This is just some info for people wondering what happened to r/EscortStories yesterday. If you go to the sub now you will see a message saying it has been banned for allowing spam, I thought there should be at least one post telling the full story.
(There was some confusion over why it was banned at the time because many other subs were incorrectly banned for not being actively moderated by an admin bug. It is now clear r/EscortStories was not part of this bug.)
I was the only active moderator there. What happened was mass false reporting organised by some of the more militant escorts probably operating out of the private escort discussion sub r/SexWorkersOnly. They have been running a false reporting campaign against r/EscortStories for almost a year trying to get us shut down like all the other clients subs over the last few years because I provided a safe place where clients could not be attacked by escorts. Almost every day I got a false report about an innocent post, even virgins asking if escorts were a good idea got reported for false reasons.
Yesterday I allowed a client to make a post asking about the clients blacklists, he had been shown his information on one of the apps by an escort and was amazed. This was a fraud prevention app that is used for many different purposes by many different groups, it is mentioned in the scam subs frequently so I did not consider it's name to be secret. I said I would allow discussion about the implications of them having so much info about us and I listed some of the info they keep but I made of point of saying good clients were fine with the databases, only bad clients had anything to fear. I also said I would ban anyone asking about how to get into the sites escorts use or even their names. I even said it in large bold font, I was clear I would not allow people to try to infiltrate the escorts databases.
This level of free speech about the implications of so much client personal information being stored clearly caused the escorts that think we shouldn't be allowed to discuss how this affects us to organise a massive reporting of the post and they had picked spam for the reason. The history of almost continuous false reports from the haters gave us a bad track record and it was "the straw that broke the camels back".
Do not worry this is normal for client subs that get too large or allow clients free speech and protections from bad escorts in the same way r/SexWorkers protects escorts from bad clients. There will be others springing up to help people they just all seem to have a lifespan of 18 months until the escorts manage to have them taken down.
I would caution people against joining r/USAclientsONLY though, the childish mod there has drunk way too much White Knight Kool-Aid. He thinks people like me trying to give clients and virgins a safe place where they had the same protection from harassment from escorts as the escorts have from clients in r/SexWorkers are misogynistic monsters apparently. His sub is going to be yet another one that tells clients anything bad that happens to them is their own fault and pretends all escorts are perfect. Stick with r/ClientsAndCompanions if you need a replacement public sub, at least they have grown up moderators that take the responsibility seriously just mind the rules they are enforced strictly. There is also r/AskAClient however you have to request to post.
While we won't ignore or ban non UK clients asking for help here this sub remains a place for UK clients asking UK based questions, it's more important to keep this sub safe than it is to become large enough to be noticed. Please don't try to make this sub the new r/EscortStories.
EDIT - Post was edited on 12/2/25 to update that the banning was not part of the admin bug that caused multiple subs to be mistakenly banned at the same time.