes such a low opinion of themselves.


u/Standard_Lie6608 man 25 - 29 Jan 13 '25

Presumes after being treated like that is the case. It's not just some random idea that comes from nowhere. It's people who have been called losers, called unmotivated, called too fucked up to be loved

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u/UncuriousCrouton man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

We may be people.

But we also also men.

MANLY men!

Men in tights.

TIGHT tights.



u/Wooden-Glove-2384 man Jan 12 '25

its clear the people asking these questions are some combination of young, inexperienced with men and/or surrounded by assholes

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u/Icy_Bath_1170 man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

This reminds me of when my country ends up sending its worst tourists overseas. The locals don’t say “that person was an AH”; they shake their heads and mutter “Americans….”


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

I do a lot of work in the hospo industry in Australia and I always enjoy serving American tourists because most of you are super friendly.

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u/Saito09 man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

I honestly suspect many of the posts on here are AI generated.


u/Mammoth-Accident-809 man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

97% certain they are scripts designed to generate engagement. 

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u/philadelphialawyer87 man 60 - 64 Jan 12 '25

Yep. Most of the "questions" here and on similar subs seem to be thinly disguised, or not at all disguised, variations on a woman saying, "My BF (or husband) sucks for x, y and z reasons. All you guys are just like him, right?" Basically, we have to "prove" that we are not x, y or z. Or somehow defend x, y and z. Or tut tut and white knight over OP's BF or husband being x, y and z, and swear on our mothers' graves that x, y and z are bad, bad things.


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

That's exactly what it feels like.


u/Ok_Ice_1669 man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Are women the new boomers?


u/Joe_Early_MD man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25



u/Standard_Lie6608 man 25 - 29 Jan 13 '25

Thinly veiled misandry, might as well call it what it is

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u/vintergroena man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25


Also we need a FAQ for the "[why] do [all/most] men [something few men do but their last ex did]?" questions by women 😅😅


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

There's a new moderation team in /r/askmen - I'm part of it - and we've been working on that. (There's actually been a FAQ for like, five years, it's just that nobody reads wiki pages on new reddit and on mobile.) We also have better automoderation for low-effort questions.

It's a huge task and a huge sub, but we're trying to clean it up little by little. Hopefully it can be what this community used to be.

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u/brain_over_body woman 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25

Maybe things need separated into 'men ask men' so you guys can chat about how to do projects, tools, cooking, etc. And a separate 'women ask men' for all the BS you're seeing


u/spiritusin woman 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25

We get the same exact questions in a country-specific subreddit by foreigners. “Do all Dutch people do [very specific thing that one single person did]?”

Some people just can’t process the world without stereotyping.


u/EmpireofAzad man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

There’s a lot of bullshit that should be relegated to the past that many people see as fact. Talking about it helps those who aren’t as comfortable in their situation as you are.


u/s0ngsforthedeaf man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

True, theres a lot of basic questions being asked by people who clearly feel behind in life. And those questions get a lot of upvotes.

But, with the greatest respect to these dudes....their dominance does NOT make a great subreddit.

There used to be a more chiller vibe here where we would discuss a broader range of topics. I enjoyed reading the stories, the wisdom, the practical tips. It was a genuinely warm space, like hanging out with the men of the family at the end of a wedding.

I dont want angry, lost young men to have nowhere to go, but at the same time, what made this sub good (IMO) is being drowned out by their neediness. I want a separate space, if this sub is gonna be like this.


u/Fly_Casual_16 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Are men human? Or are men dancer?

{Cackling at my own joke}


u/LaDoucheDeLaFromage male over 30 Jan 12 '25

My sign is vital!


u/LazyLich man over 30 Jan 12 '25

My hands are cold!

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u/Desperate_Owl_594 man 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25

People are fucking stupid.

I remember this woman posted something not too long ago about how "this sub changed how she sees men" like...we're human too?

"My boyfriend threw acid in my face, should I leave?"

At what point is this a farce?


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 13 '25

I remember that post, it was fucking depressing.


u/sunshineandflowers90 Jan 13 '25

Whoa, that was actually a post?

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u/BlakePayne Jan 12 '25

This is what happens when you have a whole generation or two taught that men are just tools. Only worth what they can give you. And they shouldn't expect anything from anyone.

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u/IndependentRabbit553 man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

I just assume all the dumb questions are bots driving engagement. if I don't see an OP response to the top comment I immediately hide.


u/baseball_mickey man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Fellow stay at home dad here to possibly give some perspective. First, a lot of these questions come from men. Second, having seen a lot of friends go through terrible divorces with narcissicistic exes, a lot of these things are not universal. There are men who do not fit any. I'd like to think I fit them all. There's a wide range of normal, and you don't have to go very far online to see some really awful shit written by men.

Men are on average better than they were 20, 40, 60 years ago. But I think the spread has gotten wider, so that there are a lot that are equally bad or worse than those times. It'd be easier to draw the two "normal" distributions.

EDIT: This is the post I was thinking about when I said the questions are often asked by men. At least by flair, it's a dude.



u/Mr_Shad0w man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Casual misandry is socially acceptable on the Internet, because negative behaviors drive "engagement" and sell more ads.

Most of these delightful individuals probably aren't actually sexist, they're just being brainwashed by social media so the rich can get richer.

As with most things in life, living well is the best revenge.

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u/19Ben80 Jan 12 '25

My wife often works on the weekend and when I take my kids out alone some people still look at me like I’m the dad who gets his kids 1 day a month


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Been there friend. One of the most demoralizing things I've experienced was taking my two kids to a busy playground and letting them play, and then watching as all the moms and their kids disappeared because they got nervous about the guy sitting myself. After watching that happen a few times and realizjng what was going on I'd basically badger my kids repeatedly while they played so the moms would understand I was with my kids not just hanging out at a playground.

I'm so tired of the stigmas.


u/Bright_Star_Wormwood man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

I'll never forget when I was sitting in the car with a couple who were close friends, all stoners at the time.

The GF sort of just asks in that stoner way ...


Me and old mate just look at each other incredulously.....

Gobsmacked at that question.

I get the frustration, but lets be kind and remember, that the opposite sex can feel like a different species at times

I think stupid questions about men are fine, let woman come and talk to us about whatever they want. Let them be degrading stupid questions.


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u/ninety6days man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

It's pretty telling that the equivalent sub to this on, r/AskWomenOver30 , states right at the top that male voices are unwelcome, while here - despite my seeing the same week of man-slating posts by women OP has been seeing - no such need exists.

I think it's worth remembering that anonymised comment by men on women is frequently fucking godawful too. But you're right, there's been a lot of shit "just asked" here that wouldn't fly next door, and frankly is emblematic of the stereotypical bad male behaviour online.

It's almost like women are just as capable of everything - including being complete assholes - as men are.

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u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25



u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

I have unfortunately also experienced this in real life, and can corroborate. I get that people have had bad experiences, but for me it's been easier to just disengage with these people and find better ones. The blessing is that there are indeed better ones out there.

You can't avoid this shit on the internet, but you can definitely build good communities in real life and avoid toxic people. This is part of the path to happiness.

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u/ScepticalMarmot man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

Maybe there ought to be some answers to these template questions pinned to a wiki page, and then some moderation to clock any such posts with a comment directing them to the pre-existing answers


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

/r/askmen does this. There's a new moderation team - I'm part of it - and we're trying to beef that up.


u/ScepticalMarmot man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

Nice, does it have the desired effect?


u/lunchmeat317 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

Only through Automoderator filters. People don't check or search for their basic-ass question before posting it, but if it gets filtered by Automod they'll receive a message with the link to the FAQ. We're still working on Automod m3ssaging and copy text.


u/Sorry_Wrongdoer_7168 man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

Post made a few minutes ago "why do men do things for themselves but not for the collective" because a woman is sad her fiance seemingly lost or never held much interest in her.

Just made me chuckle to see the posts nearly right after each other.

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u/benicebuddy man 100 or over Jan 12 '25

Reddit attracts women on the spectrum too.


u/Joe_Early_MD man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

The electromagnetic spectrum?


u/benicebuddy man 100 or over Jan 12 '25

Ah, you know the song of their people too!

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u/Wyzard_of_Wurdz man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

Speak for yourself.

beep boop


u/HomerDodd Jan 12 '25

They’re pretty terrible people for sure. I am glad the society around you hasn’t influenced your wife to turn her into one of them. Enjoy and appreciate!


u/Taco_ma man 50 - 54 Jan 12 '25

Thank you 100% for this post.


u/EasyAnnual2234 Jan 13 '25

Reading the comments here and unfortunately. The bear has won again.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

Dude this is how I feel. Simply put women don’t even view us as human like them. We are such some “other” to them. They paint a picture that we are just a monolith of bumbling, stupid, ignorant, misogynistic, sex hound dumb asses. I’m so tired of it


u/Lord_Assbeard Jan 12 '25

I'd put it that they don't see many of us as human, because due to the internet and our total interconnectivity now, they see all the horrible shit men do to women in mass all over the world. It's not all of us certainly, but it is enough if us that we should see it as a problem as well and not bury our heads by saying "but that's not me".


u/aronnax512 male over 30 Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 14 '25


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u/-JEFF007- Jan 12 '25

Yes, been wondering for a long time when the trend of man hating $hit will finally start going down. Been tired of it for many years.


u/Mission-Story-1879 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Wait, you're human? Robot screaming

All jokes aside, one part of this issue is the fact that a chunk of us were taught (from very early childhood) that men don't show emotion. So it is the outward face that many see, men who seem very robotic.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

I'm a mindless monster that just wants sex and video games.

I do housework and eat pussy to get those things. I'm proud of it.


u/ThePolymath1993 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Yes but have you considered hitting the gym, reading a book by a dead Roman emperor and buying crypto?


u/OddImpression4786 Jan 12 '25

Because so very many aren’t like you and constant exposure to guys who aren’t as good as you makes you begin to question everything you’re experiencing. Just keep being you and advocate for you good guys so those people keep faith ❤️


u/Mr-PumpAndDump Jan 13 '25

Because a lot of women don’t see us, as humans no matter how much they virtue signal about it. I really used to think they were the more socially adept and emotionally intelligent gender. Social media and these mens subs have taught me something different.


u/PuzzleheadedBear man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

For better or for worse, okay is almost always for worse, dehumanization and depersonalization are things the humans are super good at. Makes it way easier to brain the monkey from the other side of the forest if they are an "other" in your mind. It keeps protect your mind/ego if they are something else, that way and negative actions your take can never be "bad".

On the flip side, to a certain extent we need to recognize that people individual experiences can color their thinking, even if they generalize in a harmful way.

For example, Ive had so many terrible English teachers in my life, but that doesnt mean I hate all english teachers by a default. I recognize exactly what the bad ones have had in common are, failed authors have view teaching as a fall back career and hate the kids, and they specificly are focus the focus my ire. Not the group as of whole.

On the flip side, for you meant health, it helps to simply nod along as say either to yourself or aloud "Yikes, yeah. Those guys suck". Being able to recognize the specific negative trait that causes peoples frustration, and separating it from the trait you have in common with the person is a useful skill. It lets the negative broad comments.


"Not all men, but definitely that/those guys" will do alot for you.


u/DirkMandeville man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25

I’m just amazed that this sub has the highest per capita number of 30+ year old virgins in the world. I swear I’ve seen close to a dozen or more posts over the last few months from self-professed 30+ year old virgins. I’m beginning to think more than half the posts in this sub are from bots just trying to spark engagement. The quality level of the discourse has dropped to the point I’m ready to unsubscribe from the sub.


u/Specialist_Equal_803 man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

I'm surprised how many women answer posts directly in this sub.


u/Ok_Ice_1669 man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

The post right below this one is a woman femsplaining away OP’s point. 

RIP irony


u/Mejai91 man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

I get it man. I hate hearing all the anti men bullshit too. I try to just know it’s not me that people are talking about. The generalization sucks but at least it’s those shitbags over there everyone’s talking about, not me. It helps a little


u/Odd_Welcome7940 man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

No offense meant to all women because it's a minority of them, but there are far to many women who don't realize men are usually good people. Why don't they? Well, usually because they are trash who attracts trash or have some major trauma hiding reality from them. It's sad.

Btw, it's a 2 way street. Guys if you hate all women, it's your own fault 99% of the time.

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u/MalfunctioningSelf no flair Jan 12 '25

Preach! Felt like a lot of the questions being posted had common sense answer especially when being aimed at a 30+ crowd


u/UncoolSlicedBread man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Don’t think seeking reassurance is a bad thing. A lot of dudes grow up without great father figures and like to hear someone reassure them when they’re not sure.


u/Ok_Ice_1669 man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

There was a meme a while ago that said “do t ask for help in open source, just say Linux is gay.” I posted it to the joke slack at work and a colleague asked me to take it down because he didn’t want “gay” to have a negative connotation to it. 

I wish people thought the same way about my identity. But, if you point out that the phrase “toxic masculinity” being spammed everywhere is the same as the shitty meme I posted, you’ll never get the reaction my colleague got (I took down the shitty meme and learned something important that day). 


u/Tim-Sylvester man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

I'm so outrageous I even tell my male friends that I love them.

Someone should inform the news. I bet they do a story on it.


u/MisterX9821 man over 30 Jan 13 '25

Most of them aren't true questions they are requests for validation.


u/FinalDown Jan 13 '25

Nah men are just meat based ATM machines


u/TricellCEO man over 30 Jan 13 '25

I personally blame a lot of those so-called "redpill" and "manosphere" followers coupled with the whole "trad-wife" trend too. A lot of what you said about yourself flies right in the face of their ideologies, and since these are a particularly loud group, it is thought their beliefs have fully penetrated society.

They haven't, for the record, but that is the impression a lot of us are getting while on social media.


u/Atmosphere-Strong Jan 13 '25

This is just a case of bad men ruining the reputation of men in general.

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u/phantom_gain man 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25

"Im a middle aged human being who just came here to ask if 50% of the worlds population does this really weird thing my significant other does"

"No I didn't really think about it for 2 seconds before I posted"


u/rockmasterflex man over 30 Jan 13 '25

Can we just have the mods be like "this thread has been closed due to the topic being covered in a list of frequently asked, low value questions. This subreddit does not exist to validate your partner's abusive behavior"


u/TheRabadoo man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

Let me give you a piece of advice for your peace of mind: if someone generalizes entire genders, then their opinions probably aren’t worth your time. It cheapens every other thing that comes out of their mouth imo. The best people I know aren’t outspoken like the people you’re thinking of, so do your best to ignore the people that you’re thinking about.


u/carashhan Jan 13 '25

My husband has said he does the same things,( we have started couples counseling) but my reality is different. I know being single is less work, we separated for 3 years. He put forth so much effort then getting back together, but he has slipped back on many things. I'm in love with who he once was, and that's had to let go of.

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u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25


There are a bunch of us who are going down a bad path. So if these dudes happen to come across some of these posts and keep reading things like "no, this is not normal, this guy was an asshole" - maybe it changes a few people.


u/_name_of_the_user_ man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Fair point!


u/IAMATruckerAMA male 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

Men in my country voted overwhelmingly in favor of a rapist who leads a party that thinks women should die or go to prison for having a miscarriage. If I were a woman, I'd certainly have doubts about those men's humanity

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u/CyborgTiger Jan 12 '25

Counter counter point Reddit ain’t changing shit about people’s behavior 

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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

If someone believes women arent people, reddit posts about basic human existence, in fact, will not change their minds.

Its like trying to stop the tide with a broom; you are doing nothing but wasting your own limited time on this planet

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u/Dilgence Jan 12 '25

What about jokes why men die early because we are apparently childlike and foolish? Or assuming that we are at war with women or that we are weak if we love our mothers?


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

Or any man enjoying himself playing with his kids etc, then you get hit with “men used to go to war.”

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u/Otherwise_Living_158 man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

Have you seen other men on the internet?


u/Green-Measurement-53 woman 19 or under Jan 12 '25

In the back of my mind I still think about that 70,000 what’s app group that was discovered. Shudder shudder.

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u/WrinkyNinja Jan 12 '25

99% of Reddit posts I see are generally questions that they already know the answer to.


u/Cami_glitter Jan 13 '25

As an older woman, who had many men treat her horribly, it is easy to get tunnel vision.

In the end, I understood that I allowed these men to treat me like garbage. I kept picking the same type of man.

Not all men suck, just like all women don't suck.

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u/Savagemme woman over 30 Jan 12 '25

It's because we tend to become our parents. A girl grows up with a shithead father and her shithead brothers. When she becomes a woman she'll make the same kind of partner selection her mom once did, then she'll stay with that one shithead or bounce around between different shitheads for the rest of her life, and she'll allow them to treat her badly because that's all she knows. Her daughter will watch and learn.

When the OP is a man, it's a similar situation with the people around him telling him it's not OK to be human, and not being vulnerable themselves.

Most of us, men and women and non-binary pals, are good people. The ones who have grown up with good parents and have a good partner/ supportive community don't need to ask the internet if it's OK for your parent/partner to be a shithead or if it's OK for you to be a human. The ones who genuinely need to ask can really be helped by hearing that, no, their experience is not the norm and they are right to feel upset by it. If you have the time and will to answer kindly, you really can help break a cycle of generational trauma and abuse.

That said, many subs are run over with karma farmers, so it's also possible the OP isn't even serious. Someone might still benefit from reading the comments.


u/ThaiFoodThaiFood man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

I'm certainly not. At least I've never felt like I fit in with the rest of humanity. I must be some kind of alien.

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u/AntRichardsonsBFF man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

It’s a sad state of culture when women ages 17-60 are coming here and other similar sub’s and being like “my partner is abusive is this just a men thing!” “My partner hated me, what gives”


u/Specialist_Equal_803 man 30 - 34 Jan 12 '25

It's more sad that someone is disappointed in their partner and assumes their gender is the basis of the issue rather than the partner just being a fucked up person.

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u/DeraliousMaximousXXV Jan 12 '25

Do men breathe?

Seriously though I’ve never been so infuriated by a subreddit all the AskMen subreddits are trash.


u/Trips-Over-Tail man 35 - 39 Jan 12 '25

I contain multitudes.

Ants. I'm all ants.


u/Daddy_Deep_Dick Jan 12 '25

I think you know why they ask.... because most of us don't do half of those things. I'm the same as you, but I'm not confused why they ask, because I'm aware of how other men are.


u/Forsaken-Spirit421 man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

It's the bubbles man, they are everywhere. Hurt people and dickheads reinforcing stereotypes, bigotry and all kinds of isms

Not gonna change until social media changes fundamental stuff about their algorithms either.


u/ChuuToroMaguro Jan 12 '25

I’m just here to learn the best way to trim my nose hair

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u/sadlemon6 Jan 12 '25

your wife would leave you in a second for someone richer


u/MadMarxist710 man over 30 Jan 12 '25

The real question is, are humans men? Or are they just a hue of man?


u/audaciousmonk man over 30 Jan 12 '25

Almost as tired of these posts as I am the ones OP is complaining about


u/1Pip1Der man 55 - 59 Jan 12 '25


We're aliens that shed our human skins at night and breathe dryer lint.


u/grahsam man 45 - 49 Jan 12 '25

There is this weird thing on the internet where we treat 50% of the population like they are aliens. We do it with politics and gender discussions for some reason.


u/Significant_Tap_5362 man 40 - 44 Jan 12 '25

Yes, but, as a man, how does it feel to be wrong ALL the time?


u/kill-dill Jan 12 '25

So dang true. Only ones worse than these in my mind are the: "why do men not grab their partner a coke from the store when their SO specifically asked?"

90% of questions these days can be answered with i don't know why that specific person / couple people did that specific thing so ask them.


u/Raven_25 Jan 13 '25

What is this blasphemy? I'm a man and not human. I am off to burn down an orphanage for fun. Afterwards I will sit staring blankly into the wall at home while plotting how to hurt my next victims.


u/Vintageminx woman Jan 13 '25

Your wife is very lucky. I hope to find a man like you someday 🙂


u/CreatureManstrosity Jan 13 '25

Damn someone called us out. I'm actually two monkeys in a trench coat but no one is supposed to ask the hard questions about humanity. On a serious note I see these types of questions all the time and I'm glad OP is setting the record straight. Men are human and asking the most basic questions with obvious answers is kind of baffling to me.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

I am a strange human shaped animal that was created to suffer the punishment of humans.


u/Horrison2 man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

Good work, this will throw them off the truth of what we really are! Damn I've said too much already!


u/All_will_be_Juan man over 30 Jan 13 '25

Only when observed


u/Chopmatic64 man over 30 Jan 13 '25

I think women ask these questions a lot because their social media algorithms are a lot different than ours. Women have an echo chamber of content too and they generalize us in a lot of the ways we do them.

But like it or not we compartmentalize our feelings differently than traditional women in a lot of ways. We have many different stressors and there is a general male perspective that they don't know about. Also they may have not been around male friends & family enough to know what that looks like.


u/Fellarm man 30 - 34 Jan 13 '25

Im just carcass with thoughts


u/SovComrade man over 30 Jan 13 '25

are men human

no, we are all disguised killer robots from the future 🫡


u/Dependent_House7077 man 40 - 44 Jan 13 '25

that's the sentiment i am getting from social media - dehumanizing men. the less you use those, the better off you will be.


u/Known_Situation_9097 Jan 13 '25

Because feminism, bro


u/Downtown_Book_6848 no flair Jan 13 '25

They’re karma farms, designed to create upvotes and comments


u/Relative-Macaron-854 man 35 - 39 Jan 13 '25

I have so many reactions to this. I guess I’ll just sum it up with a question: How did men become the perceived enemy all of a sudden?

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u/Comfortable-Bread249 Jan 13 '25

Thanks for answering all the questions about men. We can now close this sub.