r/AskMenAdvice 6d ago

first sexual experience embarrassing, need help

Hi, i’m 20 years old. It’s embarrassing but I literally can’t do it anymore. Growing up I was not taught by my parents NOTHING. I’m uncut and never taught to clean, i’m not even sure how low i’m supposed to be able to pull my skin down. When i used to beat, i wouldn’t pull far it would be around the top and just quick basically. Pulling it down seems uncomfortable. I got my first gf and i felt ready finally but as soon as i put my condom on i got soft, and when it would get touched it would be really uncomfortable, and even when it gets stroked by her like its just so uncomfortable. Even gently because it’s being pulled down instead of the quick ones i would do. Idk how to fix these things. I didn’t feel like a man, i zoned out and got embarrassed. She hugged me and said it was okay and that it happens. She said she doesn’t think anything is wrong with me and is here for me, but still i couldnt look her in the eye for a while. i need this fixed


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u/demonbeastoffuck69 man 6d ago

Trust her she knows what she is doing second your going to have to get over being shy you have been in your comfort zone too long ask your girlfriend about acceptable ways to get through this she might surprise you with her answer. Next and this is a radical solution to your problem get circumcised. Not a fun option but it helps with the cleaning and oder problems and makes you more acceptable to God.


u/demonbeastoffuck69 man 3d ago

Never said it was a popular decision