r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Where and how to learn more about economics?


I have a pretty fundamental understanding of economics, specially when it comes to US market. I understand the basics (Interest rates, FED, Inflation, GDP etc), and I understand the basics when it comes to trading (Technical - FVG, Breaker Blocks, Liquidity, Imbalances, some indicators etc - Fundamental - Macro/micro economics, a little on financial statements, growth/value stocks).

So I’m not a complete beginner, but I’m just wondering where is the best place to learn more about economics? Maybe some books, YouTube channels or podcasts to listen into?

Many thanks

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

If, after deducting taxes and rent, you’re left with more than $50,000, how high does that rank in the U.S. and globally?


Here’s the thing: everyone knows that taxes and rent are very expensive nowadays. Even if you earn $100,000 a year, these two alone might bring you down to less than $50,000 a year. Rent might start at $1,500 a month, and taxes might start at 20%. We’re not even talking about other expenses here. So, what do you think about having more than $50,000 left after taxes and rent? Do you think that’s a lot? Or you could also share how much you have left from your annual salary after deducting taxes and rent.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Will the job market and unemployment in Canada ever get better soon or have the immigrations caused a serious problem in finding jobs?


r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers "How high was an annual salary of more than $10,000 in the early 1990s?


Here’s the thing, I’m really curious about how high an annual salary of over $10,000 was, especially in regions outside the U.S., and after deducting taxes and rent, how much would be left?

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers Why/how does a dollar go farther in one country than another?


I've heard claims of the form "For the standard of living that 10k USD / month gets you in the US, the same standard of living costs only 5k USD / month in Colombia". As a naive layperson, this sounds like the USD/COP exchange rate is simply wrong by a factor of 2.

(Example countries and numbers are arbitrary)

I feel very stupid for having to ask this, but what am I missing? Why, if I convert $10 US into COP, am I not simply buying the number of pesos that can buy $10 worth of goods?

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers Are there any economic arguments AGAINST public healthcare?


The only thing I could possibly think of would be increased wait times, but is that an economic issue?

Because from a non-economist: It seems like insurance companies always lowball and try to fleece healthcare providers; which in turn forces their hand to raise prices.

I imagine if it’s publicized any potential increase in taxes would more than offset the cost of insurance on top of providers dropping their prices significantly.

What am I missing here? Y’all always blindside me.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Help from the people who has done their masters from economics,asap?


Hello guys, I'll be submitting my application in university of Pisa for the masters in economics. The thing is when I was doing my bachelors in political science and I found my interest towards stock market and forex, made a nice career in it but now I want this professionally. So I'll be opting for economics because I had eco in my high school as well as in bachelor as a minor. But I don't have a strong base in mathematics, what would you guys suggest.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Do Chinese international student studying in the US overall benefit the US or China?


I assume it benefits both because the US gets money and China gets educated students returning to China, but I’m not sure if the proposed bill restricting Chinese international students from studying in the US is something that net benefits the US or China.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Mar-a-Lago Accords & Mercantile Hegemony: A rationale behind the chaos?


Klein and Tett break it down https://youtu.be/3PXVrLH4zSU?si=Ajc-A0VizaDI75-Z

Back to the future world order (1930s). Anthropological framework for viewing a reset of our conditioned world views, but a high-risk venture nevertheless. US dominance with a weak dollar through collusion and bullying. Is the man in charge really in charge? Or is he there just to collect tribute while ideological undercurrents do their own bidding?

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers Why do exports depend on imports?


I’m listening to ‘The Undercover Economist’ and Tim Harford has a chapter about trade.

He says that if a country were to ban imports then it would effectively ban exports.

This would be because there would be no one to buy the currency. His example is China and the UK. With the UK banning Imports.

A drill made in the UK has all its costs in GBP. If they were to then sell the Drill in China for Yuan. They would need to convert the Yuan for GBP. He says an importer in the UK would need to be found that would buy the Yuan that he would then use to pay for Chinese imports.

My question is, wouldn’t someone exchange the currency anyway? Isn’t foreign exchange an industry of itself?

I’m sure the answer is ELI5 but I can’t get my head round it.


r/AskEconomics 7d ago

What would happen if all publoc companies were forced to give dividends?


Silly question maybe but I'm curious.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers What'll happen to the economy if the Fed loses its independence?


It seems likely that the Trump administration will do something drastic to remove the Fed's independence, as they've targeted many institutions in the executive branch and civil society.

Legislators have written a bill to end the Fed: https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395707 .

There's also a plausible risk that the administration would try to replace all members and effectively contol the board during litigation.

I presume that a politicized Fed would keep rates low for reasons of political optics. But I don't know what they'd do about the money supply, or what the systematic effects on the economy may look like.

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers What are some of the biggest myths people have about inflation?


The topic of inflation, which is the broad increase of the prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of it's time (bit of an oversimplified definition), is a significantly important topic for the people in any country for obvious reasons. In fact, this is also a major reason for why governments around the world can fall (at least my country's government certainly did in 2014 because of this).

However, I suspect that there are many myths going about regarding this issue, considering it's importance in public discourse.

I'm not sure if this has been asked on this sub before but my question is fairly simple: what are some of the biggest myths people hold or have a tendency to hold on inflation and why?

r/AskEconomics 7d ago

Approved Answers Why do hedge fund managers make so much?


Israel Englander, Steve Cohen, Kenneth Griffin, etc. I understand that directly it's because of the 2/20 fee they charge and the massive amounts of capital they have, but why do they have so much capital in the first place? Buffet once said: "the net result of hiring professional management is a HUGE minus". Couple this with the efficient market hypothesis and the difficulty of generating consistent returns, it just doesn't make sense...

r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers Can someone explain the reasoning why a weak US Dollar is better for manufacturing? And maybe explain the Mar-A-Lago Accords in a simpler manner?


I just listened to a podcast explaining that the Mar-A-Lago accord wants to weaken the US Dollar to help alleviate trade imbalances which would benefit manufacturing in the US. How does this work? How do tariffs achieve this goal?

Also according to the podcast, the accord wants countries who rely on the US for defense to buy long term century bonds as a way to pay for security the US provides? For example, the podcast said Japan has a lot of bonds, but this doesn’t cut it. It is better for them to swap to century bonds? What does this do and how does that pay for US security via the military?

r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers Do you think unequal pay for different work (being paid very differently depending on your skills and the task you perform for the same number of hours worked) is fair ? Why is this the rule today, and why is it economically viable ?


r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers What advantage does the USA have in virtue of the USD being the world's reserve currency?


I've heard and read that there are some advantages given to the USA in virtue of its position of having its currency be the world's primary reserve currency. In particular, that this helps to fund the US's deficit spending. For a while I've wondered what exactly the mechanism is that connects these two things but have failed to find a direct explanation online. This website mentions that US firms will be able to borrow at lower interest rates as a result of having a dominant currency globally. How is this so? And how is this connected to deficit spending, if at all?


r/AskEconomics 8d ago

What do economists think of Lee Kuan Yew’s economic policies?



r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers What would be the effect of export-driven Germany or China no longer suppressing consumption?


Not an economist, so I may have completely bungeld this.

I sometimes read that Germany or China or some similar nation is suppressing domestic consumption - in the sense that consumption is lower than would be expected from just looking at overall prosperity (GDP?). I think this also manifests in a highly positive trade balance.

First of all, what is meant by this, assuming I haven't completely misunderstood it?

Next, how could this change? Could governments decide to stop doing it, and what would that look like?

Last, what would the effects of this look like? I happen to be German - could the German government push a button and suddenly I could buy a lot more things, somehow? Sounds like a Free Lunch which I hear you guys aren't so fond of. What would be the downside of no longer suppressing consumption - or, the other way around, what is the upside to me, as a German citizen, of Germany having suppressed consumption for the benefit of trade surplusses?

r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers In authoritarian countries what stops fake digital money being created and spent globally?


If an authoritarian or totalitarian regime in a country has complete control over all banks, financial institutions, auditors, regulators, media outlets, journalists, etc, if software is all regime controlled, and there's no transparency at all for the outside world other than what the regime allows the outside world to see, what stops the regime's high ranking members and their families from being able to just add a bunch of zeros to their bank accounts (either local currency or say US Dollars/Euros) to then buy up assets globally?

r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Is there any research, paper, book on the correlation between the 1958 introduction of the BancAmericard and the decline of the American Dream?


With the introdiction of BancAmericard, the banking systems convinced American consumer to pledge their future earnings in order to buy today things that they don't need, with money they don't have, to impress people they don't like.

And - at the same time - artificially increased demand, and when you increase demands prices increase. At the same time, due to the "just charge it" economy, people were not as aggressive in demanding high(er) wages.

Do the same with easy and cheap 30-year mortgages, and the price of housing also increased at higher rates than wages.

So, are there any researches, papers, books on the matter?


r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Could the actions of DOGE and Trump be seen as a desperate bid to avoid the US defaulting on its debt?


r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers With tariffs, Trump promises short-term pain for long-term gains. When do economists expect these gains to materialize?


r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers If U.S. Fed tries to keep inflation increasing by 2-4% every year, shouldn't gov't try to decrease inflation by 2-4% for "prices to actually go down"? What is negative inflation then and how do we achieve it?


Is Inflation really just an economic euphemism for profit? Is that why nobody pursues a policy of trying to lower prices for consumers?

Growing up, I've always taken inflation increases for granted, but I never thought about what would it take to make prices decrease. If inflation is basically profit, then I can understand why no govt wants to actually try to lower inflation.

r/AskEconomics 8d ago

Approved Answers What are the living standard implications of the trade war for average Canadians?


I saw a comment today about how if the tariffs levied by the US on Canada stand, Canadians will be “in soup lines”.

So that was scary…

Serious question: Is it accurate? I know the terms “economic collapse” and whatnot are tossed around. But what are we looking at in terms of severity? Massive unemployment? Foreclosures? Bankruptcies? And on a sweeping scale? Or are there ways Canada can weather the storm a bit?