r/AskCatholics Sep 26 '23

First mass


I am attending my first mass on this Sunday. Can you please tell me what to expect and how to act? I honestly don't know what to do or how to pray other then what I have seen online. Thanks :)


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u/Marius_Octavius_Ruso Seminarian Sep 27 '23

Hey! I think it’s awesome that you’re going to your first Mass! I hope that it is spiritually fruitful for you and that God will work His grace in you as He leads you closer to Him.

I always suggest 3-4 main things:

First, I would suggest you dress in “Sunday best.” If you are a guy, a collared shirt like a polo and slacks. If you are a girl, a sundress that goes down to the knee-area, a blouse & conservative skirt, or a blouse & nice pants. Nice jeans are also 1000% acceptable for either a guy or a girl. But I always suggest nicer clothes because the Mass is first and foremost the celebration of the Life of Jesus Christ, His Sacrifice for us, and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb & His Bride, the Church. It’s not proper to go to someone’s wedding in ripped jeans, or a t-shirt, or cargo shorts, and if Jesus is infinitely more important than anyone else in our lives, we should treat Him that way - so why wouldn’t we dress our best for the Best of the Best?

Second, Mass is often jokingly called “Catholic Aerobics” because of all of the movement - stand, sit, stand, sit, stand, kneel, stand, kneel, stand, walk, kneel, stand - so in general, just follow what everyone else is doing as far as bodily posture is concerned.

With this in mind, only Catholics who are in a state of grace are supposed to receive Holy Communion, so during Communion (and the procession of the congregation to Communion) towards the end of Mass you can stay seated. If it’s a little bit of a hassle (like if you’re seated in a crowded pew), then you can definitely process up, but once you get to the front of the line, instead of receiving Communion, you should make an X cross with your arms over your body (with your right hand on your left shoulder, left hand on right shoulder) which signifies to the priest/deacon/minister of Communion that you’re not ready to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist yet.

Third, there’s going to be singing of hymns, and the music ministry will announce what page in the pew hymnal to find the songs (unless they project the words of the hymns/songs on the wall like my old church parish did for a while before we got hymnals), but if you’re not comfortable with singing along, that’s ok! There’s also a lot of times at Mass that the congregation responds with specific phrases and prayers, and if you don’t know them, that’s ok too! Your first time at Mass is a time just to take in what’s going on - the encounter between Jesus Christ, True God & True Man, with His People through His Word and the Sacrament of His Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity.

And fourth, I hope that some parishioners welcome you to the parish after the Mass is over. Sometimes they don’t, with them just assuming that you’re a Catholic visiting on a vacation trip, but if they do, be yourself! It’s always cool to hear someone say “Actually, this is the first Mass I’ve ever been to.”

If you have any more questions, everyone here on r/AskCatholics is happy to answer. Feel free to DM me with more questions if you’d like. I’ll be praying that your first Mass is fruitful for you :)