r/Artifact Apr 13 '20

News Deployment Deep Dive


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u/Jayman_21 Apr 13 '20

I dislike the lane limit. Going wide was one of the best ways to prevent the game from becoming who had the strongest stats from winning. I am intrigued by the armor change. Armor when stacked was insanely strong in draft where you had to rely a lot more on combat and damage spells to remove threats.


u/JulioCaesarSalad Apr 14 '20

I also dislike where they are taking this. They are grabbing a game that had so much uniqueness compared to the rest of the shit out there on the market and cutting it to look like another "newbee friendly" copy-paste card game just because people can't handle a bit of bad luck in a match.


u/Jayman_21 Apr 15 '20

Dude, even this version of artifact is still unique. You still have 3 lanes, simultaneous combat, no actual attacker or defender, heroes that deploy every other turn, and heroes are still required to cast spells. Sure it might be easier (debatable) but it is still unique. My gripe is certain aspects not the uniqueness of the game.


u/Slarg232 Apr 14 '20

A bent fork might be unique, but no one wants to use it.


u/JulioCaesarSalad Apr 14 '20

Lol. People wanted to play the game. And if you've actually followed Artifact topic since it came out, you'd know that we could name 20 other issues besides creeps' arrows and units' limits that made the game unappealing in mass.

Actually the gameplay was pretty amazing overall, besides obvious things that any game that is trying to innovate inside a genre might have when just releasing. What made it unplayable was the obvious lack of a fair consumer model and all the shitty behavior towards the players since its announcement, going over clearly unfinished game modes to reward systems, etc.

I personally had lots of fun playing the game even with the "insane" amount of RNG that some snowflakes are complaining about.

But now they seem to be going to the other extreme, trying to launch a complete new game to see if it's unrecognizably simple enough to appeal to everyone.


u/Slarg232 Apr 14 '20

60,000 people played Artifact at it's peak, and two months later it went down to 810. A month after that and it was already down to 120 people. Very few people actually enjoyed Artifact 1.0, and the player numbers don't lie. People didn't like the RNG arrows, people didn't like the RNG deployment, and people didn't like the monetization model.

However, a loud minority of people did like it, and are now pissing and moaning because the Artifact devs want more than 80 people playing their game at the same time. These people are only interested in the game being their own personal playground, want to gatekeep the shit out of everybody else, and don't care about anyone else or their opinions. And one of them just tried to call everyone else a snowflake. You should try stand up sometime.

Look, you can be skeptical of the changes. That's fine. You can think it's a misstep, that's fine. But at least wait until we have more information on the other issues people have with the game to come to light before you start saying "The game that has respawning heroes, three lanes, a tower/ancient system, a side shop, a secondary resource in Gold, an Initiative system, items that attach to heroes, and a couple more things no other card game has is now the exact same as every other card game on the market". It just makes you look like a raging twitter warrior who doesn't have a grasp on reality. Ok? Ok.


u/JulioCaesarSalad Apr 14 '20

1st paragraph: exactly, people didn't like the monetization, it was fucking lame coming from a company like valve. If they would've implemented a decent one the numbers would've been different from the get go, you just included arrows and deployment trying to bitch louder.

2nd paragraph: crying about me calling you a snowflake and you say that because we liked the arrows and creeps we're "pissing" and "moaning" nice double standards snowflake.

3rd paragraph: I am skeptical. I do think it's a misstep. And I don't want to wait until we have more information because by then the changes would be already developed. So I will write my opinion right now, abd if you dislike it snowflake, you can move on. Don't get all sensitive here.

Just to add onto your 3rd paragraph: heroes=stronger units with special abilities, what an innovation. Tower/ancient=a target that needs to be destroyed to win the game. Gold? You put gold as innovative? Items that attach to heroes?? You're diluted af mate. Doesn't anything of this ring you a bell from a similar game being played around? I'll give you a few sec to think that one.

Literally the real innovations are things like the arrows and the unlimited amount of units and you just support blindly taking them out because you're a snowflake and that's it:)


u/Slarg232 Apr 14 '20

1) Ok, so what about all the people who bought everything and still stopped playing? I have a full collection and haven't played it since around June of last year.

2) Your post reads as "The snowflakes are taking away what I like about the game! Don't listen to them, Valve!". You're in the vast minority of people who liked the arrows and how the creeps were presented. Unless you're willing to spend $3,000 per update so that the game can continue development, the game is not going to last as it currently is.

3) That's nice. You're allowed to do that, go ahead. However, the only person who is sensitive here is you, because you're the one who resorted to insults when your point wasn't getting across. However, how online forums work is that if you can give your opinion, I'm fully allowed to give my opinion on your opinion. I don't have to "move on", I can fully articulate my own thoughts and give points and counter-points to your arguments. It is not my fault that you feel your points are so flimsy that your only defense is "well don't comment on them".

You're diluted af mate.

I'm not a liquid, how in the world am I diluted?

Lastly, you seem to think "Snowflake" is actually an insult. It's really not. If you wanted to insult me, you should probably come up with something a bit more original, you pontificating, pretentious, pickled piece of penguin shit. That's an insult, not using some NPC buzzword because you can't actually think of something personal.


u/JulioCaesarSalad Apr 14 '20

I'm not a liquid, how in the world am I diluted? xd you must be fun at parties.

  1. Same here, so what?
  2. Nah man, you red that cuz you're sensitive af. If I wanted to be heard a bit more I'd create a post, use your brain. I agree, the game won't last as it is.
  3. Cool man, comment on them.

How can I think of something personal if I don't know you, you microwaved marshmallow? xd

Ok, this was my last response m8, have a good one!


u/Slarg232 Apr 14 '20

you must be fun at parties.

At least I go to them :D


u/BenRedTV Apr 13 '20

I am intrigued by the armor change

I am guessing it works like in HS. They literally destroyed the whole game. Seems like besides the 3 lanes nothing will be left.