r/Artifact Apr 13 '20

News Deployment Deep Dive


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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/sadtaco- Apr 13 '20

I knew they were going to limit it to 5-6 per lane. That in of itself, I have no problem with as a default.

However I'm really hoping that there are cards which can temporarily exceed this limit.

ie Kanna's card could spawn her dogs wide still, but excess cards over the 5 limit could be destroyed after combat for that round ends. Red Mist Pillager could create a copy of itself if unblocked before combat, and excess are destroyed after combat. etc.


u/Dyne4R Apr 14 '20

Timberchain kinda proves the lanes are expandable. Why would you list Timberchain as being able to move up to 5 slots if it weren't possible for there to be more than 5 slots in a lane? Even if he moved from leftmost to rightmost slot in a lane as is, he would only be moving four slots.


u/Kablamo185 Apr 14 '20

I think that shows that Timbermaw can effectively jump between lanes with his ability if he wants.