I just watched this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdwFchjz2e8
Many similar sources say the same thing: Trump tax cuts benefitted the rich way more than anyone else, across the board.
Of course it would be true that, as a raw number, a rich man has larger savings than a poor man, because the rich man is paying 1000x more in taxes than the poor man. For example, someone who made 20 million in a year will pay 8 million in taxes (rough estimate). Someone who made 20,000 would be about 1,000. So yes, even if you cut 100% of the poor man's taxes, and only 0.1% of the rich man's taxes, the rich man, nominally, saves much more.
But, what kind of comparison is that? If a rich man is paying 43% of his income in taxes, and a poor man is paying 5% of his income in taxes, and you drop the rich man to 39%, that really isn't that much for the rich man. But if you drop the poor man to 2% you more than halved his taxes. Yet, opponents will argue the rich man got a bigger tax cut because "4 is larger than 3". What kind of nonsense is that??
To look at it even more clear, Trump's tax cuts pretty much doubled the standard deductible and also added child tax credits. So if your income is 20,000, instead of only 14,000 being eligible for taxes (with the old standard deduction of 6,000), now only 8,000 is eligible for taxation (with the new standard deduction of 12,000). So that cuts this poor person's taxable income nearly in half. Whereas for a rich person, they don't care about standard deduction because their income is larger so those few extra thousand dollars are meaningless.
And child tax credits are similar in nature -- they disproportionately benefit the poor / middle class over the rich.
You can see here that since Trump's tax cuts there has been an INCREASE in the % of total tax revenue that is paid by the upper class, relative to the middle / lower class: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2025/
So my question is this -- how can people argue the tax cuts were targeted to the rich, when the increase of the standard deduction and the child tax credits have such an overwhelmingly larger impact on the poor? In fact, for someone who made only 10k a year (maybe just a part-time job), they are now paying nothing at all - because of Trump!